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Everything posted by Dman979

  1. 92 bottles of brew on the wall, 92 bottles of brew, Take one down, pass it around, 91 bottles of brew on the wall
  2. True, I probably am VoidCosomos. I'm not VoidCosmos, but I probably am. TUBM has less time on the forums than me.
  3. That's not the right ending, @RoninFrog. When you get to one bottle, you refill them all. 98 bottles of beer on the wall, 98 bottles of beer, Take one down, pass it around, 97 bottles of beer on the wall Also, I've updated the rules. Only one number per post, no double posting.
  4. This is a song. We count down from 99 to 1. The lyrics go Don't skip numbers. One number per post. Wait for someone else to post before posting again. When there is 1 bottle of beer on the wall, you take it down, refill them all, and there are 99 bottles of beer on the wall. I'll start. 99 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beer, Take one down, pass it around, 98 bottles of beer on the wall!
  5. Vanamonde is my favorite moderator. They're so kind *ow* and merciful *stop hitting me* and benevolent. *Put the chair down, please I'm begging you!*
  6. I made chocolate pudding, and it was very tasty. https://www.bingingwithbabish.com/recipes/chocolate-pudding-rugrats
  7. One of my relatives is a very picky eater, but yesterday they ate everything we made, and proudly proclaimed, "I like this!"
  8. I am on these forums for the community. Without the connections I've made over the years, I would have certainly drifted off by now, so thank you all for making this a fun place to be. They took BBCode out of my cold, privacy-lacking hands. Deddly's nice. The thread was locked by @Ted and has never been unlocked. A moderate amount. I mentioned this a few posts back, but I really enjoy cooking. Also, camping and spending time outdoors is always fun. I like dogs. The thread was locked by @Ted in 2013, and hasn't been unlocked. I wish people would just stop posting and respect the lock. I can see Vanamonde's house from Andromeda. No, this is 10 questions.
  9. Telling people that questions need to be about the forum. JK. I enjoy cooking, a lot. I have a new obsession with finding frying pans. If you happen to know a place where I can pick up a Matfer Bourgeat 300mm carbon steel pan, HMU.
  10. Hi everyone, Even though this is part of the Lounge subforum, posts in this thread need to be on topic. Some posts have been removed. Thank you for your understanding.
  11. If two canaries make a pair, is it called a parakeet?
  12. Well, the plural of half is whole. Do your pants have a whole in them?
  13. Obviously, none of you have ever seen a @Whackjob creation. Do yourself a favor, and see how an insane mechanical engineer would play KSP!
  14. That depends. When Gregory House meets John Dorian, is that a paradox?
  15. It has been asked! @Tex used to be called Maximus97. I don't think he'd be allowed to change his name again.
  16. If you happen to spot an infraction, Don't give in to overreactions. Just hit "report," And say something short, And let us take mod'rater action!
  17. As I sit here the night before Christmas, I must ask my Kerbs for forgiveness. Because in my haste, To send them to space, Most splattered on KSP's isthmus!
  18. Granted. Twitch becomes the video platform of choice. I wish for a potato that I can eat outside of Minecraft.
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