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Everything posted by Dman979

  1. Guys, political content isn't allowed on this forum. You all know that. Some content has been removed.
  2. If the mask is getting in the way of talking to people, cut a hole in it! You'll be able to breathe more easily, too!
  3. @MaianTrey will you update this for the Dragon launch?
  4. Right as rain. Will Adsii1970 arrive soon?
  5. Not really- Just post in that thread solo for a half an hour, at various time intervals. See which one doesn't get merged. Profit!
  6. I've always gone off of ten minutes. But feel free to test it in the Pretty Good Test Thread!
  7. Let's be realistic here: This is KSP. The bugs are a feature!
  8. Hey guys, please stick to talking about the topic. Some off-topic posts have been removed.
  9. SoonTM. According to my limited knowledge, the bug is on IPS' end, not ours, so it came packaged with the forum software. You might have to ask Invision Power directly.
  10. https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/ http://web.archive.org/web/20121021002818/http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum.php?s=9f34a5c05565584a31f6fa8dc3a35151
  11. Please do not make forum-destroying posts in locked threads, or we'll have to unlock it.
  12. Update: my continued struggles with consistently shaving has given me a beard.
  13. I'm sure that @Val appreciates your efforts! Remember, kiddos: Quicksaving is your friend.
  14. I mean, I'm not sure it needs any more adornments... but a "highest periapsis" would be interesting. Sure, there's a theoretical upper limit (just at the edge of Kerbin's SOI), but I'm fairly confident that it's gonna be too hard to hit the limit with 5000. And BTW, @Chequers, congrats on TOTM!
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