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Everything posted by blowfish

  1. All the source code files are in the project directory. The Visual Studio project just knows about all the files and how to compile them.
  2. Many plugin developers post their code on Github, which is great but git itself has quite a learning curve.
  3. Simplest way is to just include the entire project folder in the download (or as a separate download).
  4. It's plausible, I guess. I can't speak for Shadowmage, but for me, if I were modeling the engine, I'd still want to see the other side.
  5. Still not enough detail to make an accurate engine I don't think. Given that it's FFSC, there should be a second, somewhat different turbopump assembly hidden behind there somewhere.
  6. There are a few reasons they might have in mind - Methalox has a slightly higher specific impulse for the same changer pressure - You can't do FFSC with kerosene - They want to use as much of the same technology for the lower and upper stages as possible. The two engine variants will have different nozzles but all the same tuebomachinery. - Methane might be somewhat less taxing on the engine in the long term compared to kerosene (or hydrogen), however methane hasn't been studied much in engines.
  7. QuizTechAero Continued has a patch marked :FOR[FerramAerospaceResearch] - please inform the author that this will break things.
  8. RO support is mostly there (that's provided by RO). I suspect RP-0 support much less so. Especially if you're using TestFlight.
  9. I think it would be difficult to make a SSTU-quality Raptor given that they've only released one low-resolution render so far.
  10. Correct, the numbers I gave are pure speed, which is not the same as delta-v expended. A lot is lost to gravity, especially on the first stage, and a bit is lost to drag and to steering.
  11. I build a plane with one B9 Turbojet and two Panthers, tried pulling some 20g turns, and was unable to see any breaking, or even bending, on any of them (stock aero, no KJR). So I'm not quite sure what to say. If you can give a specific craft (with only stock and B9 parts) and circumstances that reproduce the issue reliably, maybe I can investigate more, but for now it looks like I can't reproduce.
  12. It's actually not even close to orbit to orbit at separation. Musk's presentation gives the speed at separation as 8650 km/h, or 2400 m/s. This is far short of orbit, which is at least 7700 m/s depending on exactly where your parking orbit is.
  13. Back before 1.0 aero changes, B9 didn't really work well with stock aero, but that's no longer the case. breakingForce=75 should just override the default value which is 22, so this should mean higher breaking tolerance. Which B9 engines specifically are you trying with this? I'll try to reproduce when I have time.
  14. Not sure what might be causing this ... are the stock jets any different in this regard?
  15. As the author of B9PartSwitch, you can blame me for this, and you can continue to blame me until 1.2 official is out as I have no intention of releasing anything while the KSP API is unstable (even though I've fixed all the current issues).
  16. Aerojet Rocketdyne lists it as 1380 psia, or 9.515 MPa. Compare to the RS-68 at 10.26 MPa, and the RS-25 at 20.64 MPa
  17. A sea level rated J-2X would probably have about the same performance (Isp, TWR), as the RS-68 (maybe slightly worse). There's only so much performance you can squeeze out of a gas generator cycle. The RS-25 might be expensive, but almost no other engines come close in terms of performance.
  18. PartResource used to derive a MonoBehaviour, meaning it required special code to create and destroy (GameObject.AddComponent and UnityEngine.Object.Destroy), but it is no longer, so that special handling no longer needs to exist (normal constructors will work and it will get cleaned up by garbage collection once no more references exist) That change is documented here
  19. part.Effect is C# code which runs an effect in the EFFECTS node of the part. If you want to know how to set individual effects up in the EFFECTS node I recommend looking at the stock part .cfg files
  20. Sounds like something is throwing an exception. No way to tell what without seeing logs. Please read "How to get support" in my signature for instructions on how to find and upload KSP's log.
  21. Yes, in most cases part-only mods shouldn't be broken by 1.2
  22. Mechjeb isn't required, the module is only added in the presence of Mechjeb.
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