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Everything posted by teag2

  1. My Mun Lander designs are pretty simple. Several drop-tanks on the sides with landing legs connecting to a single tank with a Terrier beneath it. That stage also has all the SCIENCE! attached to it. Above that is the command pod with a heatshield, several batteries, and a parachute. Be sure to add solar panels, as you don't want to lose your SAS mid-landing. Oh, and don't bother with ladders, as a Kerbal can easily lift off on the Mun with their jetpack.
  2. Awesome! This'll make Dres much more interesting place to go. Landing on it with a surface gravity of 2g, though, will be extremely tough.
  3. Sounds great! If you need a broadcasting/recording software, I'd recommend Open Broadcasting Software. It can do both, and possibly at the same time. Edit: And it's free and doesn't leave any prints in the video.
  4. If you're looking for a decaying RTG, Near Future Electrical includes a decaying RTG DLL in the extras folder. Just to let you know.
  6. I think the Kerbalism mod includes something like this. I haven't used it before, so not sure how it works.
  7. Like Corw said. Go to your KSP directory, open the Ships folder, and delete everything inside. Problem solved.
  8. I have not ever sent a mission to Dres. This is because of my low number of interplanetary missions in general (only 2 to duna, 1 to eve, 1 to gilly, and 1 to jool.)
  9. Oh god please no "Advanced Engines Pack: Instantly unlock the new N07-0P Engine, the adjustable size engine! At 1.25M, it has 2000KN thrust and uses 0.001 per second of the new OPropellant resource, which comes in a convenient container which weighs 0.0001 milligrams (including fuel) and contains 999999 OPropellant!"
  10. Then they would be very inefficient. What if somebody de-orbited Earth?
  11. 780: You should be able to de-orbit planets and moons. Including Jool, and the Sun.
  12. I believe that Squad will do everything they can to allow mods on console. Not sure if they can do it or not (after all, Fallout 4 is the only game thus far)
  13. 772 Make kerbals able to use the toilet in the Astronaut Complex
  14. Yesterday, I was playing on the NoNameShips DMP server. First of all, I sent a ship to Eeloo, which somebody immediately deleted. Then, I messed around with the Crater Crawler on the Mun, and saw a strange black object which looked like a Munolith, but KSPMaps didn't show anything where I was. I accidentally blew the crawler up before I got to it, and after loading my quicksave, I couldn't find it again. Sad. I then built my first MK3 Jet, which handles pretty well. Somebody said "that is one strange looking plane" so it's name is now "One Strange Looking Plane'. I then built a MK2 jet with ridiculously tiny wings, which used Panthers to get a max speed of ~900 M/S. I then swapped the Panthers for Rapiers, added some Oxidizer and called it a spaceplane. It didn't make it to orbit, but it easily breached the atmosphere. Nice. And then I went to sleep.
  15. You mean volkanoes, meteorkites and tsukamis?
  16. welp i borked it In case you can't see it, that's 55674 G's. I calculated this to be 10531687.5 points. This included a Laythe and FAR multiplier. I was going 150+ km/s, but since it crashed I didn't really record the exact speed so for the speed bonus I just assumed 120 km/s. I might try this again to see if I can break the record.
  17. Just a random note, I don't think it's related to this particular problem, but if you ever have trouble with RPM, check if multiple versions of ModuleManager are installed. If there is, RPM won't work.
  18. As for the problem I mentioned earlier, it seemed to fix itself, and I couldn't reproduce it. The problem seemed to happen again with an Ore drill, which then fixed itself again. I haven't encountered it since.
  19. Yesterday, I started a new modded career in the 1.1 beta. I played for a while and decided to make a probe for the Mun. It was just a flyby probe and didn't actually reach orbit, but it did get a nice gravitational assist which flung it to solar orbit. From there, I still had over half of my fuel left, and I set up a burn for Duna. I set an alarm in KAC (and that's the first time I've really used it, to.) I am now working on proper orbiters and landers. Wish me luck!
  20. Just did my first (intentional) gravity assist. I used the Mun to fling my flyby probe out of the Kerbin system and in to solar orbit, and now I managed to set up a Duna encounter. Sheesh.

  21. RPM adds a lot of KER-like functions to IVA. Vesselviewer allows you to view the vessel, and integrates with RPM to allow you to see your vessel in IVA. If you don't get what I'm saying, look up the mods.
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