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    Bottle Rocketeer
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    most PC games with mods

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  1. I founded issued on stars systems from Kcalbeloh System Planet Pack won't let change size any thrusters & fuel tank, cause problem 000_NiakoUtils folder, I removed folder won't loaded planets/stars mods. I have removed Kcalbeloh System Planet Pack then start games worked back to normal no pop up error & no problem any planets/stars mod no issued on Whirligig World & EventHorizon & Strange New Worlds This mod not compatible on Kcalbeloh System Planet Pack TweakScale is not installed correctly are false positive that cause problem on Kcalbeloh System Planet Pack mod Won't let change size, that broken by Kcalbeloh System Planet Pack
  2. Stopped loading can't get in games, I founded out Interstellar Technologies mod not compatible on this mod, have no issued other planets/stars mod. I was removed Interstellar Technologies, now worked fine loading got in games
  3. Issued all solar-panel same don't worked on blue star won't let charging up battery. From Kcalbeloh System Planet won't charging battery on blue stars same on Strange New World. I changed homeswitch worked fine charging battery on yellow star same stock system
  4. This mod bug can't click new games & load games just stuck on main menu screen can't exit. I have no issued other planets mods
  5. I founded SolverEngines outdated they stopped worked on liquid fuel tanks. I downloaded new one SolverEngines worked now have liquid fuel tank because I haven't play KSP in 1 year, they too many updates on loading screen.
  6. No fuel?? all liquid fuel tanks not work, only 1 sold fuel tank worked
  7. This mod was abandoned haven't updated long time. I tried New Horizons on KSP v1.12.3 still worked but shame scatterer not worked on older version New Horizons, only work on new version KSP & planets mods. He last visited 24th July 2021 haven't login long time.
  8. Stock KSP & GU & Vulture Star still worked newer scatterer but don't worked on older Strange New Worlds
  9. I founded issued v0.0772 scatterer with GPP was broken on GU don't work older v0.0772 no scatterer. I try on v0.0830 worked fine on GU alone without GPP. Same Beyond Home with GU & scatterer don't worked, only worked alone Beyond Home without GU.
  10. Nope, I installed right thing. I founded scatterer was broken on Galaxies Unbound: A Stellar Odyssey when added GPP (this mod). GPP alone with v0.0772 scatterer worked without Galaxies Unbound: A Stellar Odyssey. Shame v0.0772 don't work on Galaxies Unbound: A Stellar Odyssey only worked on newer v0.0830
  11. Nope not worked for me, I opened right Alt+F10 worked but can't setting. v0.0830 only 1 planets (home) worked but many planets no scatters. I was tried fresh KSP install & GPP with scatters but v0.0772 still no scatter anymore.
  12. v0.0772 don't worked no scatter loaded. I tried on v0.0830 worked fine scatter loaded but too thick can't see land look like ocean. Planets mods from Galaxies Unbound: A Stellar Odyssey & Galileo's Planet Pack.
  13. OPT Reconfig was not included main OPT mod, I download worked now fuel options.
  14. Broken mod on 1.12.2 no fuel on tanks, no options on any fuel tanks. other plane mod & normal worked fine. I used Real fuel mod.
  15. I was tried download new star systems mod lucky worked on Galaxies Unbound but bit dropped to 70-80fps at launch pad when added stars systems.
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