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Everything posted by blowfish

  1. Yes. You can set reference paths in the project settings, and it will also look for DLLs there (this is set in the csproj.user file, which shouldn't be included in source control and thus won't be shared when you compile on a different platform/computer). I also remove the hint paths from the project file, but I don't think that's necessary.
  2. Some tailless planes use split airbrakes on each wingtip for yaw control, see this image. You need a pretty good flight control system to deal with that though, and I'm not sure SAS or any other system in KSP is up to the task.
  3. Welcome to the forums! Please read "how to get support" (first link in my signature) - it will tell you how to find and upload KSP's log. Nothing special should be needed to get the parts to show up, so something must be installed incorrectly, and examining the log will usually reveal what it is.
  4. Nice! Does this allow them to be found using Shader.FInd / whatever the stock mu loading code does? If not, I can poke around and try to figure out how this works...
  5. I know there's a way to spawn contracts through the debug window, I haven't quite figured out how it works though.
  6. KSP loads all assets before it loads configs, so there's not really a way to prevent them from loading without knowing beforehand and deleting/renaming them. A part may actually come from multiple .mu files using MODEL nodes. For textures, you can access them through the renderers, something like this: HashSet<string> textureNames = new HashSet<string>(); foreach (MeshRenderer renderer in part.FindModelComponents<MeshRenderer>()) { textureNames.Add(renderer.sharedMaterial.GetTexture("_MainTex").name); } Using a HashSet to avoid duplicates (HashSet represents a set of unordered unique elements).
  7. Currently it uses the part transform's forward (z) axis to apply lift. It doesn't look like you can change the axis, but it looks like you can possibly change the transform it's looking at. This might work: public class MyLiftingSurface : ModuleLiftingSurface { [KSPField] public string transformName; public override void OnStart(StartState state) { base.OnStart(state); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(transformName)) { Transform testTransform = part.FindModelTransform(transformName); if (testTransform != null) baseTransform = testTransform; else Debug.LogError($"[{moduleName}] could not find transform named '{transformName}'"); } } } Note that you don't have to set baseTransform in the case that transformName was null/empty or if the transform wasn't found because the base already sets this. Also note that I haven't actually tested this (or worked much with this area of KSP) so it might not give the intended result.
  8. I do plan to revisit throttle response at some point, but without a lot of hard data about how fast jets actually respond, or a physical model of how fast you can add fuel to the combustion chamber without causing a flameout, it might take a while. In the mean time, you can set the throttleResponseMultiplier on jets. If you wanted to say, multiply the throttle rate by 1.25 on every jet, you could use this patch:
  9. PartModule fields are all unique - every instance of the part will have a separate PartModule. If these values are turning up the same something else must be happening. Hard to say exactly what though. If you want some help debugging maybe post all the code in this class (or that touches it) so we can take a look.
  10. Yes, you can apply the RGB as specular and the alpha channel as AO. That's all fine. But what happens when you want to switch (dynamically, in-game) to a different AO map? The way the shaders work you can really only swap out the entire texture, which in this case would include all the specular and AO information. You'd have to have another texture file with the same RGB channels but a different alpha channel.
  11. The shader takes a fixed number of texture inputs and applies them. If you have the specular and AO on the same texture, you can't change the specular without changing the AO, or the opposite. You can disable one or the other, sure.
  12. Yes, a separate channel. But my point was that it seems like you might want to change the specular and AO maps independently of each other, which is not possible if they're in the same file.
  13. I'd say just implement what you need for now, and worry about extracting/generalizing if someone specifically needs it. Putting the AO into the specular map seems odd to me - wouldn't you want the specular map to match the diffuse map somewhat? (whereas the AO map depends more on the geometry)?
  14. After doing some experimentation, there does seem to be something a bit off here. Unfortunately, camlost wrote the original rotor simulation without any documentation, and none of what it does makes much sense to me. Given that our previous attempts to get in contact with camlost have yielded nothing, I'm not quite sure if anything can be done here.
  15. Also, JoseEduardo's SSTU Nova Expansion Pack adds even larger engine clusters (up to 61 engines according to the OP)
  16. I tried with a 2t craft and a 5t craft, and the thrust is the same on the runway. If you take the craft higher in the atmosphere, the thrust will drop off and you will not longer be able to climb when the thrust and weight are about equal. Is that what you're talking about?
  17. No plans to add them back in, sorry. I can, however, offer to guide you through getting them to at least load in the editor so that you can replace the wheels with the stock ones and make any other modifications. PM me if you want to know more.
  18. You would need a third party image hosting site like imgur. But in my experience, screenshots aren't particularly useful. Maybe you could try to explain in a little more detail exactly what you're trying to do and what behavior you're getting that you don't expect?
  19. Could you clarify? Nothing about how the rotors perform should depend on the weight of the craft they're on. If you have a craft that's close to the max takeoff it's going to be sluggish (most aircraft, including helicopters, typically operate at much less than their max takeoff weight).
  20. Thanks! That's a good place to start. I think most mods get around that issue by just not including the DLLs in the repository and relying on each contributor to set up their dev environment correctly locally. But there are definitely other philosophies (ask me about my sketchy CI setup for B9PartSwitch some time )
  21. They haven't been included for quite some time (since the first release for KSP 1.0). This was for a few reasons: (1) Many of the parts, especially wings, that they used were moved to the legacy pack (2) They were designed to work with old versions of FAR, and no one took the time to make sure they were usable in the new aero (3) Due to the switch from Firespitter fuel switching to B9PartSwitch, all the tanks would have had to be re-filled with the correct fuel (although since then I added auto-detecting the correct fuel type to B9PartSwitch) and (4) Since 1.1, the wheels are completely broken anyway and are no longer included in B9.
  22. @Admiral Gecko please read "How to get support" in my signature. It will tell you how to find and upload KSP's log. I'll need to inspect that to determine what's wrong.
  23. Hey Shadowmage, is there a reason you don't include the project files with the code? I've been contemplating what it would take to add a couple of smallish features but getting the project set up is a bit of a barrier.
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