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Everything posted by keeper

  1. Actually I've just looked at my debris screen, all my ships are at the bottom of that list omg ... none of them are actually debris. That is sickening.
  2. I've been building rovers and whatnot drivables, I'm looking at just the TR 2L ruggedized wheels The part says: 0.05 weight each 0.7EU/s max impact speed 300 (and 60m/s max speed.) Anyone managed to get these things to that kind of speed?? The vehicle I tested now with has 8 wheels, weighs about 14t on Kerbin. What I noticed was = Electric charge usage scales massively. at 100% size usage was about 6EU/s at 150% size usage was about 20EU/s Weight scales massively. 2 wheels at 100% size weighs 0.1t 2 wheels at 150% will weigh 0.71t (more than 50% increase) Speed of the rover wheels also scales strangely. At 100% size I got my rover to a max cruising speed of about 20m/s When increased to 150% the rover got to a max speed of around 13m/s At 100% size, the vehicle in question would damage the wheels when hitting bumps and hills, When i increased the size of the wheels to 150% beefy then they handled alot better with no damage. I didn't look at making things smaller, unfortunately I tend only to make things larger. The fuel tanks also do crazy scaling like that, you'll see for yourself. Making probe cores, and SAS core things bigger scale up the power of SAS aswell, so they turn the craft with more oomph. Cheaty cheaty - apparently pfft but I would! Havn't ever scaled any engines so havn't a clue there.
  3. I always make a habit of re-naming the craft after seperation/undocking. Its more of a procedural chore - to prevent mix ups like this from happening. I too have deleted ships totally unintentionally. That list can get boggling. But i put it down to my own human error. I must have just either clicked the wrong thing, or not checked what it was called, or expecting what I delete to be some other part... Now I jump to every object i'm about to delete before i delete it. I cant "just delete" some object without first being certain I know what it is. Infact now I delete things so rarely I make a thing over it because things don't normally just vanish. I havn't looked at my debris list in a while. No doubt its more or less empty. I imagine, if i deleted a ship - then everything docked/attached any-how would also go. When docking/undocking the names sometimes get remembered, but other times i later find my landers end up being called things like "minmus refuel station" or "science lab 1" when it should be a mun lander or something. Had a probe core, had kerbals in it, had power, antena, dock - and was listed as debris? Are you sure? Did you set it to debris? When re naming? lol
  4. havn't a clue, try giving them lady names lol
  5. So with the Sun rising slightly earlier, how long would it take for a.. an extra day? Is that right? How much would it cost to organise the oposite of a "leap year?" But what I wonder more is how did that get your attention and why bother to work all that out? What does knowing this tell us?
  6. I was on about day 230, unlocked all of tech tree, had 26 MILLION funds, had an ARMY of kerbalions, accidently spent my entire day off building modular pieces for a huge mining station... Launched the bulk of it last night in one ship, in my last stretch of energy before colapsing of pure exhaustion I punched in co-ordinates to land, and eyes shut. Got home from work today to see i have landed - with the mid stage. lol No worries, procedure for this: hit f5, apply full power, shutdown engines, do all the detaching and whatnot re-land nearby and continue as planned. It goes like - tap f5 so quick it doesn't save, apply full power, detach everything, have a mish mash on the small ascent, come in the landing, OH NO IM GONNA LAND ON TOP OF ALL MA JETISION JUNK then i sploded. Thank god for F9, only the last time I actually quicksaved was on day 59. I loaded the persistant and that had mirraculously been written over immidiatly upon loading the quicksave. Well to that I say, no thank you. I think i'm going to give ksp a looong break.
  7. The only thing I go in the Space plane hanger for is to build rovers and station sub assemblies. Every time I try the plane i blow it up. Never managed to get into planes much myself though I do give it 20 mins once a blue mun. Never had a successful flight
  8. I found parts to start flashing orange whilst taking damage from re entry. Those parts taking too much damage don't stop flashing; others that manage too cool before the threshold will stop eventually. More annoying is sometimes I accidentally briefly mouse over the staging and certain parts remain with a green outline until I mouse over that again.
