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Capt'n Skunky

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Everything posted by Capt'n Skunky

  1. Welcome to the KSP Forums! Happy Launching! Arrr! Capt\'n Skunky KSP Community Manager
  2. Welcome to the KSP Forums! Happy Launching! Arrr! Capt\'n Skunky KSP Community Manager
  3. The original one was grey, not white. Apparently it came out in \'79, much later than I thought. Who remembers this: Big Trak by Milton Bradley tv commercial 1979-80 Arrr! Capt\'n Skunky
  4. [gmod]Off-Topic split.[/gmod] Cheers! Capt\'n Skunky KSP Community Manager
  5. [gmod]Please do not bump old threads or make one word posts. I suggest you read our Forum Rules. This topic is being locked as the OP has been banned.[/gmod] Capt\'n Skunky KSP Community Manager
  6. Welcome to the KSP Forums! Happy Launching! Arrr! Capt\'n Skunky KSP Community Manager
  7. Okay, since neither of you mentioned it, what version of KSP are you trying to update? Cheers! Capt\'n Skunky KSP Community Manager
  8. Welcome to the KSP Forums! EPIC first post! Happy Launching! Arrr! Capt\'n Skunky KSP Community Manager
  9. Something to do with the forum migration. See the announcement. Cheers! Capt\'n Skunky KSP Community Manager
  10. I direct you to our Forum Rules for the answer to your question. Cheers! Capt\'n Skunky KSP Community Manager
  11. Fair warning, do not post just to raise your post count. This is considered post spamming and can result in your post count being reset and/or getting banned. Read the forums rules carefully. Cheers! Capt\'n Skunky KSP Community Manager
  12. Since attachments are currently disabled, you need to use an external site like imgur.com to host the picture. Then you can paste the URL from there into your post. Make sure you use the nuke symbol button above the post editor to wrap the image in spoiler tags so it doesn\'t initially take up a lot of space in the thread. Cheers! Capt\'n Skunky KSP Community Manager
  13. Make sure your password only contains alpha-numeric characters. You can change this from your Store profile. Also, try running the patcher directly instead of from the game. Cheers! Capt\'n Skunky KSP Community Manager
  14. Welcome to the KSP Forums! Happy Launching! Arrr! Capt\'n Skunky KSP Community Manager
  15. Welcome to the KSP Forums! Happy Launching! Arrr! Capt\'n Skunky KSP Community Manager
  16. Oh SNAP! Well done. Your parts have definitely added a side to the game that has made it much more entertaining! Arrr! Capt\'n Skunky
  17. Just yankin\' ya chain bro. To be honest, they look more like classic hand-sock puppets Lambchop style. You should just drop the snout and make them Beaker of Muppets fame style Kerbals. Cheers! Capt\'n Skunky KSP Community Manager
  18. WTF? Did you just create a My Little Kerbal comic? Arrr! Capt\'n Skunky
  19. Says the guy with a gajillion controllers in his battlestation. Cheers! Capt\'n Skunky KSP Community Manager
  20. [mod]Locked at OP request.[/mod] Cheers! Capt\'n Skunky KSP Community Manager
  21. Welcome to the KSP Forums! Happy Launching! Arrr! Capt\'n Skunky KSP Community Manager
  22. Wow, I can\'t believe anyone is taking this seriously. What they are proposing to do and how they propose to do it are laughable. It\'s highly unlikely they could pull this off. If this was possible, don\'t you think it would have been done already? If I had to take a guess at what this actually is, I\'d probably go for a false flag operation. Someone or entity (read:government) wants to give Anonymous a black eye. Remember, anyone can make a claim and say they are Anonymous because no one knows who they are nor do they have an official spokesman. There really is no way to verify any message is really from this group. Nothing will happen Sunday. Nothing at all. But anyone that does happen to have problems will blame Anonymous thereby generating animosity towards the group from the general idiot public. Fools. Arrr! Capt\'n Skunky
  23. Planking? Owling? Plowling? Arrr! Capt\'n Skunky
  24. I think someone tried this before. It didn\'t catch on, but there weren\'t nearly as many mods back then. Don\'t think I would use it as it\'s a tad early in KSP development to be automating things IMHO. Arrr! Capt\'n Skunky
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