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Everything posted by silverfox8124

  1. @sober667 Yes there is a heating mechanic in stock ksp. But it doesn't change over time. If you're on the launchpad and take temperatures every 1 minute, you'll have the same temperatures every day at the same time, forever. Which is a decent start, but weather can't go off of that. My team and I are looking into what it's going to take to bring proper heating mechanics into the game. It's all about crunching numbers and equations until we get it right.
  2. @maculator, Contract Controller is only on CKAN because CKAN guys won't take it down. So I put up the newer version, which is Contract Filter. @Badsector, No, MM patches are usually cfg files, which I'd have to write to, and would further elongate the process.
  3. @Glyph, Nevermind my double save button theory XD I'm still used to the old version where the close button didnt save things. The close button saved the preferences, and the save button saves the types. You should also do a save-load and check log for errors, if there is, then you know something went wrong in the process. Logs and settings files are quite handy in these situations, so yes, next time you have a problem, post the files and I'll take a look.
  4. Glyph, I'm going to need your settings.cfg file please. Also, are you making sure to double-save your stuff? There are settings saves and type saves. Type saves write things to places to be saved, settings saves put those type saves into settings file.
  5. SilverFox here, dev of Kerbal Weather Systems. It hasn't been updated since January, and that needs something down about it. But I am starting to lose patience with it. Problems are arising and I've been losing motivation to work on it. I need a helping hand. If you are experienced in coding with C# and want to give KWS a helping hand! Please leave a response down below and I'll let you know what will happen from there. What needs to get done: -Heat simulation, mainly getting temps right between layers of atmosphere. -Heat convection from winds -Stock integration for winds applying force onto the vessel These are the main three before update hits shelves, but I'm looking for someone who wants to be in the project long term 3-6 months+. I don't want to take on someone who'll be here for a week or two and leave. If you have the ability to add anything else to the mod in the meantime you are working on it, that is happily accepted too. Again, if you are interested in helping out the little fox tackling the big project, leave a response or PM me. ~SilverFox8124
  6. @DMagic, I was trying to do so via code, but it seems that I'd have to rewrite the entire file foreach change, and that'd just be a hassle tbh..
  7. @Eleven, No, the game gives you contracts that fit what you've done. You can also only have x amount of a certain type of contract offered and active. It sorts non-stop because of the above, ksp gives you contracts you can receive at your level of reputation and accomplishments. I've been trying to find out how to change this, but it's getting complicated and seeming quite impossible to do.
  8. @Thorbane, I'll look into the values not saving. And yes it can auto-reject those missions. Yes, that exception is normal because you're removing something from a list whilst iterating over it, it's just bad coding practice that I haven't gotten around to fixing. It still gets removed though.
  9. @SpadeDrive, make sure to click the Save button, and always Load to check that things saved right!
  10. @SpadeDrive, *Station Contracts* line 252: Max Funds Advance is 1 mill, line 254: Max Funds Completion is 100,000 line 256: Max Funds Failure is 100,000 So on and so forth... These numbers are why the contracts are being denied. Your settings didn't save, just saying. If this happens again, edit the settings.cfg file directly. Also, the output log is under KSP Data
  11. @Everyone, I'm thinking it has to do with float magics. If the reasons are all because of maxfunds and maxes being triggered, then I'll switch to doubles and put out a release.
  12. @SpadeDrive, it'd be giving a reason as to why it's declining it. But yours isn't. I suggest you upgrade to the latest version. Edit: I see that it is saying why it's being removed. The code doesn't lie. You probably didn't save the settings you set. I suggest doing so, then trying again. I would also love to see your settings.cfg and output.log file please
  13. @Poodmund, you can simply delete the settings.cfg and restart ksp, if it can't find the settings.cfg, it will rewrite with defaults
  14. @Poodmun, I'll add that in for the next release, I do not know when that is as there aren't many more features that need to be implemented.
  15. @sober667, the jet streams happen because of law of conservation of momentum and the coriolis effect along with air moving poleward. It's stuff I don't want to get into explaining, because sciency stuff.
  16. Hello all~ The window still shows up for a good reason, you're in mission control, and that's where the contracts are, so it'd be more than likely wanted to be in that building. It still shows up because I don't tell it to close.
  17. @sober667, jet stream is something that happens naturally, and should come naturally to the mod. If it doesn't then there's a chance it may not be in the mod at all.
  18. @Tontow, I don't have conditionals in. I don't know if I'll make them a thing though.
  19. @Tontow That can't work for a few reasons, one because of the special way I open up the type editing windows, and two because the code doesn't differentiate between left click and right click.
  20. @Mandelbrot, that means a lot to me, thank you :3 I'm glad to give to the community something that it's been wanting for a while.
  21. @Tontow, have the debug menu open at the same time and see if there's any nullrefs. I also suggest you delete your settings.cfg and then re-run ksp again
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