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Everything posted by blowfish

  1. It doesn't do anything by itself. It just provides a way for other mods to enable part switching.
  2. @Sigma88 Odd, I've definitely seen NEEDS used that way before. Are you sure it doesn't work?
  3. Did you try re-installing B9 and all of its dependencies? If that didn't work, the next step is to provide logs.
  4. Good catch. Will be fixed in the next version.
  5. It all looks fine in my end. Is it possible you have some other mod that's removing the IVAs? Could you try re-installing B9 and RasterPropMonitor? If none of that works, could you provide you KSP.log and ModuleManager.ConfigCache?
  6. You should really be asking the opposite question, but yes, RO has configs for the KW engines.
  7. @cheesykerb I see two exceptions being spammed in your log. BetterBurnTime seems to be getting a lot, but it's handling it so probably not the source of your issues. Another one I don't know the cause of, but is very likely the cause of your problems: Really not sure what mod is causing it, but it's definitely causing problems. All I can say is try eliminating mods until you don't see it anymore.
  8. This could be caused by other issues as well. Are you sure that removing KJR fixes it? Are you running 1.1.3 but maybe still have some un-updated mods from 1.1.2 around?
  9. I doubt this has anything to do with this mod. Could it be that you have some mods (particularly ones that control time warp) that are for 1.1.2, but you are on 1.1.3 (I debugged a similar issue for someone else where this was the case)? I'd recommend making sure all your mods are up to date, and if that doesn't fix the problem, I can take a look at your log to try and identify the issue - instructions on how to find and upload it are in the "How to get support" link in my signature.
  10. If you want to exclude certain parts, you can exclude them using some filter @PART[*]:HAS[~name[part1],~name[part2]] { // ... } If you want to want to make a patch run after all others, add :FINAL to it. Don't do this in a mod you're actually releasing though (in that case, use something like :FOR[zzz-mymod] )
  11. The docking ports are separate models that are added in with MODEL {} nodes. In another context (i.e. RO) it's definitely possible to replace and rescale them.
  12. @Nertea I've created a PR to NetKAN to fix the metadata: https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/NetKAN/pull/4424. I updated it to look at Spacedock and fix the dependencies. If I missed anything please let me know.
  13. The NetKAN metadata was frozen because it was pulling from (now dead) Kerbalstuff. It needs to be updated to pull from spacedock and re-enabled.
  14. It looked fine to me, but there are a couple of other ways it could look (this and this).
  15. Just checked, and both the Long Mk2 fueslage and the bi-coupler seem to have mesh errors in their colliders. In the first instance, there are zero-area faces. In the second, the normals for one entire side of the bi-coupler are inverted.
  16. Not related to your issue, but it's generally a bad idea to mod your Steam install. Steam can update KSP automatically even when incompatible mods are installed and break your entire install. It's best to copy the entire game folder (C:\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program) someplace else and mod there.
  17. Hmm, I recall the collider having normal issues on that particular part. It's possible Squad has fixed it since though.
  18. What do you mean? Injecting the turbine exhaust into the nozzle is nothing new, and there's even precedent for having parallel exhaust ducts both injecting (Vulcain 2).
  19. @OliverPA Tweakscale and RF are incompatible right now, I believe that's a known issue.
  20. I really, really hate to ask questions like this, but what ever happened to the RS-69? It seemed like you had most of the geometry layed out, and that it could have reused most of the RS-68's UVs/textures. Was it canceled or did you just shelf it and move on to other things?
  21. I can tell immediately that a lot of your mods are out of date. Probably one of them is responsible for this exception "MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'TimeWarp.SetRate'." That is an artifact of some mods that were built for 1.1.2 (whereas you are on 1.1.3), and it sounds like it's causing similar issues for various people with a number of mods (most of which have since been updated), though it sounds like it shouldn't be anything specific to that docking port ... do any part actions work for you? Do the stock docking ports exhibit the behavior you mentioned? Probably not the cause of this issue, but Trajectories is producing a lot of exceptions. It doesn't look like it's updated for 1.1.3. You might want to remove it until it updates. Also, mostly unrelated to this issue, but I noticed you are doing two things that I highly do not recommend: (1) Running KSP out of Program Files and (2) Modding your Steam install. (1) Can cause all sorts of weird issues, particularly with mods, because Windows restricts programs being able to save data there. (2) Can cause issues because Steam will automatically update KSP even when you have incompatible mods ... and this might be part of the cause of your issues here. Both can be solved by copying the entire KSP Folder "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program" somewhere outside of Program Files and modding it there.
  22. KSP does support this, but it generally only works for very small parts. For instance, when heat shields were first introduced, they did this, but it caused pods to be unstable on re-entry because the CoM was in the wrong place.
  23. 2.6.25 works fine with KSP 1.1.3. There's some information about that just a few replies above yours. But perhaps the thread title should be updated @sarbian
  24. Okay, that makes more sense. But taking another look at your log, it looks like it hits a crash before even getting to the main menu. Are you sure you uploaded the right log? Make sure you got the log immediately after experiencing the issue.
  25. So are you saying that (1) The undock action only appears on one of the two docking ports (stock behavior) or (2) The undock action appears on neither docking port (problem)
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