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Everything posted by Slam_Jones

  1. Actual interiors for space stations. Ones you can move your kerbals around in.
  2. Most awesome... well... my most useful would be the Triton SSTO I made back in 0.90. Could carry station modules up to LKO and help attach them. Best looking would probably be this one: (honestly forgot what it was called, but it takes 10 Kerbals to LKO and back, and potentially a quick stop by the Mun if fuel is managed right)
  3. A general rule for returning from LKO that I use, is to aim beyond KSC, usually about twice the distance from KSC to the Island Runway (so aim a little past the Island). Having wings helps a ton, since (as stated above) you can convert some of that vertical speed to horizontal speed, and gracefully land at the intended spot. The aerodynamics of the individual vessel of course makes a huge difference, but (for me at least) this general rule gets me at least in the ballpark, if not right on the runway.
  4. I've used SAS on my rovers to actually increase the speed that they can turn at without flipping. The idea is somewhat like a motorbike... lean into the corner. First, you'd have to re-map your controls, as suggested by Alshain and others, but once you do it should be easy. Basically, when you're turning right, the top of the vehicle wants to tip the other way, so you counteract that with a little SAS rotation. This is the technique that I used for my circumnavigation back in 0.90, and it worked well enough then. The ability to rotate your vehicle so it lands smoothly on the next bit of terrain is surprisingly helpful. Much nicer than launching off a hill and not having any control in the air. Or if you hit a rough patch and find yourself two feet off the ground, going 50m/s sideways. With proper SAS, that's very easy to correct. Without... you'll prolly need a new rover. It takes some getting used to, but with the proper input device and enough patience, it can get really easy.
  5. You must build yours a lot lighter than mine... I usually need 4+ reaction wheels lol... even on my old cirumnav vehicle, which was usually less than 1.8 tons. Although with 4 of them, I could catch air off of a dune (or hill, or whatever) and do some "tricks" before landing... backflip, front flip, 360, etc. Made it rather entertaining Oh, and I discovered at one point that it could do a "facestand" with surprisingly good balance...
  6. Right on, I just mean, what happens when it's on its side, so only the sides of the wheels are touching the ground, where they are unable to produce any movement. Usually I put an Infernal Robotics cylinder or piston to extend and push it back upright, but I'm sure there's other ideas.
  7. Okay, but what's your plan when it falls on it's side? Because if there's one thing I've learned making rovers, it's that no matter what, there will be an angle it will get stuck at. (My tests usually involve very high speeds, long jumps, and violent crashes... just to make sure they can survive as much as possible. The best ones can usually hit just about anything at 50m/s, and simply pirouette through the air for a bit before landing and rolling out again.)
  8. Xenon is very much minable... if you don't mind mods or .cfg editing. I believe the Near Future suite of mods adds the ability to your ISRU to do as such (along with the other fuel types).
  9. I honestly haven't used it since 0.90 I believe. Before the changes happened, at least.
  10. Furthest I've landed in stock system is Laythe. When I had the Outer Planets mod installed, I sent a ship to Sarnus. Haven't returned anything from further than Duna, though...
  11. So a monkey is going to know the difference between astronomy and astrology? Sorry, unless the monkey fully understands the question (and all answers are otherwise equal in reward), the answer is as random as a coin flip.
  12. Okay, fair enough. The monkey just represents random choices. So the point is... what? That some people would do better on the test if they chose randomly? I know plenty of Americans are dull (I am an American, after all) but is that the only point? "Lol, Murikans are dumber than monkeys" seems to be the overlying theme, as near as I can tell.
  13. Hello, sorry, trying to find where it references the monkey's answers... don't seem to see it. Or any use of the word "monkey" or "ape" on any of the three pages linked. Maybe I missed it? Also, just curious, how were these questions presented to the monkey? Does it actually comprehend what it's being asked, or is it picking random ones? Are we actually testing how much a monkey knows about science, or it's ability to push buttons?
  14. They'll help if you try to land on Duna, for example. Since they tend to have a higher safe deploy speed, they can help significantly drop speed before deploying standard chutes. This is particularly important for Duna, due to the very thin, very low atmosphere. This could also potentially help if you're re-entering Kerbin atmo at high speed, and can't safely deploy regular chutes yet.
  15. Yeah I didn't think it would do too much, but it'd be nice if some good came from the situation.
  16. Heya, anyone suggested Tales of Maj-Eyal yet? A top-down Rougelike RPG (but with settings to keep your character from getting deleted rouge-like style, if you wish) that's pretty darn easy on the CPU. It's one of the very few 2D games to get more than 100+ hours (and counting!) out of me. Tons of classes, races, weapons, talent trees, etc etc, enough so that I haven't even unlocked all of them yet (I think I'm only missing like 6 classes still) I believe it's usually about $7 on Steam, and less if it's on sale. Has a pretty large modding community, and tons of player-made content to try out. Edit: Oops, I can see it was already suggested. Never mind!
  17. So disaster struck my computer this weekend... while I was away at work, apparently my dog got into my room and managed to knock my computer off the desk, three feet to the (thankfully carpeted) floor. Front panel popped off almost completely, but didn't see any cracks, fractures, or scorch marks on any of the parts. I had recently helped a friend order and build a Newegg bundle, so I took my computer over there and start swapping out parts to determine which was affected. The HDD, despite being closest to the point of impact (and being one of the more fragile parts) was apparently unaffected. The GPU (thankfully) was also undamaged. The only parts I couldn't determine were the Mobo and CPU. Taking it to a computer shop would mean spending more than it would be to just order new parts, so... I ordered new parts. The Mobo is pretty similar to my old one (both are MSI) but the new CPU is a bit of an upgrade. TL;DR: Replaced my FX-4100 (Quad-core, 3.6gHz) with an FX-4350 (Quad-core, 4.2gHz). Will there be any noticeable improvement to my KSP performance?
  18. Practice! I've considered doing my own docking tutorial, but I think there might be enough of them out there at the moment
  19. Three years? Easy. Brush up on my Eagle Scout wilderness survival skills, find a nice cave, and MacGuyver some entertainment for myself
  20. Exactly! My inital idea was just to take a landing leg itself and modify the cfg file to allow attachment to the "foot" of it, as it were, but without it needing to deploy to make use of it. If that makes any sense
  21. First off, if this has been suggested already, my apologies. My searches on the subject turned up very little. What my suggestion is, is rather simple. Lander legs have a form of suspension built in, right? Basically, why not mod a shock absorber part? Basically, it would have two attachment nodes: top and bottom. Top stays solid, while the bottom can move upward into the top one, absorbing shock, similar in the way landing legs do so. You could use this in a number of ways, but the main one I am think of is on rovers. Basically, attach shock absorber to the frame at the top, then a small cubic strut or something to the bottom, and the wheel attached to that, allowing the wheel to get the effect of suspension. Has this already been done, and/or is it feasible? Would new modules be required to handle it?
  22. Hm, reminds me of an idea I had to combine BD Armory and Kerbinside... instead of buying the new bases, you fly there and fight the current occupant via BD Armory for control. Or, my other idea of "hostile colonization" where you send a colony ship to a certain planet, where there are enemy fighters in orbit that you have to kill to be safe.
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