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Everything posted by Tarheel1999

  1. @Jashin As has been mentioned several times in this thread, mod authors need to update the wrapper they use to implement Toolbar.
  2. Just a shot in the dark but...there was a lot of work done to improve biomes in 1.2. So it's possible that what you are asking for is impossible. It's also possible you were on the edge of a biome which was redefined/cleaned up.
  3. The part config file is borked. The part won't load until this is fixed. There's no Github issue for this which is probably why it's not changed. Yes, the stock claw. Konstruction adds a magnet to it.
  4. @NavyFish Several mods have had this problem including HyperEdit and RCSBuildaid. My understanding is that there is a stock idiosyncrasy in handling app buttons which requires mods to unregister their buttons in certain situations. There's more info in the RCSBuildAid thread. FWIW, I wouldn't prioritize fixing this as it doesn't appear to break anything and only occurs on the Main Menu screen after quitting from the space center. And who knows maybe 1.2.1 will fix this...or not.
  5. I thought he added it in the lastest update. Have you looked for it there? According to the GitHub repo it should be there.
  6. There's a detailed tutorial 4 posts above yours.
  7. Jump to ship causing a crash is a known issue and TriggerAU is working on a fix.
  8. Padishar -TriggerAU has run into the same problem with KAC. He was able to reproduce when switching in flight mode from a landed ship to a unloaded ship in orbit.
  9. @DStaal posted a config for this several pages back. Try using his config and change the mass to 10. edit - ninjaed @nebuchadnezzar Ferram asked that problems with the Konstruction ports/parts be raised in the KJR thread and not here.
  10. Actually this willl only work on 1.2. It was released during 1.2 pre-release and Spacedock didn't have 1.2 option. Regardless, it is probably better to download from Github. https://github.com/BobPalmer/Konstruction/releases
  11. But why do the key bindings matter if you can only use KIS functionality while on EVA. Unless something has changed, KIS will not work if the Kerbal is in a command seat, like the Akita.
  12. Nope. Contract Configurator exposed a bug in the toolbar wrapper. Mods need to update the toolbar wrapper as discussed here:
  13. I've submitted a pull request to Rover to fix the USI-LS parts showing up in the wrong categories. In the meantime, the Module Manager patch below will remove the USI-LS parts from the wrong categories. Put the text below into a .cfg file and put it in your GameData directory. I would name the file something like USI_LS_Fixes.cfg so that it will be easy to spot and delete once this is fixed in a new version. @PART[Fert_Tank_250|Fert_Tank_125|Fert_Tank_375|Fert_Tank_250|USILS_ViewingCupola|LS_Tank_375|LS_Tank_250|LS_Tank_125|USILS_SmCupola|USILS_Recycler|MulchMiniPack|FertilizerMiniPack|LifeSupportMiniPack|USILS_LgRecycler|USILS_Greenhouse_Sm|USILS_Greenhouse_MiniCupola|USILS_Greenhouse_Lg|USILS_Greenhouse_Inline|USILS_Greenhouse_Cupola|USILS_Greenhouse_250] { !Category = none %category = none }
  14. I don't think you can use KIS in a command seat. So I'm not sure what the conflict is. Also there is a crane and claw in Konstruction. You could add the pickup module to those parts.
  15. Have you looked at the first post (OP)? There are a bunch of image galleries and linked videos. They might give you some ideas.
  16. Try copying and pasting the manufacturer name from one of the part configs. I don't remember the exact name off the top of my head but it's something like "USI - Konstruction Divison". If it's not working you're not using the right name.
  17. Change the manufacturer of your part to match the Konstruction parts. You have to set category=none to prevent it from showing up in other tabs.
  18. @Kerbas_ad_astra I tried again. Hopefully I got it right this time. My bad about the panels I must have edited the 1x3 small panels instead of the 1x3 wide panels which are about twice as big and weigh 3x more. I went ahead and included a commit increasing the charge rate on the bigger values to 3.7 which is what they were in the KSP 1.1.2 version of the revamp.
  19. Kerbas, this may be beyond me. I initially thought I could your fork your fork and make a pull request directly to your fork but that apparently isn't a thing. So here is what I did: Forked and cloned the master branch Created a new branch Copied all your changes into the cloned repo on my desktop Committed and synced those changes to the new branch Made my changes Commited and synced those changes At this point I'm at a loss for what to do. My forked branch is here: https://github.com/tarheel1999/Stock-Revamp/tree/1.2-Fixes. It has the following changes: Changed categories of mk1 Cargo pay, Octo service bay, and para docking port Added the "Light" action group to all of the new command pods/crew containers Added effects to the RCSBlock Changed the charge rate of the new large 1x3 solar panels to the value from 1.9.3 (3.7 vs 0.72) Sorry about the reverts. It took me a couple of tries to figure out to how to fix a mistake I made in the initial commit. Let me know if I can do anything else.
  20. @Kerbas_ad_astra The following patch needs to be added to RCSBlock in Squad\Parts\Engine.cfg to enable the ModuleRCSFX effects for the reskinned RCS block @EFFECTS { @running { @AUDIO_MULTI_POOL { @transformName = RCSthruster } @MODEL_MULTI_PARTICLE { @transformName = RCSthruster } } } I've never done a github pull request before but I might have time to learn how tomorrow.
  21. Nope. Mod authors who use the toolbar wrapper need to update their wrapper to avoid a bug that nightingale found while updating CC for 1.2. A lot of mods have done so already. If there's no mention of this issue in the mod's thread already, a polite post asking the mod author to update the wrapper with a link to nightingale's post a couple of pages back will likely solve the problem you are having.
  22. @jweste @Donziboy2 I had this happen a couple of versions ago. You need to go to the KSP settings window on the main menu and rebind your keys for the editor (x & c).
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