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Everything posted by blowfish

  1. All jet engines do now. Thrust varies with air density according to a curve in the config.
  2. If you look closely at the way the stock gear are built and the way the way the adjustable gear move, you'll see that this isn't possible. The stock gear have an arm attaching the lower and upper parts, which must be able to separate in order to be adjustable.
  3. If you have KSP 1.0 it won't show up because it's incompatible. If you want to keep using FAR you need to stay on 0.90, or download the experimental voxel aero branch, but of course there will be unresolved issues (which ferram4 has mentioned).
  4. Be aware that nukes are somewhat inoperable at the moment, particularly in vacuum. Hopefully this will be fixed in 1.0.1.
  5. spaceBrezel: HyperEdit (or launch) that into space and see how long you can get the engine to run. I doubt it will be nearly as long.
  6. It might be worth exploring the thermal debug options. I know there is a multiplier for radiative cooling. I haven't tested it yet, but increasing it might make nuclear engines somewhat more manageable.
  7. It appears to, yes. I've gotten engines to flame out near sea level with a high AoA.
  8. AFAIK ferram4 said that NuFAR is still using wing modules for wings, though that may change in the future.
  9. Without flameouts and while still maintaining enough thrust to accelerate (as jet thrust is now altitude dependent)?
  10. Really though, there's no excuse for mod authors not distributing textures as DDS now.
  11. What do you make of the new heating system? It seems to make spaceplanes start exploding before Mach 3, even though the RAPIERS for instance are good to Mach 5.5 at least. Perhaps DRE's update will make it a little more sensible?
  12. And another, with a larger payload: The 6x RAPIER clusters aren't very pretty, but they're an acceptable substitute for a larger engine and they allow a nuke to be hidden in the center, giving 1.4km/s after in orbit (without using any fuel from the payload). The small wings also mean a rather high takeoff speed, but not any faster than what's planned for the actual skylon (upon which this is evidently based).
  13. Yeah, the re-entry heating is kind of insane right now. If you find settings which make re-entry interesting without causing spaceplanes to explode on the way up, let me know. For now I'm just disabling it.
  14. Hmm. I could have sworn it was there. I suppose Lilleman (or someone else) will need to update this then.
  15. DDSLoader previously required textures to be flipped. That may not be the case with the stock loader now (haven't checked). If dds4ksp is causing in-game flipped textures, toggle the flip textures settings in the conversion options before reconverting (it defaults to true).
  16. It should. DDSLoader is no longer required but you still need something to convert textures to DDS, i.e. this.
  17. Is it just me, or does the new aero heating seem to keep things from even approaching mach 3 without engine flameouts? Anyway, first attempt at an SSTO in 1.0, with heating off...
  18. It continues. The new aerodynamics are better than before but nowhere near the level of detail and realism that FAR offers.
  19. It's possible that the new aerodynamics will require some modifications, but it's hard to say until 1.0 is released. The thrust/Isp of engines may need to be tweaked to account for the fact that thrust now changes with Isp. Most other things should work fine though.
  20. Firespitter.dll is broken. Please follow my instructions a page or two ago for replacing it.
  21. Nice! Having both canards and elevators is an interesting solution, since it allows the pitching surfaces to not stall without inducing a strong pitching moment which would either cause you to stall out of control or kill your AoA. Has this solution been used on any real aircraft? - - - Updated - - - Do you have B9 installed? B9 nerfs them further, but it's in a cfg you can delete easily.
  22. Based on the fact that jet engines will now reduce thrust with density, I suspect that any sort of intake spamming as we know it today will become irrelevant.
  23. The "doubled" textures you see mean that firespitter.dll is broken. The version packaged with B9 5.2.8 works, so overwrite it with that one and make sure there's only one in your GameData folder. Also, you need to change the permissions on that file for others to be able to view it.
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