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Everything posted by Gaarst

  1. Stockalike Station Parts Expansion is a nice mod which adds a lot of station parts. Not updated for 1.1 though, and I'm not sure about compatibility.
  2. Second entry here: Doing the STS-1 mission Commander rank with the bonus fuel pod inside, using the SRMC-Mulish (Somewhat Reusable Manned Carrier) shuttle. Went better than last time: I lost control later during reentry and ended up closer to the KSC. Did slight modifications to the orbiter, essentially moved wings backwards a bit, wasn't really useful. BTW, I don't know how KSP calculates the CoL position, but when your plane/shuttle/rocket/bird/rock/whatever-you-throw-into-the-air wants to fly backwards, it is NOT behind the CoM. Overshot the KSC by a good quarter of Kerbin, so I tried to do S-turns to lose velocity not to end up too far from the KSC, and that is when I lost control; so no S-turns next time, just better aiming. Flying for 15-20mins is annoying, your stupid laptop deciding it can't handle 84 parts and giving physics lag while running at 770MHz is even more annoying. I really have to aim better. Blew up the runway when landing; just add this to the SRMC program's cost, they won't even notice the difference. EDIT: craft file here for anyone interested EDIT2: @Speeding Mullet, you mention no autopilot in the rules, is Pilot Assistant considered as an autopilot ? (I wish to use it to keep constant pitch during reentry)
  3. Here is my attempt at the first mission of the challenge. It was supposed to land at the KSC but it doesn't like flying at high AoA so reentry was not as "linear" as I expected it to be. Still, the shuttle came with jet engines in the box, so we used them. Boring numbers: Total cost of the vehicle: √311,000 (expensive, like the real one) Cost of the orbiter (dry): √116,000 Cost per ton with orbiter recovery: √3,500 (more expensive than a rocket without refurbishing costs taken into account, like the real one) Total mass at liftoff: 513t (ridiculously heavy, like the real one) Mass of the orbiter (dry): 42t (more mass you can't leave in orbit, like the real one) Maximum payload mass: 55t 142 parts (awfully complex, like the real one) Uses two liquid fueled boosters, each powered by 3 Vector engines. Orbiter is powered by 3 Vector engines, 2 jet engines for atmospheric flight, 6 Monopropellant engines for OMS, and RCS for docking. Only 400 m/s of dV on the orbiter (empty) so circularisation has to be done with the main engines. Annoying to fly, with the rocket pitching all over the place and SAS not helping at all; still, will make it to orbit if you watch your trajectory carefully. Haven't found a name for it yet, will think about it. I will make other attempts for a landing at the KSC, and for the other missions of the challenge.
  4. In case you want to plan flybys, which can effectively save loads of delta-V (and time in some cases), you can use the Flyby Finder tool which allows you to plan several flybys in a row. It takes a little time to learn how to use it properly, so I'd suggest you start with something more simple, but it is a very useful tool (especially when playing with RSS).
  5. Trinary stars systems can form, and I'm pretty sure there are a lot forming out there. Stability is another thing, trinary star systems are very unstable, and if one star doesn't get thrown off in a few million years, you can bet that any planets that could have formed would. Eternal day would mean that the planet would sit somewhere in between the three stars, a place you don't want to be, and in which anyway, you won't sit for long before your planet gets thrown into interstellar space ridiculously fast. Tidal locking can give you eternal day, but on half the planet only.
  6. Started working on a stock shuttle. It puts 55t to a 100x100km orbit (with losses during ascent and some fuel left), still needs tweaking though (what is the point of having 10° gimbal if SAS can't fly your shuttle straight ?). And as it was built for maximum payload, I don't know if it flies with a lighter one... Pics and missions report coming soon™.
  7. If he was this powerful, I doubt he would have let Palaptine do his business after he betrayed him. And I doubt even more he would have established the First Order as a "tribute" to Palpatine's Empire.
  8. Palpatine's master, Darth Plagueis, was killed by Palpatine himself, so not very likely. I'd bet on some cheap retcon, like he was Palpatine right arm or something like that. This, or a completely new guy.
  9. Just put this thing together. Not very original but it has one wing and it flies. (Not very pleasant to fly though, it feels very heavy for a craft this size, probably because the control surfaces are close to the CoM) Craft file here for anyone interested.
  10. Please read the thread called !!! PLEASE READ BEFORE POSTING !!! before posting. It explains a lot of useful stuff including how to include every information one needs to determine the cause of a bug. Also seeing your icons bottom right, your game appears to be modded, so this should go in the Technical Support (Modded Installs) section. Best of luck with your issue
  11. Oh yes, it is backwards, never noticed, thank you. Anyway, if I want my gear to go backwards at hundreds of m/s, I should be able to, I don't see why there are differences between backward and forward. Back to topic: I also noticed that while stable when spawning thanks to your config, the "softer" suspensions causes the craft to roll left and right slowly when travelling above 50m/s, eventually causing the demise of the craft. Not sure it is linked to your config or not, but there are things to investigate there.