  9. If it meant anything then I'd want to get it spot on, but as it stands once its mission complete its only a matter of time before I terminate flight. Or I end up with All these empty kerbal hotel stacks with a dock, antenna and a solar panel flying around everywhere
  10. I tried the welding mod before v1. but had no success. On the launchpad performance is terrible. Usualy, once i've dropped most of the launcher its running much better. All those struts, chutes, srbs, detachrs etc are usually the bulk of the part count. My worst case scenario was when i built a mining base on minmus, ended up with about 5 ships all with about 100 - 200 parts each right next to each other. Luckily the game updated and I could start again. Now my main focus is reducing the part count of the payload - whatever the finished product is, should be (universally) minimal. I'm planning a second run, to test for Duna hopefully will end up with many less parts on the surface mining station. Really hoping KSP will soon perform much better and I will always sacrifice somewhat for nice graphics
  11. took me a many attempts for my first dock. This thread reminded me when i was learning. Like most things i ended up making crafts specifically made to let me mess around till I got it right. I found the small miniature docks are harder and have only used the 1.25m one since then. MechMeb showed me the way. Now I am using Docking port alignment indicator. I tried external cameras mod, but it wasn't very useful, sometimes the problem was the camera angle. So many times i spent ages lining up, and went in for the dock - only to find i'm 5 meters in front of the ship. Not even cm's off, whole meters and i couln't tell at all LOL Only today i put a senior docking port on a vessel to see how i fare with that, but will have to go with a totally dedicated vessel to dock with, lol.
  12. On my current play Im on Year 1 Day 239. I've been timewarping more than usual, as its a 1 mission at a time affair this time round. That will all change when i go to Duna, planning on about 5 - 6 ships :/ Not doing the big spaghetti rocket thing again.
  13. Im playing with 100% heat, just learning about re-entry at the moment, had plenty of explosions think I'm just getting the hang of it now. Have been experimenting with heatshields and fairings. The fairings seem more sturdy than previous versions and heatshields are a must on steeper re-entries on Kerbin. I guess it all feels about right, with the aero and heating. Not sure if the heat shields are invincible, i did a straight drop to kerbin from 200km the heat shield did its job brilliantly. That beautiful red to golden to blinding burning sensation on the belly of my test machine was wicked. Still wondering what those radial radiator grill things do :S Even if i put loads of em all over things still splode. Since the update I think it got harder. I can't do spaceplanes (never have), not using FAR or NEAR (tried both & dislike), hoping they stop messing around with atmospheres or aero models so I can get used to it all again. For KSP the aero seems fine, infact I have always liked the aero stock even before and after changes. Heating seemed very unpredictable at first, i could see that things hitting the brunt of the atmosphere heats up more, things behind the shield/fairing are more or less completely safe, and then sometimes random things get too hot and slode, and i'll be unsure why - but i know its got something to do with where on the craft it is. On the whole, I can manage i think.. And probably worth noting i use tweakscale & mostly just part mods, and have changed my fairing max radius to something rather large. I have very much enjoyed building ridiculously large and absurdly awkward (sp?) vessels, they ofcourse come with their own challenges.
  14. Every word, well said. All true. Bravo. (i bet the majority of players add mods) I also hope i dont need to restart my career save for the updates.
  15. I have never edited a part .cfg but on this occasion for the first time I have done, and thank you for that! MaxRadius from 6 to 18 Happy days this is perfect LMAO Yes 11fps and strangely exhaust fumes coming from under my desk after time spent in VAB :/ U think that VAB works the computer much??? Or is that just me ha This will get to space now, so i can see if it lands without exploding first This heatshield will probably spin out anyway EDIt: Probably worth noting the fairing protects from re-entry heat, eliminating the need for a heatshield, if theres just some way now to move this behemoth around
  16. Diverted here from the apocolapsis and piri piri apsis thread. But the discussion moved to Aluminum, and aluminium - to which I thought were two different things. Turns out they were right! Its the same damn thing, spelled different, and said different, but the means the same thing. Cheers! How you pronounce any of it is like I dont give a....
  17. i'm messing around with re-entry, with large stupid shaped payloads :/ Edit: Seems with tweakscale I can get the heatshields up to crazy sizes Look! 14 meters wide LOL weighs 21 tonnes, the fairing only gets about 10 meters wide or there abouts Cant launch like that. Will have to change game plan.
