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Capt'n Skunky

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Everything posted by Capt'n Skunky

  1. Welcome to the KSP Forums! Happy Launching! Arrr! Capt'n Skunky (Quit stealing my lines Carol, don't make me get out my stick! 8) )
  2. Welcome to the KSP Forums! Happy Launching! Arrr! Capt'n Skunky
  3. There is a sticky in the How To forum on how to install mods. Arrr! Capt'n Skunky
  4. Welcome to the KSP Forums! Happy Launching! Arrr! Capt'n Skunky
  5. Sweet! Does it fit within any available shroud systems? Arrr! Capt'n Skunky
  6. Welcome to the KSP Forums! Happy Launching! Arrr! Capt'n Skunky
  7. Welcome to the KSP Forums! Happy Launching! Arrr! Capt'n Skunky
  8. Welcome to the KSP Forums! Happy Launching! Arrr! Capt'n Skunky
  9. [mod]Topic Moved. Keep it civil or it will be locked.[/mod] Capt'n Skunky KSP Forum Moderator
  10. [mod]If you wish to discuss the merits of BiitCoin, please do so in the Off-Topic forum.[/mod] Capt'n Skunky KSP Forum Moderator
  11. Welcome to the KSP Forums! Happy Launching! Arrr! Capt'n Skunky PS: I can't help it if you get up 5 hours before me. And stop using my line!
  12. Yes, but it only places it on the clipboard, not directly to a file. Some people have difficulty with opening paint, pasting the image and saving the file. Especially if you need to take a quick series of screenshots. Arrr! Capt'n Skunky
  13. Gah, Had a serious brainfart on that one. You're right, I could have sworn it was the Print Screen key. Post corrected. Arrr! Capt'n Skunky
  14. Welcome to the KSP Forums! The F1 key will take a screen shot and place it in a folder called \screenshots\ in your game folder. Happy Launching! Arrr! Capt'n Skunky
  15. Welcome to the KSP Forums! Happy Launching! Arrr! Capt'n Skunky
  16. Welcome to the KSP Forums! Happy Launching! Arrr! Capt'n Skunky
  17. Welcome to the KSP Forums! Happy Launching! Arrr! Capt'n Skunky
  18. Welcome to the KSP Forums! Happy Launching! Arrr! Capt'n Skunky
  19. Welcome to the KSP Forums! Happy Launching! Arrr! Capt'n Skunky
  20. Hey, I'm still human and need sleep. Arrr! Capt'n Skunky
  21. The attachments are pre-server migration and are probably borked. Try finding them on the repository. Arrr! Capt'n Skunky
  22. This topic has been moved to Projects and Releases. [iurl]http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=2311.0[/iurl]
  23. Welcome to the KSP Forums! Happy Launching! Arrr! Capt'n Skunky
  24. Yup, I'd have to agree with foamy, you need to add some boosters. Arrr! Capt'n Skunky
  25. Interesting, HarvesteR said that he fixed this issue. Arrr! Capt'n Skunky
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