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Everything posted by wasml

  1. If you look in the module manager directory one of the files is a cache (ModuleManager.ConfigCache I think) of the config files after MM has done its thing. I'd look there to see if your patch is working as intended. Good luck!
  2. Unfortunately official documentation is scarce - the API doc is here - mostly a list of methods and fields with a (very) few comments. Other than that mod source code and some tutorials are your best hope. Note that many of the tutorials are rather old but many are still relevant with a few exceptions (like wheels - I forget which version changed the setup).
  3. The only advice I have would be to check the code of CustomBarnKit. It changes a number of similar parameters.
  4. Without seeing the model I can only guess but did you place the part of the model (and thrust transform) that will gimbal as a child of the gimbal transform? The other thing is you have two gimbal transforms - I'm thinking that's not going to work - I don't have access to Squads code but I would guess that ModuleGimbal simply rotates the gimbal transform you provide to move the engine bell and thrust transform. With two ModuleGimbal's would you get double the angle(assuming the transforms are in the same spot)?
  5. Something is definitely funny with the shading - have you tried using a shader without a bump map just make sure it's not a model problem? You can also click the cube icon under Mesh Display in Blender and it will show the normal's for all the tris/quads or what ever. For normal maps I use Gimp and create a layer of gray (128, 128, 128). I then add the bumps by drawing shades of gray from black to white. Filters | Map |Normal Map will then change the layer to a normal map.
  6. I may misunderstand your question but custom engine particles shouldn't conflict with anything - you would just add your particle effects to the engine instead of a pre-built Squad effect. As far as the old tutorials - They may still be valid - I haven't heard of any changes to that system - not to say there haven't been any.
  7. @JadeOfMaar Maybe I'm imagining things but I thought Squad had added an optional node size to the surface attach node some time ago. Info here under Node Definitions (node_attach) indicates that it was a thing at some point (not sure how up to date that info is).
  8. @MacLukyThe wheel setup isn't to bad - the hard part is making sure there's no spelling differences between the Unity model and the config file. I usually copy/Paste the names so as not to mistype something. Basic wheel setup: Mesh/Collider that attaches to your vehicle Suspension Transform Mesh that goes up and down Steering Transform Mesh that turns with steering Axil Transform Tire mesh Collision enhancer Wheel Collider Transform Rigidbody - added in Unity WheelCollider - added in Unity There are a few other little gottcha's but that's most of it. Two things I've tentatively identified that haven't made it into the notes for the wheel template: 1) An under sized collision enhancer seems to to (often but not always) be responsible for the leap into the air on load. 80% to 90% of the wheel size seems to work (usually). 2) If the wheel slides around even with the brakes on increasing the suspension travel seems to help. As far as the Perseverance wheel goes - I tried the KSPWheelModule and it doesn't act any better. I think something about the wheel confuses the code that decides what side/end the wheel is on. Which is odd as the setup is the same as other wheels that work fine. One more thing I'll try is creating a new setup and moving the meshes over. The picture in the OP - third wheel from the left - was launching the test vehicle high into the air (2.4Km was the record) and nothing I tried helped until I recreated the structure and copied the meshes over. ??? Who knows!
  9. @MacLukyI had a chance to look at the Lion Head's DSL rover that you provided - It uses some custom wheel code (not that the 0.25 stock wheel would have worked in 1.9.1). The entire chassis and all six wheels are one model! The wheels look similar enough to the Perseverance wheel (model wise - textures are much better than mine) that I don't think I'll try to recreate it. Still haven't gotten anywhere with making mine behave though - it confuses the stock wheel module to the point that symmetry doesn't work - the wheels on back rotate opposite the wheels in front and the wheels on the left side appear to turn opposite the ones on the right side. inverting the back wheels makes the thing work but the visuals are messed up with all four wheels doing their own thing. I may give KSPWheel a shot. I've created a series of projects for different items (fuel tank, Rocket motor, etc.) with the blender, Unity project, GameData folder and some notes. The wheel is one of them Link Here.
  10. Got - thanks! I'll take a look at it this evening.
  11. @MacLukyI took a look at lion head's mod - the Pandora wheels look really nice - unfortunately all the download links are dead
  12. Thanks! Was looking for something to practice Blendering on and found a number of interesting wheels. At the bottom - second from the right - is my attempt at the Perseverance wheel (not included in the zip). Thought I could use the arm as suspension and the mounting point as steering - no go - couldn't get it to work. Tentatively concluded that the Squad wheel module requires the steering to be a child of the suspension. Managed to make the mount point the suspension and the arm the steering but is giving me odd results - not sure if I'll be able to get it to work.
