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Everything posted by blowfish

  1. AJE is out of date. You have v2.7.1 but should have v2.7.3. You also have two versions of MM. You can delete the old one, but this probably isn't causing any issues.
  2. Welcome to the forums! Sounds like something is not working as intended, but I can't tell what just based on what you said. The first step is to verify that you have everything installed correctly. Make sure you're on the correct KSP version (1.2.2), and that ModuleManager, SolverEngines, and AJE are all installed and up to date. If all that is correct, please provide KSP's log so that I can inspect it. Instructions on how to find and upload it are in the first link in my signature. For most of these issues, the log reveals the problem immediately (whereas it's impossible to know the issue just based on the fact that something isn't working).
  3. Once it's been out for a week or so and no one has found any serious issues, I'll bump the version to 1.0 and publish it on CKAN. I'll let you know when that happens.
  4. Yes, the idea being that if you're decoupling the payload, you probably want the fairing out of the way too. There are three ways the fairing can get deployed: (1) reaching the auto deploy altitude and having that enabled, (2) going into the part action menu and clicking deploy, and (3) staging The interstages are not included. But those were always fixed length, and are still part of KW Rocketry Redux
  5. Hey all, I've finished implementing the old fairings under my new plugin. Check it out here:
  6. Simple Adjustable Fairings Features Single part fairings with a simple length adjustment Fairings are transparent in the editor so that you can build your payload easily (they can also be opened) Clean, clamshell deployment every time. No confetti, no fiddling with the deployment force. Automatic deployment at altitude. The altitude is adjustable and this can be disabled. Compatible with both FAR and stock aero Requirements Please use the version of KSP specified in the download. Other versions will probably not work. You do not need KW Rocketry installed. All the required assets are included. Downloads Downloads are on Github (for now the KW Rocketry fairing pack is the only one available) The plugin and fairings are in the same download, but you must install both folders to GameData You can also download just the plugin here Also available on CKAN. If you install via CKAN, select the KW Rocketry Pack (which will also install the plugin) Changelog Plugin KW Rocketry Fairing Pack What this mod aims to do Provide an easy to use, good looking fairings that can be used with most payloads. What this mod does not aim to do Replace the stock procedural fairings completely. They are still useful for interstages, aeroshells, and weirdly shaped payloads. Known Issues I've tested this mod for bugs, but I can't catch everything. If you see issues in the following areas definitely let me know Whether the back of the fairing renders when it is transparent seems to be inconsistent Not Tweakscale compatible Code Plugin code available on Github License The plugin is distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License The KW Rocketry Fairings are distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (consistent with their original license) Credits Plugin by @blowfish KW Fairings by @Kickasskyle and @Winston KW Rocketry is now maintained by @linuxgurugamer Original (old) KW Rocketry thread KW Rocketry Redux thread
  7. Sarbian posted a prerelease version for KSP 1.2.9 a few pages back which has all of the latest changes. But you should also be able to compile with xbuild after installing mono. Would look something like xbuild /p:Configuration=Debug /p:ReferencePath="/path/to/ksp/KSP_x64_Data/Managed" ModuleManager.sln
  8. @Temeter 559.1 lbf = 2487 kN. Two of them would have more thrust than the RD-180, but not a lot more (Aerojet Rocketdyne's plan to replace the RD-180; they also proposed an LFB for SLS with 3 pairs per booster).
  9. AR-1 is looking more and more like a pork project without a purpose. I am even skeptical of their claim that it would be a drop-in replacement for the RD-180 (or at the very least the rocket's payload capability would be significantly reduced since it's a lower performance engine).
  10. @linuxgurugamer unfortunately it doesn't look like there's an or operator inside a HAS block. Just checked the code.
  11. @dlrk If you remove the FOR does it work? MM shouldn't have any trouble processing NEEDS on that.
  12. It's mostly code so nothing too interesting visually, but I will leave this here:
  13. @Friend0rags I'm actually working on a mod that will bring back the old fairings with some enhancements. Stay tuned...
  14. Welcome to the forums! There are two nodes on most of those engines. One of them has the mounting structure, the other does not. It can be a little fiddly to get the correct one in the editor, but not to difficult with some practice.
  15. Sarbian is a master modder and an expert troll. This thread proves both.
  16. That's not really the way it works. The way mass modification of parts works is that KSP gives you the base mass of the part and asks you how much you want to modify it by. There's no chaining, each mod processes this independently.
  17. Shouldn't be. There's nothing in there that demands any keyboard controls.
  18. Good to hear that at least the cause is straightforward. I'm less familiar with stock intakes but it should be the case that the direction of the intake is the same in AJE and stock. Maybe the stock code depends less on the exact orientation.
  19. Confirmed and known. I've already fixed some issues in my branch of MM, but a few still remain. In the mean time stick with 1.2.2 for a modded install (this should go without saying)
  20. Hmm, again, nothing is obviously stands out to me. If you can tell me exactly what part from which mod it is, I can try it myself and see if I can diagnose the problem.
  21. It's a bug in RF, it'll be fixed in the next release. It's not limited to KW Rocketry. (well, I actually think it's a stock bug where the KSP reports the wrong ambient temperature on a detached vessel for the the first couple of frames after it detaches, but it will be fixed in RF regardless)
  22. Hmm, that looks right to me. Are you sure that the intake transform is pointing the right way? It could be that you're loosing thrust because the intake doesn't see itself as being pointed into the airstream.
  23. Yeah, I noticed that issue in the QuizTechAero configs. Will be fixed. I don't think it occurs anywhere else. Could you show me the config you're using. It should be copying one of the default TPR curves, maybe that part isn't working? You've confirmed that it's only this part - other intakes work fine?
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