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Everything posted by Dman979

  1. Much better. Positives 0, Negatives -1
  2. Sorry, but that's not a valid post- it doesn't have a number, and it doesn't show what operation you did.
  3. Hmm. Maybe get rid of the arrow? And the "Sagen" should be large, and centered at the top part, IMO.
  4. Don't you mean your brother? And that was great. Both the movie, and the comic.
  5. 70a.i Unless it's actually a new Easter Egg, with no previous documentation on the Forums, Reddit, or other internet locations, and you are the first one to post pictures.
  6. Me? No, I've never done that, I think. He's holy, and blessed be His name. But I saw a new guy do it... once.
  7. You've built a fully-fueled jetliner using stock parts, and now you can't pull up.
  8. 41. Posting in the wrong subforum 42. Backseat moderation 43. Getting @Red Iron Crown mad. It's hard to do, but it can be done, and it's not pretty.
  9. What's all this about explosions? Eh? Need I break out Rule 2.3f?
  10. Somehow, I get the feeling that the Kerbulan legal system involves armed combat -- not expertly crafted logical and emotional arguments.
  11. Exactly, so it's not canon yet. As I said, I want to see Kuzzter's in-story explanation of why that is.
  12. Might it work the other way, too? I'm curious to see how Kuzzter will solve this... in the canon literature, of course,
  13. Do you have any more pictures? I suggest CKAN. If not, then I'd go through then RO modlist one at a time, starting the game after installing each mod to make sure that they're working.
  14. I think that it's designed to put you at a specific point with a specific velocity. If you tell the program what the final velocity you want it to have at a point is, so long as the rocket is physically capable of getting there, it will get there. That also works for your parking orbit, too. If you know what the parking orbit altitude you want is (+/- up to 10km), you should be able to figure out your orbital velocity. From there, you can precalculate the node, and then input that into the orbit on the stock KSP node system. If you do decide to go the semi-historical route, I suggest adding a few modcourse correction burns, too.
  15. Yes, I suppose that would also work, too.
  16. Like I recommended to the RSP, I suggest taking a look at @Reddy's PEGAS code. It's not fully implemented yet, but it's impressive.
  17. Awesome stuff! How did you build it? I'd also suggest putting it in a RSS/RO save.
  18. You seem to be very concerned that everyone follows the rules. That's good. My suggestion is that you do like Deutherius suggested- keep a Word document or something similar with all the posts you can revert back to. Have an explanation written out for each revert, and when you feel like a win is about to happen, then copy and paste the appropriate entry into the comment box. Then all you have to do is hit "Submit Reply-" you don't have to worry about wasting time to go back and look up the correct post. Here's an example of what Deu did a while ago: TO everyone else- be careful that you're posting the correct number! You never know who might be keeping track...
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