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Everything posted by silverfox8124

  1. Read the title of this thread... the first 4 characters are the ksp version its compatible with...
  2. I'll see if I can replicate, it *should* be an easy thing to fix. Also, the GUI opening when the game is paused is apart of my Bethesda philosophy; "It's a feature!" edit----- I loveing hate linux newlines, they are half-complete on windows, so the only saving grace for that file you sent was word wrap... @Deimos Rast There is no such thing as a "scene switch" from Space center to Mission Control, it's the same scene, just with Mission Control painted overtop of it. And I don't recall explicitly working with contract configurator's filter. I never knew it had one. EDIT: I just realized that the mod DECLINES THE CONTRACTS. This as unexpected from me as I thought I would've deleted the contract. I will attempt at fixing this. I have fixed the issue now. You are no longer (wrongly) penalized for filtering contracts. A PATCH IS RELEASED
  3. That's all fine. As long as it doesn't impact performance of the mod it's all good.
  4. Depends on how "high" you go because KWS doesnt simulate much of the weather in the stratosphere, and that level changes in altitude depending on your latitude. So don't take your balloons too high
  5. Indeed. I put out a new patch, so install that and try a fresh install of ContractFilter. Also note that is says that in bug reports, you must submit the output_log.txt file, and the settings.cfg file from ContractFilter folder. Make sure to do that next time.
  6. @linuxgurugamer I downloaded all the mods you have listed, put them in my install, ran that without your save, no errors found except the ones on the main menu in regards to the UnityBehaviour:get_isActiveAndEnabled() I'll put a patch out to fix those nullrefs. However, I even loaded up your save and my mod worked perfectly. I am getting none of the errors you mention or have in your output log. Sorry but I can't replicate, so I can't solve the issue.
  7. Can't replicate. Mod works fine in sandbox, the main code doesn't run. Also no logs = no support. Please add logs if you have a bug to report.
  8. At first release for 1.1 it wont have eve installed just yet. And kerbal wind is someone ripping off the very first version of KWS and running with it. Kerbal Wind wouldnt strictly conflict with KWS but it is not recommended to have with it. Kerbal Wind is just forces being applied how you want them, like a wind chamber, last i checked it didnt have a random component to it so it was just you telling wind which way to hit the craft. I suggest waiting on the update for KWS as it's getting closer and closer to release.
  9. @MisterFister, @SkyRender, I just compiled the mod for 1.1.2. You guys will get release soon after I get spacedock and CKAN hosting. However, my drive for this mod is abismal. I'm lucky I managed to get around to compiling it. I have other things I want to spend my time on, and as such, I'm putting the mod up for adoption. If there is a modder who wants to take care of the mod and keep it updated, then we can talk. Mind you, I haven't fully tested the mod, and if there are parts that are broken, then they're broken and that sucks. I have KerbalWeatherSystems which I spend a lot of my time on and IRL stuff as well that I have to manage.
  10. Yeah, that's because I haven't updated the mod yet. That's what we're currently working on...
  11. Dev Update. For the past few days I've been working on some visual stuff to aid in debugging and for later use in release to you guys. Here's what I got so far: Now what this doesn't show you is that the window is following your mouse position. So you can hover your mouse over a spot and get the info for that spot. (Feature thanks to Kethane~)
  12. Dev Update! We're continuing to move along. Today we worked on some reflection stuff with sunlight and focused more on the cloud end of things. We will be testing some things soon to make sure we have certain equations all done proper. We added a new variable to the cloud struct which will give us more accuracy to the real world with having seperate values for the amount of solid and liquid contents in a cloud, on kerbin it would be ice and water. This control and flexibility will allow us to better manage what falls to the ground.
  13. I'm sorry to say, but there is no visual stimulus for the sim so far. we're mainly working out equations and code. which you can find under the current working name of "Simple Weather" on my github and you can see code happen. but thats about it until we get the sim all working proper.
  14. Dev Update! We're getting closer and closer, the simulation is growing more and more balanced every day. And I'm even designing it with laptops like my own in mind. And on a 2.4Ghz laptop, it runs smoothly, I can update the planet in about 4 seconds. So performance so far is nice. It'll happen eventually guys, thanks for being so patient <3
  15. Dev Update! We are still working on the sim, don't worry. we've switched to 1.1 development officially and it's coming along. However, as many simulations turn out, it's making sure inputs are right and many things come together and that values are in range and equations are correct, and that's what we've been doing for the past 3 months. We are inching closer to a finished project, don't worry!
  16. Dev Update! FOG! We have fog conditions happening in the sim, now all we need to do is handle it and patch the sim accordingly, however don't get your hopes up for a fog shader just yet. It'll just be a weather condition status for now.
  17. Dev Update! We are making good progress, we are onto the winds recently, and we're tackling issues as they come, we had a sit down and had to bring together our views on how the simulation should work, so that there aren't any discrepencies and differences. We are still working those out, but things are coming along. Don't get your hopes up for a 1.0.5 release
  18. Oh trust me, I'm just as eager to get it out, but I can't put out something that doesn't work. And also note that when the sim does release, there's a high chance there will only be weather for Kerbin, at least to begin with. We don't have the necessary elemental composition for Eve or Laythe or Jool to make a reliable sim out of. When we do get that information, we will try and incorporate it in.
  19. Dev Update! Progress is being made, one by one bugs are falling and we're tackling the issues as they come, like not only ONE, but TWO methods of Squads which give erroneous values which I found out the hard way.... So yup, fun day today.... On another note, I may or may not in the future once the simulation is properly modelled, build a "standalone" version whereas it's networked attached and will do the processing and such for you, while you run KSP on another machine. Also ontop of this, I am personally developing a cluster computer, and may or may not implement a KWS version for cluster computers.
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