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Everything posted by selfish_meme

  1. It got me when I was about 100m away from the RTG, I'm outta ideas on how to fix this, it seems like we just can't have more than a couple of craft in any place at the same time.
  2. I'll give it a go, and see where we end up, probably keep the weather stations, if I was sending stuff to mars the cargo modules would be buried and used as storage and living quarters, no waste, but that does mean sending earth moving equipment, which might negate any saving.
  3. I always go to the change orbit button first and put it in orbit around Duna, then a i close that and go to ship lander, enter the co-ordinates there and make sure the right planet is selected (important) and then click land. It warns against trying to land from a different planet, and when I have messed up and done it, ships have exploded several times. Cool weather station, I wanted a reason to go up the mountain behind the Ares 4 DAV, and if there just happened to be a weatherstation near Anomoly B that KSC tells him to check out. - - - Updated - - - I have added it to the project will place some later. Can anybody following this download the new save file and see if the glitches are gone (get the RTG and return) I found the renamed Kerbals even affected the frame rate. Also I experimented with placing the cargo modules, there is a finite limit to the number of parts in physics range before it gets pretty slow, I don't think there is anyway we have more than one or two cargo modules. - - - Updated - - - We are at position 14 on curse, a lot of that may be down to us downloading craft. I only know of one person who has tried to play it (non contributing).
  4. I have put up a new savefile, apparently renaming Kerbals leads to issues, this might only arise when they are assigned, I need to do some more investigation. I think this savefile will be good otherwise, some craft are updated and there are a lot less explosions and stuff. - - - Updated - - -
  5. No I just plug them in the way they are written, try reversing, maybe the numbers are in the wrong order, can you put a camera lookalike on those weather stations? I imagine no one would go to the trouble of putting one on Mars without one, also it plays into an idea I had for the playthrough. This save file stuff is frustrating, I just finished placing everything except the rovers, tried to land them near the base, no base, i could see the RTG in the distance, check the tracking station, they are orbiting the sun. Quickly try and get them back but they exploded from overheating.
  6. I have uploaded updated craft files for the Hab and Rovers (not Majorjims new ones, just a couple of small changes)
  7. Well actually there was an RAAF squadron 458 (mostly Australian but many other nationalities) based in North Africa that harried shipping into Axis held territory, flying Wellingtons and supported by Swordfish off a carrier, they sunk at least one u-boat and damaged possibly sunk a destroyer in one battle. I was thinking of filming it once I was finished with The Dunatian. I have the Turbine Class Destroyer Borea partially built and the Allied planes. The good thing about it is the planes were painted white, which fits in well with what you can do with KerbPaint. The destroyer is scale and with one working turret so far so will even be able to fire shots, it will have an AA gun too. Part count on the destroyer is quite low as I wasn't going to do much on the interior.
  8. Also ttnarg, docking to the hab module is not really needed to continue gameplay, you can simply grab the rovers and head to pathfinder.
  9. The asset list of things needing building is on the first page, this is more of a do what interests you kind of project. - - - Updated - - - Hey there, I know about that and it is fixed, the new save file with new craft will be up soon, it is beta, so we have all the features and now we are working through the play testing. - - - Updated - - - I'm only looking for a Kerbin return, the Hermes wasn't a cycler. In the book it used constant ion thrust but that is not really possible here so I am using nukes instead for transfers. It needs to be saved at about 5 or 6 hours away from periapsis. - - - Updated - - - Hey Majorjim, what's happening with your craft? I am going to create a new save file today, can I get them yet?
  10. I have not got anything, I tried a few bodgy things like putting her a few hours out at a transfer window and trying to get the correct periapsis that gave a kerbin return but nothing solid so far - - - Updated - - - So I made a new save file and put the RTG, base and rovers on it. Works like a charm, I'll put up a screen shot in a second, theres a lot of unanswered questions about the Kraken, I am going to try rebuild the save file but place the RTG first. - - - Updated - - - Is imgur being flaky for anyone else lately it seems to have slowed to a crawl. Don't worry about the mechjeb tab, I have mechjeb and engineer for all, there are no modules on any of the craft In the screenshot they are all docked after I went and got the RTG
  11. It wasn't attached directly to the docking port last time, the only common factors are Mark Kermney, docking port, RTG and separator. I'm going to try with docked docking ports.
  12. I've got a feeling it's docking port distance, far away but within physics range
  13. Hmm the RTG is a real problem, I reverted back to the old save file with Mark Kermney alive and tried to place the new RTG, as soon as it touched the ground instant black screen. There are no cubic struts in this version. I didn't have an issue with the RTG when Mark Kermney was dead, coincidence?
  14. Part count is obviously a plus, also we need to remember he made this tent out of a patchwork of hab canvas and glue.
  15. Got to remember to remove the batteries from the whatney rover - - - Updated - - - Sure, there is a mod to help make them rounder if you want
  16. You got rid of the engines huh, what are you using for the spring, not cubic stats I hope lol. So when are we gonna see some images and craft files, I can't wait.
  17. I'm thinking about an ad, "When your job is dangerous and possibly lethal you need a vehicle much tougher than you are" Kerbodyne DR200 Whatney Duna Rovers Magazine "Quite simply the only rover you want to be stranded on Duna with" Top Gear " We stuck some parachutes on a DR200 and chucked it out of a shuttle, if you can believe that, it survived...it is one tough nut" <- said in Jeremy Clarksons voice
  18. OK Troops, I have replaced the RTG and Tested it twice, once on Kerbin and once on Duna, no Kraken appeared. I have uploaded the craft to curse, it should be available soon. I also put the RTG and Rovers back on Duna (RTG is picked up) edited the save file to bring Mark Kermney back from the Kraken Zone. But he is back on Kerbin and Merbly is on Duna. Will fix it later when we have done some more testing. So we should be good to continue testing. The RTG and the Save file should be available soon on curse. - - - Updated - - - Mark did not come back for some reason, will look into it later.
  19. I have built a new RTG unit, just adjusting the docking ring height and then I will test.
  20. Also with the suspension are you testing on Kerbin or Duna, if it's really good on Kerbin it's probably to stiff for Duna
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