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Everything posted by kcs123

  1. Too bad that SQUAD didn't fixed this issue while they were already working on PAW UI. But, complaining would not help much. From given options, from user perspective, I think that option #3 will cause least amount of confusion. Might not be easiest way from coding perspective, but it will be much easier to check parts when building craft in VAB/SPH.
  2. @DarkNounours, @fulgur, there is a reason why kOS not working properly. From previous page:
  3. Now, when true root of the issue is identified, there is some hope that it will be fixed. Or use other alternative, as most of mods are available on github, if someone don't want to bother with spacedock.
  4. Yep, thanks for reminding me about that. And, yes there was issues with textures and OpenGL in the past for some people if you look one page back. Don't know enough how textures and shaders can be re-created again so it can properly work for both, OpenGL and DX, but at least we have narrowed down issue for maintainer.
  5. Or maybe one of you using different OS and maybe forcing DX11 or OpenGL trough shorcut parameter for KSP ?
  6. IIRC from the conversations in the past, B9PW are made heavier intentionally, for gamebalance reasons. B9PW were meant to be used for space planes, with much better heating resistance (simulating active cooling) than ordinary wings to survive re-entry. It was odd at first, but I quickly adopted new UI to create B9PW and it was easier for me to create exact shape as I wanted than I was able to do with older version of PW. I would like to see lighter version of B9PW for createing ordinary planes, with less heat resistance that are not meant to be used for space planes, but have same UI system to create exact wing shape for various crafts. It is planed to have solar powered B9PW, but as always, moders have limited time to work on their mods, so, have to be patient to see any new feature.
  7. There was issue with stock PAW UI not behaving like it should and like it was behaved prior KSP 1.8.0. That was broken quite a lot mods and mod authors could not do anything to fix it. From KSP 1.8.1. changelog: I hope that new shaders that comes with KSP 1.8.1. will make life easier for @Shadowmage to maintain KF and related mods.
  8. I'm using B9PW since first published release. I don't recall that it was ever possible to use Tweakscale on those. Does not have any sense either to use scaling on parts that already have built in option to make them big as you want to be. Within limitation how big B9 wings can be created and those limits are there for a reason.
  9. Have yet to try it, but at least it is confirmed that Tweakscale work properly now. Don't know about stock part resource/mesh switching yet.
  10. It seems that SQUAD fixed their issue. From changelog: Time to download KSP 1.8.1 and new stunt/bug hunting seasone can begin .
  11. Yep, those thumbs pictures was probably not included with craft files trough first CKAN install. It was created later on by game, and CKAN refuse to remove files that was not tracked to be installed for the first time. Such remains often can break future installs.
  12. Might not be exactly the same thing, but both issues comes from buged UI objects in stock game. That is why I have brought it to attention in B9PS thread. In TS case buttons on PAW are somewhat visible, but positioned in wrong way/place, failing to resize UI window properly. in B9PS and stock parts with multiple resources it seems to me that required objects were placed outside of drawning area of UI and causing it to not be drawn at all. Just wild speculation that comes from experience on working of other things. Although, there is chance that I'm wrong, but I think that is worth to investigate. Perhaps to describe problem dicovered with B9PS on same bug tracker might increase chance for SQUAD to solve it sooner. Sorry in advance if my thought become missleading.
  13. Probably only when Ctt is marked as KSP1.8. compatible. CKAN check versions and compatibility of dependency mods too. So, it will allow you to install only mods that have all dependency mods marked as compatible with KSP 1.8. You can force CKAN to mark 1.7.x mods compatible with KSP 1.8. but have to be aware that some mods would not work properly with KSP1.8. You need to know what are you doing before taking any actions.
  14. It seems that it is stock KSP/Unity UI bug and it might not be possible to do anything until next KSP patch. Look at tweakscale thread, there is even more strange things happening there. I think that is already reported in KSP bug tracker, but don't recall exact link from top of my head.
  15. Looks like it is time to get at least one day off before another bug hunting quest over TS and KSP . @Lisias, don't overburn yourself with all mods that you maintain. Take your own pace with this and might even a bit slower than your own pace as it seems to be too much of those unwanted events lately.
