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Everything posted by blowfish

  1. Thanks. It looks like there's an incompatibility between Near Future Launch Vehicles and Modular Fuel Tanks/Real Fuels. I've submitted a pull request to fix it here: https://github.com/ChrisAdderley/NearFutureLaunchVehicles/pull/64 E: You also helped me determine that one of those error messages isn't displaying correctly in the logs...
  2. I believe you, I guess I'm saying that it seems like the presence/absence of Textures Unlimited isn't the full story. I'm sure Shadowmage could benefit from seeing your logs to determine where the fix isn't working as intended.
  3. Installing just Textures Unlimited and running with -force-d3d11 resulted in no icon issues for me (KSP 1.5.x)
  4. No reusable doors. The assumption is that you sort of want them for ascent but then you're in space so you might as well discard them. They would also be somewhat problematic to add given that the hangars were designed without them. It looks like B9 Procedural Wings + Infernal Robotics for the hinge. That's the only way you'll get rotating wings.
  5. It's slightly different than variables. The first character is the same but then after that it's just a path to the node you want to paste. No $ signs to interpolate
  6. Yeah, see here: https://github.com/KSP-RO/AJE/blob/6fff65c3ca7294607819e90c8c8e8599b131266f/GameData/AJE/Inlets/Squad.cfg#L8
  7. Advanced Jet Engine v2.12.0 for KSP 1.5.1 Recompile against KSP 1.5.1 Fix Chinese localization not showing up Tweak Chinese translations Various rotor tweaks
  8. SolverEngines v3.7.0 for KSP 1.5.1 Recompile against KSP 1.5.1
  9. Ok I see. As far as I can tell there's no way to do variable searches in regex replacements. I think what you can do is just use everything as variables though. Might even be able to it in on statement (haven't tested this) @description = #$description$ <color=yellow>Engine spool up delay $spoolUpDelay$ seconds.</color>.
  10. Not sure I follow. Could you try explaining that again? Start with what you want to accomplish.
  11. You also need to install Textures Unlimited (separate folder within GameData)?
  12. It's really a question of the dependencies working
  13. It would look something like !PARENT:HAS[#parentID[stability]] { }
  14. The exceptions are not related to B9. I'd like to help, but there's really nothing I can do unless you make sure every plugin you're using is verified to work on KSP 1.5.x
  15. And I see that Firespitter has not had a new release. There's really nothing I can do for B9 as a whole until all the dependencies are confirmed to be working.
  16. What I'm getting at is are you sure that all the dependencies were build for KSP 1.5.x? I just released a new version of B9PartSwitch to fix a 1.5.x specific issue yesterday, for instance.
  17. All the dependencies are up to date (B9PartSwitch, Firespitter, etc)? If so, what's broken? I wouldn't expect any major changes between 1.4.x and 1.5
  18. B9PartSwitch v2.4.5 for KSP 1.5.1 Fix issues with resource switching and stock delta-v simulation code Exception when copying a part in the editor Delta-v simulation was probably off as well
  19. Thanks. I'm looking into this. It seems to have something to do with the new delta-v simulation code expecting the resources to be in a particular state. I agree that it has nothing to do with Editor Extensions.
  20. I believe it will create the name if it doesn't already exist Config cache is always the best place to verify though.
  21. Ah, just something minor. Your patch explicitly requires ModuleEnginesFX but the part actually has regular old ModuleEngines. If you're feeling too lazy to figure out which one is the correct one (or if it might change based on what other mods are installed), you can always use ModuleEngines* where the * will match anything (or nothing)
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