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Everything posted by Tarheel1999

  1. Has this changed? It used to be that the wrench could only surface attach and the drill was required for node/stack attaching
  2. The new parts added in the recent update that act as automated refineries.
  3. The MPU IS the logistics module. But it can only push, not pull. And it works unmanned.
  4. I had 2 drills with one nuke and 4 drills with 2 nukes working on kerbin. Maybe cooling is different on Kerbin and the Mun. Regardless, do the maths again and design for the power/cooling requirements for 4 drills with 3 separators.
  5. @gamerscircle I tested your craft. You were running out of power. I added another reactor and it worked fine. Note Rover's comment above that EC and core heat are per separator. So you will need to have sufficient cooling and power for 12 drills (4 physical drills x 3 separators).
  6. The stock thermal panels efficiency depend on their location on your craft. They need to be attached to the part which needs cooling or its grandparent part. Did you notice in RD's stream last night that he was very particular about where he put the stock thermal panels? The problem could simply be the stock panels or their placement. For testing purposes, I would suggest removing the stock panels and placing 3 Ranger thermals on your miner and then test it on Kerbin. If this works move down to two Ranger thermals to see if this works. Finally you can go down back to one Ranger thermal and experiment with the location of your stock thermal panels. Doing this way will help you eliminate MKS as the culprit for your cooling problems. The other possibility here is that the EC and Cooling requirements for the drills are for EACH separator. I believe the 500 has 3. So that would actually be 120 ec per drill instead of 40 and 150kw cooling instead of 50kw.
  7. 3400 vacuum is generally enough for aerodynamic rockets following a decent trajectory.
  8. The HG-5 is not the same thing as the HG-55.
  9. Or way to many mods and you are getting an insane amount of garbage collection
  10. @linuxgurugamer if you would like log files concerning the offset/rotation issue, I can provide them to you later today.
  11. @Majorjim! changing modes after rotating does not work but I'm not sure this is really an issue as you typically only work in one mode. Also, have you tested whether you can do this is a pure stock install? This could simply be a stock issue.
  12. Isn't the HG-5 a relay? I believe the tool tip says it's both a direct and relay.
  13. Fortunately it's largely a non-issue. I'm sure NavyFish will get to it when he has a chance.
  14. Rotate the ship manually until you reach the correct orientation
  15. The arrows are not reliable. You need to enable the aero information in the PAW for the parts and look at that. Also replacing 909s with 30s just suggests that you needed more thrust or a different ascent path.
  16. @pheenix99 there are three different legs, they have different options.
  17. It should be "category=none". It will likely be fixed in the next release. Here's a patch in the meanwhile:
  18. @Majorjim! I'm not really sure what to say. Dafni has now made multiple comments about the horizontal and vertical snap not working. I was responding to that and even quoted his comments about H and V not snapping properly.
  19. I've found that the snap doesn't work if it's already close to centered and if I move the part way off center they keys work.
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