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Everything posted by Deltac

  1. I've searched through all of BDB parts twice now and I can't find this mysterious sphere half. The O.R.B. must be complete!
  2. actually it's a good time to ask this question: What do you guys use to rescale the universe in KSP 1.6.1? Sigma Dimensions looks to be a dead mod.
  3. Can confirm on the Dioscuri 4, Dioscuri OPT71, and Orestes have plumage at no throttle. Fresh install of KSP 1.6.1, latest BDB, latest Realplume.
  4. Could someone double check the Github repository? I think the patch file that gives the saturn rockets their bottom nodes is missing. Correction: The AlphaDev is missing the Saturn files.
  5. small request April 8th is the anniversary of Gemini 1, so it would be pretty cool to celebrate that with 2 part service module :3
  6. Let me refresh your mind: Him and Normak were creating a pretty cool Russian mod back in the day. The solar panels they made are still being used by Raidernick.
  7. Here you go. You'll need Cormorant, Contares Main and Rus, Monkey Space thing with the proper LK base, Tantares and Tantares LV, and I use KJR to keep things together Kosmos 2I. Random fact of the day, the Kosmos 2I was not used for the Voskhod programme. The more you know!
  8. huh, that's not how you spell voskhod. To each their own I guess. Anyway, what's this?! NANI?! L3?!
  9. Truss 1 assembled. Space for future truss segments if needed. We have the power!
  10. Well the right one looks like the vostock upper stage, only longer, so I wanna say Voskhod upper stage fuel tank. Dunno about the left one.
  11. Here are my ships folder and subassemblies. Mods needed: Tantares Contares and Contares RUS Blue Dog AlphaMensae's Modular Launch Pads Tantares in Colors Monkey business Inc LK parts Cormorant Kerbal Joint Reinforcement (Not a requirement, I just chose to use that.) I think that should be it. I also have the DLC for KSP, but I don't think I used any of those parts.
  12. I just completed the MIR. Have look comrade! Oh wait... I'm not finished... ;3 Also interesting mining laser.
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