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Everything posted by Spearka

  1. typing "goddammit think of something else other than xcom" by banging head on keyboard gfvvkjfdfrdsdjnhhyjyhurfdv cbvfrf tgftyuhfgfrvfcuyhfgrtvvbrdeyhujbghretgyggghyhughrftvrtfjurdertf kkjggthhbnrffdtgfgtbnbnytghhj dsnhjnb n dcfgfuiijijnn
  2. typing "XCOM BABY" with elbows XDFOM B VA\ZBVYT
  3. sneak peek at my next little project
  4. Splendid job Hatbat! I'd call that a cinematic job well done! "pats back" sidenote: If you want, I can PM a full backstory of the Federation (or more like suggestions on how they influence the story) if you want to feature them in later episodes (or not, I don't mind)
  5. oh, yeah, sorry about that; I'll kindly bump your stuff pic: download link: http://www./download/sq52spom76ti2l7/Dreadnought_-_Dragon_Lore_-_V3_18.craft
  6. maybe add a few pics of your ships?
  7. if that's how you'll be... MINOR DAMAGE MY [REDACTED]
  8. okay... First I'll use another Bol missile... SMASH okay, that may have been a little cheaty so I used a modified Thalia instead AWW! I wanted more smash ;_; EDIT: oh, right.... New Thalia, still kinda incomplete but whatever
  9. I'm not afraid! download link so come at me br0
  10. I'll have a go, stand by EDIT: I did an early test and it's quite a hardy ship, a hit from a Bol missile 1km away while dealing damage only tore off a flank of armour and it was still able to crawl up and destroy the Griselbrand II attacking it with its own remaining weapons "sigh", why must my ships suck?
  11. I deorbit your space hill My hill
  12. that is its intended function Waiter, there's a booster in my soup!
  13. you cannot watch another sci-fi movie or game because of its physics
  14. The Federations R@D divisions would like to introduce an orbital fighter to the Federations arsenal The new Thalia-class Orbital fighter is meant to attack and eliminate heavy fighter assets and harass capital ships with its volley of six missiles. The Thalia has two defining traits: First is its thrust, though not fast (unless with additional RCS thrust) its four ion engines draw their power mainly through four fuel cells inside the ship, making it less suspectable to crippling attacks on the solar panels as other fighters show though it does still have solar panels in case it runs out of fuel. The second key feature is that the Thalia is very small, about the same size as the Argus tank, allowing another potentially lethal craft to fit inside another HKA vessel and help the fleet. In addition, our engineers have managed to make hardware changes to the Vraska, making its weapons much less suspectible to being shot off Thalia Fighter Vraska
  15. The pictures are actually somewhat misleading; the Vraska actually has 4 engines that run through the spine and do have some protection (though the exposed hardpoints are indeed a concern And the "wings" of the Griselbrand II are supposed to provide some side protection (and cool aesthetic) and all of its weapons are guided using vernier RCS as engines. The exposed fuel tanks are actually temporary things that detach upon either being attacked or if they run out, it has some internal fuel tanks in the fuselage providing a measly 1600 fuel units
  16. With your permission, the Federation would like to obtain the blueprints to these ships to test out our own spaceships in combat simulations to make them more resilient on the field
  17. To try and determine the combat effectiveness of the newly commissioned Argus super-light Tank, the Federation military has run a few combat simulations. as GMI intel is still sketchy, a Union Dynamics Tennessee MBT tank was used, price-range the MBT is 9 times more expensive than the Argus Damage models of the Argus after a single impact from the Tennessee's main gun. after a small reboot, the Argus' arnament is now tested against the MBT, first off is its main Howitzer gun Damage is low, as it happens, the Argus' main gun is not intended against heavily armoured targets such as the Tennessee Fortunately, the Argus also comes equipped with missile launchers, one Maverick missile is let off the rails. KABLOOEY! the entire tank is sent flying before landing on its back, which I would call a write-off. The Federation wishes to present this simulated test for the HKA to prove its military effectiveness, as specified earlier the Argus is significantly cheaper and smaller than most other competing competing vehicles and due to its unmanned capability there is no risk to Kerbal life should it be destroyed. As another token of goodwill, the Federation would also like to introduce the Zarek-class Interceptor, a hypersonic interceptor capable of mounting quick strikes against enemy aircraft and being able to destroy most incoming missiles either from ground sites or interceptors Argus Tank Zarek Fighter
  18. I walk up and kick you off the hill My Hill
  19. 5/10 I haven't seen you before but it looks like you like trains
  20. I would like to introduce a new faction to the series. Bio: The Spearkan Federation is one of the oldest entities in all of Kerbin and is one of the last remaining nations, predating most corporations existent. There is an unknown quantity going into the Federation; they have been a neutral entity for many years and are extremely isolationist, instead preferring to focus on scientific research. Despite this, they have made a few political actions either for their defense, cutting ties afterwards or to act for the greater good of Kerbalkind Allies: HKA, but the possibility of opting out of the conflict or changing sides at any time is a real possibility
  21. So I just made another ship.... The Vraska class Frigate, contrary to its name is actually SMALLER than the Griselbrand II but still packs a mean, mean punch in the form of 10 light rockets and 2 SRB rockets, if the cupola cockpit gets blown off it can regress to a probecore on the back to keep in the fight; this thing is designed to fight close range as opposed to the Griselbrand II's style of firing moon-to-moon Speaking of the Griselbrand II, I remodelled it AGAIN with removing some unnecessary girders to add more fuel tanks to increase range download link thingies Vraska Griselbrand II
  22. I know I promised myself that I wouldn't do these things again but... in the middle of the night, I ended up opening the Griselbrand II file trying once more to try and make it a functional ship; I ended up fixing the clipping issues at the expense of reducing the Delta-V to 1.4km/s, I've stuck on some detachable tanks to try and prolong its DV. I don't know if it performs well and I still don't care, I'm just going to leave the dropbox link and be off, I seriously cannot be bothered to add a picture
  23. Fine, I'll add a new link but as an advance warning 1. Its range is crap (unable to go to Duna is beyond any measure of crap range) 2. Its weapons are crap 3. Its durability is crap 4. Its name is complete crap 5. For the above 4 reasons, I won't contribute any further to the craft or make any further ships since it's evident that it's impossible for me to make a ship that has a good range, weapons and will survive a single damn volley (damn you Macey for even making me think this was a good idea) Consider this my last submission unless I can be remotely convinced otherwise, I cannot even do a damn battle since my computer is a hunk of metal crap as well
  24. screw that then, there's pretty much no hope of making my corvette tough and have a good range at the same time even with external mounting. I should pull the dropbox link then since there's no way of making it a valid ship in any way
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