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Everything posted by kcs123

  1. I didn't have those, but tweakscale was changed a lot lately and there was some issues with scaling certain parts in past, but those should be solved by now. But, again, tweakscale was changed a lot recently, so something may or may not be borked. You should provide log files and MM cache files, so everyone will be able to help you sooner. Could be issue with IR or Tweakscale or strange interactions between two. You can find better info how to find log files in this thread: Once you provide those, @Rudolf Meier or @Lisias might be able to tell better what is going on.
  2. Pretty much like that. Although, there is no need to put whole main program in boot directory. You can rather use something smal with just few lines of code in boot file and from there just execute main script. Example: It is highly recommanded that you use following command as first line in boot script as otherwise rest of the code can fail for various reasons if craft is not unpacked yet: In example above, my boot script check ship status and on launchpad it copy necessary library files and run main program to put rocket in orbit. Once ship is in orbit, if I revisit it second time and still have comm established, script check for files that are on craft internal HDD and delete/copy other files that are used in orbit. Usualy it is either, to execute maneuver node or like in case above to run script that run science experiment and transmit or collect science over various biomes. You may also want to write current status of your mission in some file and based on that run specific script or part of script. Whatever you want or need.
  3. That is hardly likely. FAR adds it's own features on each control surface, reverting back would mean that you need to remove large part of FAR code. It is not too difficult to adjust settings for proper controls. Click "Std.Ctrl" button to expand settings. You will got 3 new sliders to adjust percentage of Yaw/Roll/Pitch. For elevator you want to set Yaw and Roll to zero and for pitch to 100%. You can adjust max movement angle too. With all additional features that FAR provide you have much more control of elevator behaviour. It is much easier to fine tune craft for personal liking than with stock game settings. All of those are made like it is for a very good reason. I'm runing out of time right now, but I will try to create some pictures for better info how to adjust control surfaces with FAR.
  4. Care to elaborate more about it ? What you mean by term "old elevator configuration system" ? Maybe some screenshot along with short description could explain it a bit better. I play KSP with FAR since version of 0.23 or 0.25, don't recall exact version number, but I don't get it what you mean by old or new elevator configuration system.
  5. Uhh. It may or may not be issue. Here it is why: Nevertheless, it is worth to try to download Tweakscale from Github as there is high chance that it is updated version on github than one that is bundled with KSPIE.
  6. That is strange. Double check if you have FerramAerospaceResearch folder inside Gamedata folder. It could be remain of previous installs. Even if you have uninstalled FAR trough CKAN, it is possible that CKAN didn't removed FerramAerospaceResearch folder. Therefore MM still "think" that FAR is installed and attempts to apply MM patches for it in any other mod config files where it is configured. That GAP piece of code should never be triggered and should have no effect at all unless you got FerramAerospaceResearch in your gamedata directory. Or something is very, very wrong with MM. EDIT: You have provided wrong log files, can't find much useful info in those. "KSP.log" contains most useful data (what dll's you have installed and what folders are within gamedata folder) and also MM cache files. Basicaly, all "ModuleManager.*" files in gamedata folder except ModuleManager.dll. Those reveal how patchs are applied in game part database after all MM configs are executed.
  7. @Dante80. for some reason (don't know exact yet) your first airplane and glider contract throws error in MM config commands and because of that those contracts are not even registered in game to be available in mission control. I can only share content of my Wright-FirstFlight.cfg file, try to compare with your file, it might be something wrong trough download/install process. Even single missing bracket or something can cause issue. In spoiler section is what I have and coming from GAP version 1.6.1: If you are unable to find any error, other workaround could be to edit config files for other contracts that have Wright-FirstFlight as requirement. Just commenting out (Writing "//" at begining on the line should work) following lines: It should be possible to write separate MM patch config file that would remove Wright-FirstFlight requirement from all contracts, but can't tell proper syntax right now from top of my head. I will try to re-install everything on KSP 1.7.3 on my side, to see if I also got same errors and what would be possible to edit to fix it. But can't tell when I will have enough free time for all this.
  8. Difference from RealChute is that "Lite" version use only stock parachute models. One of drawback of using those is, like you already noticed, spread angle/animation not working properly. I can only advice you to use full RealChute mod and to use RealChute parts to avoid cliping bug. Don't know of any other possible workaround on this and I doubt that @dkavolis have any time or desire to solve this issue. That bug was around for a very long time, even when ferram was actively working on this mod.
  9. I don't recall "Wright-FirstFlight" as requirement, might be needed that you need to lunch any craft kind first to be able to get this one triggered. You can see on following album how it looks on my side (finished that contract long time ago in KSP 1.7.2. though): https://imgur.com/a/3W6b8cx You must have unlocked parts: any air intake, any air breathing engine (jet or propeler) and at least one wing part or control surfaces. Have yet to try everything on fresh KSP 1.7.3. install and new game to tell more, I no longer recall everything from top of my head. If you got those parts, you can try to "force" regenerating contracts trough ALT+F12 debug menu (see picture on album). Don't know what is "Wright-FirstFlight" as requirement and why it is not triggered yet in your game, could be that is different name for "Build and fly your first airplane!" contract. But that one is requirement to be able to get "Fly an airplane to 2500m" contract. Have you checked your log files ? Those might reveal if there is some kind of error in MM patches in GAP for only that "Build first airplane" contract. You can find more detailed info how to find log files in this thread:
  10. Feel free to ask here. There is not so many people hanging around here like on reddit, but there is still some that are willing to help. IIRC, there is also few threads in craft exchange forum, but not frequently visited as this one.
