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Everything posted by blowfish

  1. I managed to make a new engine "mount" out of existing assets, curious if anyone is actually interested in it. Basically I took the top dome from the upper stage tanks and allowed it to be used on the bottom as well, with appropriate setup for nodes and RCS. Definitely lacks the detail of many of the other engine mounts (tanks, fuel lines, other greebles). Shown here, approximating something like a 2 engine Centaur:
  2. KSPCore, KSPUtil, and a couple of other DLLs were removed in KSP 1.2 (KSPCore didn't really contain much anyway). Their contents are now in Assembly-CSharp. You can safely remove the references.
  3. Not directly. There might be other ways to identify these parts though, for instance if the part names all use the same prefix or if they all have the same author. You need a condition on the patch @module[myModule]:HAS[#bar] { %foo = #$bar$ }
  4. It was working the last time I checked. You'd need to do the same for SolverEngines to make it work though.
  5. It might be possible to just have no default IVA on the part, detect when the active vessel is changed, and spawn the correct IVA with code. I think this is getting into special use cases that are a bit outside the scope of B9PartSwitch though...
  6. @Dastardly what variable are you holding constant? If it's tank volume then your results are not surprising because of the densities. Try keeping vessel mass constant.
  7. I haven't looked, to be honest. There might be some setup that KSP does when the part is first loaded.
  8. Have you tried Editor Extensions? It provides some neat features for vertical and horizontal centering
  9. Welcome to the forums! Yes, it's purposeful. Jet engines need to have air flowing through them even at idle, meaning that they will produce thrust.
  10. Yeah, known issue. Fortunately it's harmless because the model has another collider that behaves properly. And as Flashblade said, without the source files it would be very hard to fix.
  11. Because I might revisit this in the future, I'm curious what you were hoping for here. Did you expect that if both modules thought the node should be enabled, then it would be enabled (but otherwise disabled)?
  12. @Jiraiyah It won't work like that. Only one module can manage any particular node. I think you'll just have to have a separate subtype for every configuration you want.
  13. I'm not sure where you're getting this "thrust would become so low" part from. Could you cite it? And at any rate, it shouldn't matter. Fuel flow and air flow will be roughly proportional regardless, so there's only so much heat you can extract from the incoming air (whereas incoming temperature will keep increasing as you go faster). You will melt the compressor eventually, there's no way around that.
  14. As for avoiding explosions, there are a couple of features I've thought of. One is auto-throttling to avoid compressor overheat, another is (specifically for the SABRE) auto-switching the engine mode when the compressor temperature gets close to the limit.
  15. Actually the sources I've seen suggest that the SABRE's is limited to about Mach 5.5 by compressor heating. Temperature rises a lot with Mach number and the cooling loop/fuel can only absorb so much heat.
  16. I've thought about this, and I think it might be possible, but there's a very good chance it wouldn't work for every module, just because some aren't set up to handle this. Simpler ones would probably be fine though. At the very least though, this would have to come with no warranty - either a module works or it doesn't, as there's no way I could add custom handling for every module that required it, particularly mod modules.
  17. The offending mod is KerbalReusabilityExpansion - I would suggest talking to the author about this patch: KerbalReusabilityExpansion/Trunk/TrunkFin_FAR.cfg
  18. My guess is that some other mod has a FOR[FerramAerospaceResearch] patch that's messing things up. Logs would definitely point to what it is. Be sure to delete MM's cache before loading KSP to generate the log so that it actually shows what's being done.
  19. The sha generation is already pretty fast. MM only needs to look at the individual files to generate the sha for caching. Once it's actually applying patches, everything is already loaded by KSP. Also, creation nodes may have NEEDS and patches applied internally.
  20. It doesn't make sense though. Either the engine needs a precooler to operate at any speed, or it doesn't work with a precooler. In the case of the SABRE, heat extracted in the precooler is a major component (and at higher speeds nearly all of) the energy that goes into driving the compressor (the helium loop extracts heat from the precooler and the preburner, dumps waste heat in the incoming fuel, and uses the resulting work to drive the compressor). It might be possible to have a methane-powered engine where the fuel is pumped directly through the precooler, but AJE doesn't have anything like that currently.
  21. The ISP of 460s is on LH2. For balance with denser fuels in a smaller solar system, 340 is about right. If you're using a mod that changes to LH2 and not seeing a change in rocket-mode Isp, well, that's the responsibility of whatever mod is changing the fuel (not AJE) What they give as the air-breathing Isp seems to depend on the source somewhat. The most recent sources I've seen give 4000-9000s.
  22. No, final patches should run after every named pass. If you're unsure, you can always check the log to see what order patches are applying in (unless MM is loading from cache, in which case you can delete the cache and reload to see it)
  23. You will see such things pretty commonly in mods that rely heavily on MM patches. The basic idea is to make sure that the patch runs after nearly every other patch. So if something is modifying some resource volumes or copying parts with modified parameters this patch will only operate on the final state. If you need something to happen after this patch is applied, you can always put it as AFTER[zzz_CryoTanks] or anything else with more 'z's (e.g. FOR[zzzz_MyMod] )
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