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Everything posted by blowfish

  1. It's based on maxT3 in the configs. You can increase that or turn on the ignore max temperature cheat (it's in the normal KSP cheat settings). On a real engine, you would melt the compressor by going too fast though.
  2. Can you provide the log (just KSP.log or output_log.txt will do) from when you actually experienced the crash? It doesn't look like ModuleManager was installed when that output_log.txt was generated E: that output_log.txt is from KSP 1.3.1 - maybe it was just left over in an upgraded install? Unity writes that file to %AppData%/LocalLow/Squad/Kerbal Space Program/ now
  3. Everything is community maintained. Unlike Making History itself, no one is getting paid for this. If you want to add it, make it yourself!
  4. B9PartSwitch v2.6.0 for KSP 1.6.1 Recompile against KSP 1.6.1 Fix misspellings in fatal error and serious warning handlers
  5. Ah right, for those engines Squad hid the old ones and the new ones are entirely new parts. So they need configs.
  6. It's always been that way. The question is of this mod being marked as compatible with KSP 1.6
  7. Not completely sure, I think that might be related to a part missing it’s bulkhead profiles ... apparently KSP doesn’t deal with that very well
  8. What KSP version? If it's 1.6, I would avoid using mods with it for the moment due to a known issue which we're looking at. If not, please upload KSP.log for us to inspect, that usually has some clue as to what the issue is. And welcome to the forums!
  9. I have been informed it might be related to this E: If that doesn't help then let me take a look at you KSP.log and ModuleManager.ConfigCache
  10. Do you know what's supposed to provide the DS_H20 tank type? Something is trying to use it but can't find it. If you don't know I might be able to figure it out based on the log and ModuleManager.ConfigCache
  11. If you really must use mods with 1.6 right now (and I highly recommend against it), you can do this: every time you change your installed mods (add, remove, or upgrade), start KSP and let it load to the main menu. Then quit and without changing anything reload KSP. ModuleManager should load from cache the 2nd time which will greatly decrease your chance of seeing these issues. But it's a pain and I still don't recommend it. And since I forgot last time, welcome to the forums!
  12. Ahh, missed some context since it wasn't quoted. There is a ModuleManager 3.1.2, the thread title just hasn't been updated. But B9PartSwitch doesn't depend on any specific ModuleManager version. And yes, the issue is stock (though ModuleManager does some stuff which makes it worse)
  13. Yes, that is the correct thread for ModuleManager related inquiries
  14. I don't believe so, but I also believe most of Squad is taking time off right now.
  15. @Tonka Crash avoid using mods with 1.6 for now, there's a rather serious issue which ModuleManager makes much worse (I think this is likely a manifestation of that). Squad is aware of it, currently waiting until the new year to see if they'll fix or not (fixing on the ModuleManager side would not be ideal). If you absolutely have to use 1.6 with mods, let KSP load to the main menu, quit, and then reload KSP without changing anything (so that ModuleManager loads from cache) and do this every time you add, remove, or change a mod.
  16. Yes, you're trying to edit a MODULE that isn't there. Remember that @MODULE looks for an existing module but does nothing if it isn't found
  17. There is an issue with 1.6.0 which is made considerably worse by the presence of ModuleManager so I'm not doing anything with mods yet. Waiting until the new year to see if Squad addresses it or not, it sounds like they are aware at least.
  18. I think this should be possible. Something like @PART { @attachRules[3] = 1 } I'll break that down a bit: @PART edits every PART node (note that this is only true for root notes) @attachRules will edit the attachRules value within that node (if there is one) [3] will target the 4th value (it's zero-indexed), separated by commas (you can specify another separator but it's not necessary here) Also be aware that I haven't actually tried this patch this so I might be forgetting something
  19. Seems like something's not activating properly, I'd need to see KSP's log to figure out what.
  20. I would need to know more about the setup of the parts in question.
  21. I was able to replicate the issue without ModuleManager by deleting PartDatabase.cfg, so I think the problem lies in how KSP is generating that
  22. People with unmodded installs are seeing this too. I really don't think it has anything to do with MM E: Seems that after verifying and re-copying you also need to delete PartDatabase.cfg
  23. @theJesuit I'm guessing you want to modify the original module, rather than remove it? Something like @PART[blah] { @MODULE[ModuleB9PartSwitch] { @SUBTYPE[whatever] { TEXTURE { texture = path/to/texture } } // and the rest } } Having a transform inside a texture node doesn't actually enable/disable the transform, it only tells the texture switch to change textures on that GameObject
  24. Yes, should be possible! Maybe check the wiki/other people's configs for the texture switching syntax and let me know if you have any points of confusion.
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