  11. That is unusual, should not behave like that. Maybe it is not enough in game time passed for that contract to trigger and show up on list or something else beside parts is required too. Are you using Contract Window+ mod ? It is not culprit of your issue or solve your issue if you install it, but might help to understand why your contract is not showing up. That mod should allow you to see contracts that are not offered yet in mission control as well as requirement for such contract. It may also be conflict with some other contract pack, so to discover that one, full logs should be provided as well as MM cache files. You might also try to use ALT+F12 cheat/debug menu, to see what contracts are available in your game, to find out is it configured properly trough MM commands or it is for some reason (conflict with other mod) disabled.
  12. Have you unlocked any aircraft part that is minimum requirement for that contract ? Like engine, controling surface or such ? I can't recall from top of my head what exact parts those could be, but it is possible to get "experimental" parts trough GAP contracts, like wheels, wings, engines, etc.
  13. https://spacedock.info/kerbal-space-program - link worked just fine for me. Tested minute before this post. Maybe is something wrong on your end ISP or home network ?
  14. You can be happy then that you didn't have to load games from cassette player, need to rewind it on exact spot, listen similar noise as handshake during loading, adjusting azimuth of reading head with screwdriver if load fail, etc. It was necessary to do all kind of stunts for most simple games on C64. I was a kid back then and didn't mind any of those, with a side effect that I was learned bunch of other things just due to kid's desire to play games.
  15. With a bunch of mods installed and with lot of them messing with same thing in game it is not always easy to pinpoint exact source of issue. I think that only 2-3 types of mods might cause such issues. As already mentioned, some kind of life support mod (I'm most suspisious on those), but it could also be some mod for colonization, that use some resorce other than stock game. Also some part mod that depend on firespitter plugin or B9 part switch that deals with resources could cause this. Whenever you go on EVA, behind the scene, game engine actually create new object in game that shares some object properties as any other craft in game. Similar thing happens when you undock two parts of same craft, game create new ship object using some info what kind of parts and resources new ship should have (fuel, oxygen, electricity, etc.). For that fresh created ship object some mod that you have installed attempts to add some resources. But in case of EVA, it could not add any becasue Kerbal on EVA can't carry such resource. Most probably such mod have handled resource creation properly, but created warning message in log that something was not happened fully as expected. Good to know that it does not have anything with IR, but I'm not using each mod that is created for KSP to be able to pinpoint which one cause this. Only some speculation based on personal experience from this game.
  16. Have you tried without IR and doing same EVA steps ? I don't think that shown issue is related with IR, it look like it is more likely "conflict" with community resource configs and probably some life support mod (USI/MKS, TAC or SNACK). Just my educated guess from personal experience in the past that those could throw such things in log and usualy are harmless. AFAIK, IR next does not mess with resources, only electricity consumed when motorized IR parts are moved around. IR should not add or remove resources (resource types) to any ship/vessel in game.
  17. To be honest, bad MM patches that were causing issues were around for a long time. Only recently it was discovered true reason for issues and way to detect them. Once detected, issues are solved quickly, but mod developer can't know by himself for each part mod of KSP is it have bad MM commands or not. As with any other mod around, use it or not use it on your own risk. Everything is explained what is working and what not and what to do if someone encounter any issue. Asking for this mod to be removed and call it "virus" is a bit too much.
  18. On bare tank you can't add multiple engines on regular way. He must be using some mod that add surface attach ability to engines. Don't know which mod does that, I never used such thing, though. My best guess here is that such mod have put wrong position for surface colider of engine. Or better said, it have altered stock engines with correct positions for surface attachment that become wrong on UKS smaller engine variants, because UKS copied such values trough MM patches from already modified stock engines that no longer fit with rescaled smaller variant of UKS engines. (Huh, don't know if I explained properly what I mean, don't have open config files with correct engine names).
  19. Then it is most probable cause of issue. AFAIK, those small engine that comes with this mod are only intended to be attached on nodes, no surface attach at all. To attach multiple engines, you need to attach small cubic truss or something that is allowed to be surface attached and have attachment node on the other end for engine. Or to use engine plates from DLC (I don't have that DLC, so can't tell much about it). For that reason I have created MM patches for personal usage, basicaly scaled down version of stock adapters. Two pages back: Restock mod most probably alter, either stock engine, so UKS patches are no longer compatible, or it add some module on all engines that does not realy fit new UKS engines. It might be solved with some compatibility MM patch using proper command BEFORE or AFTER, but I'm not familiar with Restock mod, so can't tell much about it. You may want to try same thing without Restock mod to isolate issue. It also could be some other mod that add modules on parts that mess things up. Only thing is for sure that it worked for me, you can find list of mods that I was using few pages back too.
  20. There is dedicated post for "how to" find logs and properly ask for support. You have to help moders to be able to help you with your issue.
  21. Kerbal Foundries are already reasonably supported trough CTT configs. Do you think that some part is out of reasonable place trough tech tree ?
  22. If someone take slightly more time to elaborate what does not work well and what need to be fixed for RO then you may expect to get better support. It was asked several times for feedback from people that use RO, but there was no response.
  23. _dbg version also allows you to visualise struts kreated by KJRn and help you and developer to figure out what might cause issue.
  24. Another confirmation that even proffesionals and veterans are not immune to mistakes .
  25. I don't think that shape matter at all. AFAIK, FAR have to made some assumption and aproximations to be able to calculate everything in real time for game usage. One of those assumptions is that thin aerofoil wings are used. So, leading edge wing shape does not make any influence or have very little influence. It might have influence on area rule drag calculation as trough voxelization process edge have some influence on cross section area, but that is usually minor impact so it can be neglated as well. People who have looked more deeply into FAR code might tell you more about it, I'm just regular user of mod and I can only tell you as much as I can recall from past conversations or when I was seeking for answer on similar questions for myself.
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