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Everything posted by blowfish

  1. Hi ArthurPanther and welcome to the forums! I do plan to push an update soon but nothing I do at this point will allow B9 to be listed on CKAN yet. The reason is that Firespitter does not have a 1.1.3 compatible version yet, and CKAN will only allow you to install a mod if all of its dependencies are compatible.
  2. That's true I guess, though it was removed relatively promptly after the issue was pointed out. I suppose there also probably needs to be some auditing of pull requests to add new mods, since they could be in violation of the license terms.
  3. No. I think that CKAN should respect the wishes of mod authors and not have to use special license terms in order to get a particular result. I was pointing out that CKAN is currently consistent about not listing a mod if the license does not allow for distribution.
  4. @Aluminum Oxide You have an out of date version of Kopernicus. Go to the Kopernicus thread and follow the download link. It's always up to date.
  5. Okay, but which version do you have? Kopernicus has been updated at least twice in the last two days. Is the regular KSP log appearing?
  6. Right, I was just trying to clarify that this is a question of the mod author's wishes and not one of licensing.
  7. @passinglurker CKAN will de-list a mod if its license does not permit distribution, the question is really of what happens when the license allows distribution but the mod's author prefers not to distribute via CKAN.
  8. Well you haven't told us much about what the issue actually is or what your setup is. Are the planets just not rescaling, or do you have a different issue? Are you sure you have the absolute latest version of Kopernicus (1.1.1)? Could you provide logs? Instructions on how to find KSP's logs are in "How to get Support" in my signature. Kopernicus also keeps its on logs in Logs/Kopernicus (which can be found in your KSP root folder), which would be useful as well.
  9. B9PartSwitch v1.4.3 is now Available Recompile against KSP 1.1.3 Remove some code which is unnecessary in KSP 1.1.3 This update really shouldn't change anything, but updating the .version file will allow CKAN to index and AVC will stop giving unnecessary warnings.
  10. If you're having a specific issue with the latest version of Kopernicus, you should probably ask in the Kopernicus thread. The pervious version will not work on KSP 1.1.3
  11. It looks like many of those should already be available on CKAN. Have you refreshed CKAN recently? What version of KSP are you on?
  12. If you're on KSP 1.1.3, go to the Kopernicus thread and download the latest version. It's very new, and is required for 1.1.3.
  13. Do you have Sigma Dimensions and Kopernicus installed? The version of Kopernicus for KSP 1.1.3 was only released today.
  14. Regarding KSP 1.1.3 compatibility - The changes are mostly bugfixes, and I don't anticipate any issues. So I'll tentatively say it should be save to run B9 on 1.1.3.
  15. @Shadowmage Just FYI, from the 1.1.3 changelog, because I know we discussed this: * Fixed UI_ChooseOption - onFieldChanged being called even when the field value hasn't changed. Not that you will actually be able to remove much code because of it, but I think it's always nice to be able to clean up these things.
  16. I believe so. It would reset if you downloaded a new version of Kerbinside though.
  17. The one I have is this one. It's a bit blurry though - if you have something better I'd definitely be interested.
  18. Heh ... in searching for RD-253/275 references, I actually found a better RD-180 reference. Might redo some of the geometry I have, however little it may be... E: Goldmine https://www.google.com/patents/US6170258
  19. No way around that, I believe. It has to do with the way Kerbal Konstructs defines each base.
  20. This isn't possible with MM. MM can only change what the parts look like when the game loads them, it can't do anything based on the tech tree.
  21. There actually aren't any Mk1 cargo bays in the legacy pack. In any case, the ones with the new textures are in the main pack.
  22. They're in the Utility tab. Named things like "Mk1b Cargo Bay (1m)". In case you deleted them by accident, they live in GameData/B9_Aerospace/Parts/Body_Mk1/
  23. Just for reference, if you only want to use certain parts, the proper procedure is to install the entire B9_Aerospace folder into GameData, then go into GameData/B9_Aerospace/Parts and remove what you don't want. Each of those folders are self-contained, but stuff outside of the Parts folder is shared.
  24. Welcome to the forums. Please say exactly what packages you downloaded from where and installed. Also read "how to get support" in my signature which will tell you how to find and upload KSP's log, which will help me identify the problem.
  25. MFT = Modular Fuel Tanks. It's different than Procedural Parts.
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