  12. Your second config seems to have solved the problem, at least for the design I used. The craft no longer jumps around upon spawning, under both very heavy and light loads (also seems to have solved the issue I described earlier where the craft would become uncontrollable around 40m/s. Forget that last part, I just had the issue with a similar design. More tests from other people could give more consistent results, but this seems to be a good start. (Also, what does this cfg do ?)
  13. "Where is Sojourner, I've always wanted to hug it" (seriously though, this thing is so cute)
  14. ^ This, the Nuke is way too heavy for your average small SSTO so not only it has terrible TWR, but it also reduces your TWR when in jet-powered flight. The one of very few SSTO spaceplanes I ever built (2 actually) used a combination of 2 Whiplashes and 2 RAPIERS. While it is probably not the best thing you could come up with, it might be a good start. (Pic in spoiler)
  15. @GoSlash27 Nevermind what I said: removing the Goliath I stuck on the craft (please don't ask why), so lowering the load on each wheel, has made the bug appear, even with your config. Heavy loads seem to damp the suspensions, preventing them from wobbling around. With close to no load the wobbling is stronger. Now, emptying the fuel tank on the craft (reducing the load from ~500kg/wheel to 250) makes the wobbling disappear again. But emptying the tank also moves the CoM forward the craft (because of the heavy cockpit), so the uneven load on the wheels or slight tilt of the craft might play a role in this. Pic of the craft used in spoiler.
  16. I don't know if you have seen my previous edit, but I managed to get your issue by adding 10 wheels to a simple design (so lowering load on each wheels, but let's not mind this). Don't mind the above, didn't see your second reply I haven't had this problem anymore while using your config, for this design (the high friction issue seems to be gone also). The craft spawns normally, but the wheels are a bit "off" the gear (too low relative to their casing (don't know how to call this)) which I guess is a direct consequence of editing suspension values.
  17. Off topic again, but the same design without your config can't get over 30m/s, as if the wheels had really high friction. I'm pretty sure I'm going to find 15 wheels-related bugs before finding yours but I'll keep searching. Also, some installs being immune to a bug on a purely stock install seems a bit strange to me (I don't know a lot about coding stuff though). EDIT: Thank you @Alshain, I haven't really been in the forums in 2 months so I might have missed a few discussions EDIT2: @GoSlash27 Sticking 10 of these wheels on a simple craft (more wheels = more bugs, right ?) has caused the issue you described to appear without your config, I'm looking to see what happens with it.
  18. Well, it might be depending on the design, but this craft spawns normally and doesn't explode or other stuff, that is with your config. I'm going to see how this behaves without your config and maybe experience with a few other designs to see what happens.
  19. What are the wheels not supposed to do again ? Because if it's making your plane/vehicle zigzag past 40m/s then I'm afraid your config doesn't work. Other than that the wheels seem to work fine at lower speeds, at least on the runway. EDIT: .craft file here and screenshots: Wheels are placed using angle snap, perfectly straight and at 90° on the plane
  20. What does this cfg do exactly ? (Haven't tried, just curious)
  21. I have left KSP for a while and getting back where I left it since a few days. I have a lot of things going on. Playing RSS and starting to seriously go interplanetary after messing around a long time in Earth orbit. I have about 15 missions planned to the outer solar system, but my first probe will reach Jupiter in 2 years and Saturn (its destination) in 7 years. At the same time I'm developping reusable boosters and a manned spacecraft for a flyby of Venus, messing around with shuttles and jet planes, designing a new station to be assembled in LEO, starting to make plans for a base on the Moon, managing two stations (one in LEO and one in Low Lunar Orbit), and regularly building random launchers that I don't need (including a family of launcher that range from 110t to 200t to LEO while I have no payloads near these masses). And that is on my modded 1.0.4 game. I have a stock career save in 1.0.5 and am starting to mess around with 1.1 (planning to port my ~50 mods 1.0.4 setup to 1.1 and adding even more mods).
  22. I have the same issue. Unmodded KSP 1.1 downloaded from website and crashes in both 32bit and 64bit (though I'd say 64bit crashes more often). Not being able to play KSP more than 10min when building stuff in the VAB is quite a turnoff. Waiting for a hotfix (or 3 more if needed *1.0*) and getting back to my 1.0.4 game crashing every 10min because of memory leaks.
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