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Everything posted by Slam_Jones

  1. Don't let vicious bees fight: save everyone. hjeuryd
  2. After losing Agathia, several Kerbals attacked Nambia. husdafl
  3. Been working on naming schemes and stylization ideas. Boring? Not as much as you'd think...
  4. Well, using strategic fuel depots, I can do a round trip mission to Mun with an SSTO and 5 tons max at any point. If I got really efficient, I could take that SSTO to Jool.
  5. Well I imagine you could design it so different clusters have different ISP's and TWR's. Use the high TWR for emergency manuevers, and the high ISP ones for deltaV savings.
  6. If you put wings anywhere on your rocket, put em at the bottom. Even then, they're unnecessary. With the proper application of SAS, a wingless rocket will fly perfectly.
  7. I wouldn't be opposed. Although I rarely do part testing contracts these days, I can still remember going back to the contract screen a couple times, trying to remember what I'm there to test. On the other hand, you can open the contract window thingy in the VAB/SPH and just look at what it says, then match it to the right item.
  8. My rules: - Make it look at least somewhat realistic (no flying pancakes for serious missions) - Extra leg room for long trips (each kerbal gets minimum 2 seats if the trip is beyond Kerbals SOI) - Pack about 500 extra d/v per manuever (orbit, landing, rendezvous, etc) - Docking without RCS earns double points (just like "Whose Line Is It Anyway?" the points mean nothing except for amusement's sake) - Since I use TAC-LS, I try to keep at least double (if not more!) the amount of supplies needed (minimum 40 days worth... even for LKO) - Interplanetary? Add some recyclers (TAC-LS) and a Hab Mod for leg room. - Kerbals get bored far from home... always bring a rover!
  9. I've had it collapse and explode when trying to move a mobile colony off of the pad. If all 8 wheels aren't touching at once, the whole thing goes boom :|
  10. I call it the Explorer Dreadnaught. Self-sustaining using Kolonization.
  11. Where I live we have (what I think is) a large possum living in the tree in our backyard. Never seen it up close in daylight, but I've definitely heard it running around in the tree, chasing rats and whatnot. I suppose they might be cool as a pet, but when you've got one (or more) watching you from the darkness whenever you walk outside... it's a lil creepy. 0.0
  12. I always start with function first. Once it works, then I'll add a few stylistic touches.
  13. Oddly enough, this only happens to me when I have a two-stage ship (usually a plane with an eject system, for example). Any more than that, (3 or more stages) and I won't accidentally stage. I'm weird, I know.
  14. I'm not a stranger to writing out/drawing plans I have for future ships (though my art skills are certainly lacking). If I haven't played KSP in a while, I'll usually end up thinking about old ships I've made, and what I can do to improve on them. Lately I've been doing SSTO's and Tourist Space Stations (pretty stations that only funtion to complete contracts and... look pretty). A lot of times, though, I'll just load up the VAB and start throwing parts together. Sometimes I come up with something cool But usually not.
  15. Hi! Just wondering if you're gonna do another round of crafts in the future. If so, I built a VTOL flying saucer (well, more of a flying box, I guess)... curious to see if/how well it flies in FAR
  16. In the end, cheaper, but the start-up costs are a bit higher. Dragging several tons of machinery around isn't exactly cheap, but the ability to re-fuel and build ships outside of KSC in invaluable (once it's all set up, at least).
  17. Yesterday I was bringing an SSTO back to KSC and encountered this bug. Backstory on the flight: flew SSTO-style up to LKO, where I rendezvous'd with my orbital fuel station. I then proceeded to Low Mun Orbit, where I again refuel'd again before landing on Mun's surface. After some quick science, I returned to LMO, refuel'd (I think) and then headed back to Kerbin. So far so good. I de-orbited, lined up for the runway, and about half a km out, the wings on the right side of my plane "struck" something near the launchpad (about a km away). I kept it under control, but before I could touch down, another part of the plane "Struck" something near the SPH (also about a km away) and the plane fell apart. Maybe it has something to do with docking?
  18. Got a contract to rescue Burden Kerman from LKO... seemed like too much of a hassle.
  19. USI Kolonization also adds a number of modules and stuff to help self-sustainability (for TAC LS that is)
  20. Honestly, I just click "cancel" so it goes up blank. I tend to take them down right after putting them up (no reason to clutter up the planet) so it doesn't matter much anyway.
  21. I fully support this. I think it would be rather funny (and possibly in-tune with the current tone of the game) if instead of pixelated, they were crude crayon drawings or something similar
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