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Everything posted by blowfish

  1. Empty space doesn't do a lot to block radiation. Intensity does fall off with r2 though I guess, so being farther might help a bit. Still though, my understanding is that any crewed vessels with nuclear engines in real life were planned to have heavy radiation shielding between the engine and the crew.
  2. @kcs123 In AJE, oxygen checking is done at the engine level, not the intake level. In the stock case, there's a check for whether the atmosphere contains oxygen, and a minimum static pressure for the intake to work (which happens regardless of the oxygen check). AJE has its own intake handling, and there are no checks other than the usual being underwater/shielded/out of atmosphere.
  3. AJE has no handling for oxygen concentration (and I don't think there's any data on that anyway). Engines will flame out below a certain flow threshold, but other than that flow (and thus thrust) will be completely linear with atmospheric pressure (although performance will vary at altitude due to temperature differences).
  4. At mach 5, the air is hot enough to melt most compressors. The planned SABRE (which the RAPIER is loosely based on) gets around this by precooling the air before it enters the compressor (although AJE just sets the compressor temperature very high). Even precooling has its limits though, and it appears that about mach 5.5 is the limit for the SABRE. No idea about the ramjet really, it kind of uses a hack of the turbojet model, whereas it should be its own module. I do plan on redoing it at some point.
  5. Other than similar engines from B9 and a couple of other mods, no. But they all have the same setup so you will be able to reach about the same speed with all.
  6. It's that way in stock. AJE doesn't really touch the alternator modules.
  7. The .version file does nothing unless you have AVC installed (or the mod comes with MiniAVC). Even then it will just give you a warning.
  8. Put it in a .cfg file somewhere in GameData
  9. Normal update methods should be run for any part on a vessel within physics range. Is there a case where that doesn't seem to be happening?
  10. The GameData folder in the download also contains ModuleManager and CommunityResourcePack - you also need to install those. If you have installed those and it's still not working, please read "how to get support" in my signature. It will tell you how to find and upload KSP's log, which is the only way to figure out what is causing your error.
  11. I'm not sure if it's a new feature, just that this might be the first time it's actually used. Note that not all the AO on Porkjet's new parts is done with vertex colors - most of what you see on the engines is baked into the texture - what's done with vertex colors is (1) shadowing the entire engine on the boattail variants and (2) shadowing the tank ends. Vertex color AO in general has a lot less resolution than baked AO, and the AO from the pipes is really at too small a scale (compared to the mesh) for that to work in this case.
  12. A single satellite trailing Mun would lead to a ~120° coverage gap up to about 200 km on the side of Mun farthest from the satellite and from Kerbin. If you had another satellite leading Mun by 60 degrees, the gap would be about 60° and only extend up to about 30 km.
  13. I meant orbiting around mun/minimus. If the satellites are orbiting Kerbin then you're still going to have a coverage gap.
  14. 120° phasing (3 satellites) should be sufficient provided they are high enough (although there would probably still be coverage gaps near the poles). It's important to match up the orbital periods very closely though (more than any other orbital parameter) - small differences can add up over many orbits and lead to gaps in your coverage.
  15. Lagrange points are something entirely different, which does not exist in stock KSP (because you need multi-body gravitation).
  16. AJE isn't loading properly. If you show me KSP's log I can tell you why.
  17. For the asset bundles, it might be worth trying the part tools that are included with Porkjet's parts. I'm not 100% sure they will fix the problem, but I think it's worth a shot
  18. @raxo2222 Uhh, nothing in AJE has constant Isp though I think the RAPIER varies less than traditional jets.
  19. I don't think there's much reason to do that. The API has changed, and you should really only be trying to build against one version of KSP.
  20. You don't appear to be perfectly prograde in either of your screenshots where the navball is visible. Could you open the FAR GUI and check your AoA and sideslip? Even as small deviation will produce some lift force.
  21. @nablabla Does it happen if you're perfectly prograde? Does the magnitude scale with how much AoA you have? It's expected to have some lift force if you're not perfectly prograde.
  22. Tweakscale support is messy, and I'm inclined to believe there was a good reason why camlost disabled it originally. Thrust should scale with r2, but mass should scale with r3, so engines would get a worse TWR as you scaled them up. Is that what you want? Of the pure jets, the J-58 should allow you to hit mach 3.5. The SABRE/RAPIER should allow you to hit mach 5.5 There's currently almost no data on how scramjets actually perform (tests are classified), nor any equations governing combustion at supersonic speed. It's kind of problematic without that information...
  23. What I usually do is have it build into a GameData/WhateverMod/Plugins directory in the repository (which can use a relative path so it's not platform dependent), and then symlink GameData/Whatever into the KSP install I'm testing on. The DLL itself may or may not be under version control.
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