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Everything posted by Dman979

  1. Congratulations on Thread of the Month, @AG-cs!
  2. Congratulations on Thread of the Month, @prestja!
  3. Congratulations on Thread of the Month, @Rocketscience101!
  4. Happy Canada Day, everyone! With time still having no meaning, let's take a second- or hour, or minute- to reflect on Canada's contribution to spaceflight. There's the Canadarm, the Candarm2 (Electric Boogaloo), and Chris Hatfield's mustache. Canada was the third country to construct an artificial satellite! And did we mention that @Red Iron Crown is from Canada, eh? Moving swiftly on, our first thread is @AG-cs' Little House of nightmares. The ships are cool, but the planet textures creep me out! Speaking of planets, @prestja has updated a fork of Kopernicus so it's compatible with KSP 1.9.1. This is a great service to the community! The forum rules require all posts outside the International Subforums to be in English, but it's not everyone's first language. If you learned English as a second language, @MarsBy2024OrBust invites you to share how you learned it! Covid-19 has put a halt to most air travel on Earth, but thankfully there are no cases on Kerbin yet. @HolidayTheLeek is looking for passenger airliners. Are you the next Paul Priestman? TOTM badges? We don't need no stinking TOTM badges! Not when @cineboxandrew has decals, instead. Now with 29% less treasure from the Sierra Madres! (Note: TOTM badges are still available, and do not smell.) Finally, @Rocketscience101 took indoor confinement to the extreme. Over the course of a day and a half, he went to the Mun in real time, using only IVA view. Bravo, and well done! A big thanks to this month's nomination committee: @DeltaDizzy, @EchoLima, @Just Jim, @Poodmund, @Nightside, @Servo, and @woeller. And, as always, thank you to @adsii1970 for making this month's badge! Feel free to wear it in your signature with pride.
  5. Thread locked at OP request.
  6. The largest bit of wasted space on Windows10 is System32. Drag it to the recycle bin to free up your hard drive for more KSP mods.
  7. Moderators work together and use their best judgment in each situation. If these rules are broken, any member of staff may hand out a fair punishment, e.g., removing content, issuing a warning etc. Harsher punishment (such as a ban) may be used when there is a severe or repeated offense. Example: Arguing with another member is likely to result in posts being removed and a personal message or warning being given. Continuing to argue, or harassing another member (either publicly or via personal message), is likely to result in infractions, posting restrictions or a temporary ban. Take-Two provides a space for the community to share ideas, opinions and feelings. While we do encourage healthy and constructive debates, please remember to follow the rules, keep it in good taste and always be respectful. You don't go to your friend's house and start smashing their windows, so don't do something equally offensive in ours. These rules may be changed at any time and it is each member's responsibility to keep up to date. https://xkcd.com/simplewriter/
  8. Jus alpukat may translate to "avocado juice," but this rich, chilled Indonesian beverage is thick enough to be called a shake. It gets its creamy texture from silky avocado and milk, and its sweetness from condensed milk. Here, we spike it with strong coffee or a double shot of espresso, though you can also omit the coffee for a non-caffeinated version—you'll find it served both ways in Indonesia. To push it even further into dessert territory, you can also drizzle it with chocolate syrup. Feel free to play with the ratios here to your own liking: add more milk for a thinner shake, more or less condensed milk to adjust sweetness, and more or less ice for either a colder and frostier treat or a thicker and more intense one. https://xkcd.com/simplewriter/
  9. Most readers love to give their opinion on a book they’ve just read, whether it’s good or bad. Let your patrons take ownership of their library and encourage them to leave a review of their latest read. You can provide sticky notes and a board or wall to put them on, add comments to your website or simply talk to people, write down what they say and then tweet or Facebook it. One reader telling another about a great book is the simplest and most powerful promotional tool in existence – and libraries have lots of opportunities to harness it.
  10. We are benevolent gods. The change has been done. You can send your sacrifices and burnt offerings to Vanamonde.
  11. Yes, we're interested! Welcome aboard!
  12. No no, @Gargamel is next. No no, @Gargamel is next.
  13. Yes I am. Is @Vanamonde here? Yes I am. Is @Vanamonde here?
  14. With just a little dedication, quitting your job to play KSP, and perseverance, you'll be there in no time at all.
  15. Bienvenidos, @Jose Tortola! 300 hours is pretty new- We've got some users who I'm sure are in the 10,000 hours range. But welcome to the forums! It's a pretty friendly place, and I'm sure you'll fit in great. Looking forward to seeing what you make!
  16. It looks good, but now I can't forget they're all wrong.
  17. I have moved this to the Modded Support subforum. Welcome aboard, and do stick around!
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