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Everything posted by Jetski

  1. I haven't had amazing luck there, also a few mod tutorials might be worthwhile. How to use reactors in KSPIE or NFT, how to make lifesupport supplies in USI-LS with Kolony mods. I've spent many hours wading through forum posts and such trying to find information. If kerbal kind is going to be a thing, it could be a useful thing.
  2. It would be of interest I think to collect some good tutorials on the site. There's already a good site for sharing crafts KerbalX, and mods, Space dock. I haven't found a tutorials site I like yet, maybe the wiki? But it's often out of date...
  3. On the subject of cooperation in building, I invite you to come contribute a module to the KSS we are building over in the Serial Space Station challenge. For your project here, let me know if you have any questions about how we are sharing a common workspace and staying organized, I'm happy to help. Fun to see KSP players working together!
  4. Chapter 6 is up. I figured I would send the ships I have already put into LKO and not build anything new until I hear back on whether I'll be able to port this to a Career game and go for Normal mode. The missions will be quite different from here on out depending on which Mode I'm allowed to score in In a perfect world, I'll start my new Career on a fresh 1.1 drop (sneaking some hype into this thread!), run my career up until I have 5438838 funds and full science, and port all these ships into the save, and start kicking butt on a Normal mode attempt. Either way though, it's cool. Having a lot of fun with this challenge already.
  5. Chapter 6 - Resource Exploitation Flotilla Launched 4 more ships to complete my resource exploitation of the delicious moons of Jool. Since I'm already mining the low grav worlds of Pol and Bop for fuel that can easily be lifted to orbit, my main focus was on ground-side refueling at the more challenging planets. Also, I simply couldn't resist sending up a truly massive (for stock KSP) orbital fuel depot. This baby will hold 4 of the very largest fuel tanks worth of LFO, and a 2.5 meter mono tank just for good measure. I provided it with docking ports of all sizes, and plan to make it the core of a large orbital base. The first lander, and the most challenging, was the Laythe mining base. I also wanted to provide a mobile refueling truck, and landing the two and separating them was turning into a challenge. I tried a variety of spaceplane designs, and a few skycrane arrangements, but it turns out the lightest and simplest way is to just decouple and parachute down separately. It will be interesting to see if this plan works out... I finally settled on a design for the mining stations to minimize mass and part count, and it's as simple as I can get it. There is only the tiniest ore tank connected to ISRU/drill/power module, and no mono or LFO tanks. To produce fuel, I klaw the ground refueling truck onto the drill, and store all the finished product in the truck tanks. Ended up with the lowest mass mining rigs I could. This is imperative for landing on a high gravity moon like Tylo. I will hover and drop the truck, then skycrane over and land the drilling rig. Again, it will be an interesting landing, to say the least. Last mining rig was the Vall mIner, which proved to be a very simple downscaling of the Tylo miner, as Vall has much lower gravity. A few transfer stages and a lifter, and done! All 4 ships are on course to intercept Jool in 60 days or so. Costs, 441517 big fuel, 524926 laythe miner, 625000 tylo miner, and 313340 vall miner, adding 1904783 funds, running total now 5438838 spent And pictures...
  6. You are welcome to move it if you can do it ingame with a legit stock mission, no Hyperedit. At this point, it would be a fairly interesting tug or configuration to move it around. Also without damaging the station... Great mission, looks good. The savegame is only the .sfs file. If you guys want to share ships, just share the .craft file. I looked into this, and sharing the entire save directory (ships/contracts/etc) makes this whole thing a lot more cumbersome and less platform independent. @godarklight did all that much better than I with the DMP mod
  7. @Nefrums amazing reproduction! I have to know though, did that thing actually fly and land safely?
  8. I've added a side mission of station maintenance - check it out on the OP. Just post if you are taking the savegame same as if you are launching a module. Let's see how things go, we may start a ship assembly mission once part count gets a little higher. Cleared for next launch, savegame and latest pic are on the OP.
  9. It's funny you should mention that, I was just going to post something along those lines. Stand by, I'm updating the OP to explain.
  10. Dang. Thinking about starting over in Career. Not that hard to collect full tech tree and the 3 million or so funds I've spent so far on ships. I started sandbox because the next level was out of reach (mods and 1.1 not ready yet) and i wanted to get started. Just hypothetically, if I stop here and run up a career and document that I've collected the Sci and funds needed to execute the missions I've already completed, can I keep them? Or do I have to refly them...? I won't be installing RemoteTech or keepfit most likely, but I will be running life support mod as soon as that becomes an option. Waiting on manned missions until then. But I'm basically done with the unmanned portion, just working on mining rigs for Tylo Laythe and Vall (already launched waiting for window)
  11. I'm keeping the part count for now, if you want something special built, find someone to cooperate and launch the other half
  12. Cool, no worries, station is good to go at the moment. Cleared for next launch, whoever that may be. Edit: that's funny @linuxgurugamer, in your screenshot I can clearly see you attached it differently and didn't have all those struts, but it was different in the savegame. Weird. Bad save or something. Nothing wrong with the one I can see in your picture Also, just to see if there's any interest, what if we used the station to assemble a ship that could fly to say...Jool? Same rules for assembly, launch and part count, maybe allow KIS/KAS attachment (but no mod parts) if anyone wants to cut down on the docking ports? Suggestions welcome (going to bed now, so will check back in the AM)
  13. That's where it was on the save I had...maybe I got an interim savegame or something. Ah well, it's working now. If things get too wobbly we'll just move stuff around and ditch the asteroid.
  14. You can always re-download the save and it's fresh. Try downloading direct from the OP, I just tested it and it's usable on my laptop, which is a potato. It's possible we are reaching critical mass on the station - part count is into the 80s now. When it gets unwieldy, I'll encourage missions to take bits of the station away (perhaps fly part of the station to the Mun?), but lets see if we can pile a few more modules on Also, I need to mention struts here. If you connect struts to your module, please make sure the struts are running FROM your ship TO your module, otherwise when you detach the little base piece stays with the station and counts as a part. I just detached and deorbited @linuxgurugamer's module as it counted as 18 parts to the game engine (I put a clean version of the module back up). This is a good practice for your own ships as well, if the struts run from boosters to your main stage, you shed the mass and parts when you stage, otherwise it stays with you for the duration. As of 1.05 struts have mass and physics, so will slow the game down like any other part. I've updated the OP with this info. Also, I made up a badge (with my mad Paint skills) and posted it on the OP!
  15. Rats, ran out of fuel just a smidge short of the Island Runway. Clearly a replica of the original Area 51 lander. Holds 187 Kerbals.
  16. Good news! I think there's an asteroid stuck to the Sr right now... Edit: never mind picture shows one open
  17. So here's my version. SSTO to deliver a small ion craft into orbit, ion craft does the Mun->Minmus->Mun run successfully, climbs back into the cargo bay of SSTO and deorbits. All parts recovered close to KSC. Not necessarily still attached to each other. My SSTO rocket (yes rockets can be SSTOs too) doesn't cope well with landing on a slope, and tipped over at the end.
  18. Is this more what you had in mind? Demo parts and capsule survived from LKO. Technically had landing legs, but they didn't survive. If I had infinite patience I could tweak the last Flea for a few more dV and probably survive after a million quickloads
  19. The docking parts are freebies. You may have 5 parts of any type, in addition you may have up to 2 docking ports that do not count towards your 5 part limit. I'll count a Klaw as a docking port because it kinda does the same thing. Edit: I changed this rule after the very first entry, which I think was you @Dfthu, sorry if you didn't catch that.
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