  18. Oh Yes, that would be very convenient in some cases but might require a computer or something to do the works without the kerbal/human controlled probecore, and maybe a level of.... uncertainty (just like modern computers & MechJeb) lol But I have long looked at Remote Tech and never even bothered. I once setup a 3 part 700km orbital relay for the Interstellar beam power rays thing, but lost interest once I'd done it once. (Actually it was less rewarding than predicted) and remote tech seemed a bit too technical for me, for some reason put off. Now I am looking forward to the update, happy theres no time delay if i'm controlling the ship in realtime, it really needs to be realtime. I'll end up probably setting up a load of relay things around everything anyway. It would be nice if I had e.g. 5 antennas on my craft, then they were all used at the same time to send science home faster instead of just one.
  19. Yea was going to post in the what i did today but here may be more relevant. Spent the last week or so just thinking about my first mission to Duna. Step 1 ended up being: Make a crane thats going to put the base together. After all, can't make a station without knowing how it will go together. A while later this bare prototype appears : Oh yea, screenshot key is overlay, forgot to change that. Anyway, Demonstration version shows moving a heavy load from A to B. And it can do this : Notice the brakes applied. When Testing with a full load this happens: lool Tried adding struts, here and there but it seems if the wheels arn't in the correct position that it should be when they fully stop and lock then they will try to get in the right position without being able to rotate and it all goes wobbily from there. I have reduced the brake torque to 5. I tested it on 2, and that wouldn't stop it. I am aware of the weight of the tank and the leverage from the CoM, and the small weak links to the crane, and the extendy legs makes it all flimsy, but see that problem there i see the wheels falling off. This is my worst nightmare. More worryingly previous tests were using the button on the screen, but when using the S key to slow the vehicle down and attempt to get the wheels in the "right position" before applying the lock, when i nearly stopped I held the B key and I swear all the wheels went their own way full throttle. Ugh, maybe I need bigger wheels :/ I like these ones. Will keep messing around lol Edit 2: That last pic is just cracking me up it looks totally retarded. It must be the kerbal way. Adding more struts between the wheels help
  20. So its better to game life than cheat a game? or... wait a minute...
  21. Wow that is very impressive. I built crazy large things around minmus in my last save involving many flights at once = me trying to save time by doing less time warp and more micromanagement style flight. Ended in something similar but nothing like that kind of scale you did there. Think i had about 4 or 5 flights at once, lol. Then it was becoming more like work, nit that streight away. So this time round its a one ship at a time affair - I have broke the rule sent a second rescue lol but I have to agree with you there, and like you said - wouldn't want to be left short or forget anything! Well played. That first image freightened me, it resembles me taking my mother shopping on sundays, all over the damn place 50 times over. wow
  22. He did all that without cheats? Very kerbal.
  23. I remember my .25 save being about 3 mins with a bunch of mods. Now it took 33 seconds! A notable improvement. I have around 25 mods installed. Total its 1.6gb on the hard disk running windows 7, its got 1.3GB memory usage on task manager. Its been about 60 seconds now on cue graphics card or cpu fan is on full whack now wahay I'm on and off the game twice or sometimes three times when im on the computer, i end up joining other games online for short periods, so sometimes i minimise it others I close it altogether, depends on teh game. Its not just the loading screen though, its the xx seconds wait between the VAB to KSC then another xx seconds wait to the SPH and back again another wait to get to the research screen, then another xx seconds back to KSC and another xx seconds to the contract place, which is more annoying, because I'm all over the place. AMD 8350 8 core processor 120gb ssd hard drive mid range its a beast i cannot bare waiting MINUTES, that has always been the worst in gaming untill SSD hard drive. Even the crap ones are sooo much faster than normal hard disk drives. I highly recommend. 8gb ram windows 7 nvidia gt 650ti boost 2gb
  24. OH WELL Since you put it like that, I downloaded some moar cheats to add to the cheats, then I strapped SRB's to the cheats, and cheated my way out of the fake half planet world using other cheaty parts such as kerbal pilots and cheating calculators so i can calculate the cheats, or sometimes readout the cheats live on screen. Other cheats include the cheat menu, when the kraken turns up when in DIRE need of cheating, one can totally cheat. I mean, how the hell would I know if its more or less realistic, flying building things yay
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