  16. Have you noticed also that BDB does not have "#" button on GUI introduced with KSP 1.7.3 ? I can only guess, but to me it seems that BDB use it's own GUI instead of stock GUI. Perhaps stock GUI can be overrided by some 3rd party GUI that will keep stock functionality, but without bugs that comes with KSP 1.8. Or it is too much time waste for little gain and it is better jsut to wait for KSP 1.8.1. patch.
  17. KJRn should work just fine with KSP 1.7.3. With debug version and "visualize autostruts" you should be able to see something like it is shown on pictures from this post: My best guess is that you have made some mistake trough install process. Maybe using older version of KJR or KJR cvontinued that was not properly uninstalled prior installing KJRn or some similar silly mistake.
  18. FAR use light version of Real chute mod for several KSP and FAR versions ago. It could be that this "light" version of Real chutes have become broken with latest KSP. More or less "easy" workaround of this is to install full Real chute mod. That being said, I don't know yet if Real chute haqve being properly updated for latest KSP too. So, some more patience until all esential dependency mods are updated is required.
  19. Me too. Forgot to mention that in earlier post. Magnetometer comes earlier in tech tree, it is not too expencive and after finishing high/low orbit experiments, I put such probe to scan celestial bodies without atmosphere just becaose I have nothing else to do with it.
  20. Personaly, I use DM Orbital Science and stock parts. Using whatever become available trough tech tree. First low res scaners then the rest. But thing is that stock Narrow Band Scanner usualy comes at the same as other high resolution scaners. So, I would not mind if it is only one scaner used for all of resource types if it improve performance and make maintenance of mod much easier. Whole game with new DLCs and new mods becomeing more and more complex, so few extra CPU/FPS time can be spend elsewhere. Just personal opinion on topic, other people might think different.
  21. Well, it is kind of expected to be broken in KSP 1.8. Upgrade to new version of Unity game engines also require all of plugin(dll) mods to be recompiled with new libraries, at least. Some of mods might require additional changes in source code too, depending of changes in API code of stock game. Have to be patient for some time until mod developers get time to update their mods.
  22. And on top of all complexity there was also complete game engine change from KSP 1.2.x up to 1.7.x and even one more for KSP 1.8.x. Maintaining mod even for latest KSP only is a lot of work, it is hard to expect any backward compatibility too with "simple" recompile.
  23. It is good to start with very simple program for start. You could also want to do something even more simple, just to print something on console. I'm just guessing here, but I think that you forgot to choose in VAB, at kOS CPU part, what program will be run when you launch craft. It is not enough just to copy file to boot directory of craft, you also need to tell it to run it. Most simple way is to choose it in VAB, but there is also command to change it when your craft is launched. I forgot exact syntax from top of my head, but example should be possible to find in this thread because I asked same thing long time ago. Anyhow, it might be good to check official documentation about it: http://ksp-kos.github.io/KOS_DOC/general/volumes.html#special-handling-of-files-in-the-boot-directory EDIT: I should read other people post before answering, @scimas already wrote this:
  24. Agree on that. Highly recommended to watch. Some pieces of kOS code might be obsolete, but Kevin explain a lot of other good stuff, regading physics and alghoritam used in general that could be easy adjusted for other usage.One of his videos inspired me to create interpolation calculation library instead of using pre-made formula from web site for each mission. You can find it somewhere buried in this thread if you want to use that one for optimal ascending path to orbit for your crafts. SpinkAkron also have some good examples. I borrowed his science collection script and adjusted for personal usage with additional feature to store experiments instead of transmiting and with GUI interface, for example.
  25. I'm afraid that it is not possible to properly change physic behaviour without changing some of part pieces. It is necessary to remove stock surface control modules from parts so that those part can behave properly with new FAR physics. Instead of stock part module, FAR inserts it's own module config for wings and control surfaces (IIRC only those parts require special configs). And along with that comes new UI in SPH/VAB that provide new functions for those parts, it was implemented long time ago when stock UI was even more limited. I doubt that there is meaningful way to have stock UI module for wings and control surfaces and FAR physics at same time, but original author of mod or current maintainer may be able to tell more about it. And if there is a way to change it, it will make a lot of existing FAR users unhapy as it will break a lot of their crafts that is currently used. If you got any issues with current FAR UI interface, feel free to ask, there is a lot of people who will be able to help you, but for that and craft design issues is more apropriate FAR Craft Repository thread (link in my signature and in OP).
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