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Everything posted by Gaarst

  1. GitHub for me. I don't like when programs mess around with my files. I want to be the only responsible for mods installed wrong (also one of the reasons why I don't use Steam). And GitHub also allows you to find mod prereleases that are even buggier than the mods themselves (but newer, so I have to use these).
  2. Using part mods ? If yes, then a large 7.5m SpaceY hydrolox powered core with 4 5m kerolox boosters strapped to it (essentially a SLS-Pyrios inspired design) has given me a stage-and-a-half-to-orbit with a payload capacity up to 180t. I don't use RO as it is (with the configs) but you should be able to get to 140t with a similar design. Mind the G-forces though, the relatively light core and powerful boosters give strong accelerations before flameout. Pics on demand. EDIT: @ZooNamedGames, while I most likely will not be able to be part of the actual missions, I will try to remain around if someone is needed for some misc work.
  3. I'm back. Computer issues as well as a personal reasons made me drop KSP and the forums for a while. I saw 1.1 was out so I decided to get back to KSP. I don't have a mic anymore though (and exams coming up) so I'm afraid I won't be able to continue my role in RSP (not going to change much from your side since I never really showed up in the first place I guess). Edit: Forgot to say sorry for the inconvenience I could have caused
  4. Effective exhaust velocity is a measure of your engine's efficiency, just like specific impulse. It is given by: ve = Isp * g0 with the Isp in seconds (800s for the NERV) and g0 the standard gravity acceleration at Earth (always 9.81 m/s2 no matter what body you're orbiting). So for the NERV, you'll get ve = 7848 m/s Note that Isp is sometimes expressed in m/s and is then equivalent to the effective exhaust velocity.
  5. The goal of the SRB is to carry itself and push your shuttle/rocket at the same time. A part of the SRB's thrust will be used to push itself around and what's left will push your rocket. If the SRB's TWR is over 1, then the SRB will push your rocket and that's fine. If the SRB's TWR is 1 then the SRB will just push itself but not your rocket. If the SRB's TWR is less than 1 then the SRB will not be able to push itself, then your rocket will start to pull the SRB. You don't want this last thing to happen, therefore, ditch your SRB when its TWR gets under 1 (assuming decaying thrust). If it never gets under 1, then ditch it after flameout, when it will get under 1 (0 in that case).
  6. Isn't Block II supposed to use the Advanced Boosters ? If yes, then the lack of leftover SSSRBs shouldn't be a problem. Nevermind, didn't read OP properly.
  7. Why do I feel nostalgia when I started with 0.14.4 ? Anyway, thanks a lot for these !
  8. Why didn't I think of this ? ... It seems so obvious now... Anyway, any idea on what could cause these values to NaN, considering they belong to crafts that are landed or orbiting, and very controllable (the NaN Krakens I had were upon launch only) ? Could RSS have something to do with it ?
  9. Pretty straightforward: I've noticed that in one of my saves that was a lot bugged (seems to be better now, don't ask) I had quite a few of these values set to NaN. I think this might be a cause of the bugs I had, so I would like to replace them to actual values. Any idea on their function or suitable values are welcome. (SMA and INC found under VESSEL{ORBIT{)
  10. "Plate" flinger... Don't lie, we all know you designed it for Kerbals.
  11. No they don't. More of a "feature" than a proper bug, it happens to everyone AFAIK. Hopefully 1.1 UI changes and fixes will fix this.
  12. A bit too much friendly for my taste, I'd like less hugs from him when I'm coming for Duna...
  13. Notifications when people post in open tabs ! Plz stahp spam me forum @KasperVld, also (for the changes list):
  14. I believe it was on the What Not To Suggest list, though the new Common Suggestions links only mentions clouds... Well, nevermind, it's not going to happen any time soon. If Squad plans on doing a visual update 1.2, 1.3 or futher then maybe (big maybe).
  15. You will probably be able to run KSP. I doubt you'll get any further than the main menu though. And don't even expect to launch a largeish craft with more than 10fps. This config is very low, unless this computer costs £$€whatevercurrency20 or is 10 y.o. you'd be better off with pretty much anything else. For KSP, you want high single-thread CPU performance (having a high clock frequency is a good start, 1.8GHz is very low for KSP). 32-bit KSP cannot use more than 4GB of RAM, but your computer OS and other processes will use some RAM, so 6GB is good; 4GB might be enough if you're not that concerned by performance and mods. And even though KSP doesn't use a lot of GPU, 256MB is not a lot, I'm not sure what performance that will give you or the impact on overall speed but my previous laptop had 512MB which seemed to be enough (the performance was limited by my CPU though. If you want to see what other people use to play KSP, I suggest to take a look at this thread.
  16. Kerbin doesn't have the same mass as Earth. If it did, then it would have 100 times Earth's gravity at sea level. Kerbin is about 100 times lighter than Earth because it has a radius 10 times smaller, and gravitation follows an inverse square law for distance (10 times closer = 100 times as much gravity).
  17. I have one: It is not actually for KSP RSS but for the actual real solar system, but the delta-V is meant to be the same It is very complete, but you'll have to sum things up for further destinations. Edit: got another one closer to the usual style of KSP dV maps:
  18. Started working on a reusable RSS launcher based on the Energia-Uragan. Currently weighs 950t at launch and puts 21t to orbit. The current cost to orbit per ton, if I recover everything, is 2600 funds. It is likely to increase though as I still need to put stuff on the boosters to make them really recoverable and tweak a few things on the orbiter itself. Haven't tried reentring it yet, as I still need to balance CoM and CoL to fly it properly. Here's an album showing the current design (actually rotated the boosters engines 45° after taking the screenshots):
  19. The best option for NASA to triple its space budget to go to Mars by 2030 would be to make China or Russia do it first...
  20. Got actively frustrated at the stowed mechanic and at my failures to suppress it...
  21. The impact of such a large body on Earth did have some effects on Earth itself. It's not just Theia crashing into Earth and sorta bounces off and make the Moon. When Theia impacted the Earth, it was brutal: Earth was pretty much torn apart and large chunks of its mantle were sent into space. The parts of Theia that fused with Earth changed its composition and the parts that were sent in space eventually merged together and therefore gave the Moon a similar composition to that of Earth.
  22. Taken from Challenge Submission Guide:
  23. Because treaties from the Cold War severely limits the possibilites of sending nuclear stuff in space. Also, people won't feel confortable with nukes over their heads. Even if agencies prove the risk to be null, the public opinion will be against. Oh and the Soviets did put some nuclear reactors in space (not nuclear propulsion though), one of them fell over Canada...
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