  13. I did read Max's post - and made sure I went to the GitHub site (I've never bothered with CKAN) and downloaded the file "WalkAbout-1.8.0-". Opening the zip I see under the dll properties the version is - made me wonder if maybe the wrong dll got packaged? Here's the log file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/txw9hpmiwanz8rz/Player.zip?dl=0
  14. This mod adds a number of wheels that I thought looked interesting. These are in development and are not balanced very well yet. Note: The Perseverance wheel (second from the right on the bottom in the picture) is not working/not included at this point. Wheels should work in 1.8.X but I haven't tested. Please test on a disposable vehicle before using on something you've put significant work into – some of these were leaping high into the air on load. I think I've eliminated this but... Known issues: I've done a first rough pass at balancing and placing in the tech tree but more work needs done – suggestions welcome. A number of these wheels have a thin outer shell that the ground can show through – I've tried to reach a compromise between the ground poking through and the wheel not touching the ground. Download: Github Spacedock License: CC BY-SA-NC
  15. I'm having the same problem as MaxPeck - ctrl-W does nothing. Re-downloaded from thee OP link just to be sure I had the correct version (double checked the file time stamp to make sure it was the one I just downloaded). Running KSP 1.9.1 on Windows 10, Walkabout, ClickThroughBlocker and ToolbarControler are the only mods on a fresh install. The log is listing the Walkabout version as ************************************************************************ Environment Info Win32NT 7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF Args: KSP_x64.exe Mod DLLs found: Stock assembly: Assembly-CSharp v0.0.0.0 MiniAVC v1.4.1.1 ClickThroughBlocker v0.1.9.5 / v1.0.0.0 ToolbarControl v0.1.9.4 / v1.0.0.0 WalkAbout v1.0.0.0 Folders and files in GameData: 000_ClickThroughBlocker 001_ToolbarControl Stock folder: Squad WalkAbout ************************************************************************
  16. The two things that come to mind are: 1) The stack node orientations. At some point the orientation of stack nodes changed and orientation became important (Z axis points to part to connect to) 2) Big update to wheels - not fixable with a cfg file change.
  17. If you haven't made parts before I would suggest you start with something simple like a fuel tank - just to learn the tools and the flow. You might also ask yourself what part you would like in game - say a 1.25m to 2.5m adapter with fuel - something you yourself will use. Happy modding!
  18. There was a post by Snark showing how to add a field to allow binding to an axis group - this was plugin code for the module responsible for the action. This leads me to believe it would require a rewrite of the plugin for the wheels if the ability isn't already programed in. Shadowmage's KSPWheel is the only wheel module I know of other than Squad's - don't know if it supports this or not.
  19. Anywhere in GameData - though I would make a directory for my modifications - say "GameData\MyPlumes". To be clear - If you copied the LV-1R engine the cfg starts out PART { name = radialEngineMini module = Part author = Squad you would want to change to something like PART { name = RadialEngineMiniNewPlume module = Part author = Squad Note the RadialEngineMiniNewPlume And from a ways back - a humorous plume:
  20. Look in GameData\Squad\Resources\ResourcesGeneric.cfg to see how Squad defines their resources. You can add your own cfg file to do the same - would be best to add your resource in a separate config so you don't lose it when KSP updates. If I were adding a resource I would put it in GameData\MyResourceMod\MyResources.cfg or something similar. Edit: And a mod that adds resources:
  21. When you copy a part you need to change the name or one of the parts won't show up. This is the "name = " line usually near the very top of the cfg file. I may be wrong but I think the plume is specified with something like "fx_exhaustFlame_yellow_medium = " in the config - reassigning a different plume should be a simple matter of changing that line to a different fx but to make your own color I'm guessing you would need to make a your own particle effect. I've seen some very old tutorials on how to do this but nothing recent - tutorials may still be valid. If I can find it again I'll post here. Edit: Found it:
  22. I think if you export from Blender using the fbx format it use to scale by 1/100 - sounds like it might be your problem. I think there's a way in the Blender FBX export settings to fix this but haven't used them myself so can't give you any more detail than that.
  23. I would suspect you would need to iterate over the parts in the vessel checking each Part.temperature against Part.maxTemp. I don't know how the over temp works but had always thought that the over heat bars appeared when you got to some percentage of maxTemp and then the part would explode when temp>maxTemp (Though there's a tempExplodeChance that's suggestive). If you haven't seen it the KSP API site can be useful - Link to the KSP API Part page.
  24. Yes - sort of a guide for myself. When I think I've figured out how to make a part I make a "Example" part and some notes as a reference for the next time I want to make that part. I thought these might be useful to others - so put them up on Github. These example parts include the blender file, Unity project, Gimp file, some notes and the games asset -.mu file, cfg file, textures. In other words anything that might help me remember the gotcha's and important bits.
  25. This doesn't sound like quite the same situation but I'll throw them out there anyway. One standard (non-deployable) wheel that had extreme bounce on load had two colliders (collision enhancer and base collider) intersecting - corrected that and the wheel behaved much better. A landing leg that would bounce during deploy benefited from a lower TsubSys - though this as I understand it is where the wheel collider cuts in in the deploy sequence so probably not applicable to you situation but I don't know what happens during load. In a third case a standard wheel bounces multiple meters on load - the wheel is the same setup as another wheel that behaves fine - just different model. Good luck! Edit: Playing with some wheels that bounced to the point of being unusable and found that a number of them behave much better if I have a collision enhancer that's 80% of the tire radius or bigger. Would have sworn I had tried this before without any noticeable effect.
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