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Everything posted by MoeKitsune

  1. Yeah. Just don't make the colors too crazy.
  2. Today, I discovered what happens when re-entry heating is a major troll to your ship. I don't have a picture, but a part blew up after I raised my periapsis to 100km and my lifter stage detached from my satellite. Then, my satellite started overheating in the fairings and it took a bit to cool down after I separated them. Nothing survived.
  3. Maybe color them rocky colors like brown and grey instead of those?
  4. I could help with some planet names and ideas. I might be able to help with orbits, but I'm not the best at orbit parameters. Also, can Sione and/or Jolep's color(s) be changed? they look too similar.
  5. No. I don't need rep to make me happy. Press button for Portal 3, but it's buggy as heck.
  6. Common Sense ain't that common. Also that part is kinda funny.
  7. Why does Hubble have amazing images of deep space objects, yet Pluto and Ceres look crappy from it's images of them?
  8. I want it to die in a fire. A FIRE I SAY! *Storms out of room*
  9. Sorry to burst your bubble, but there are a lot of other asteroids with moons. Some even have 2 moons.
  10. Okay, 3 things: 1, YAY 2 PARTICLE TRAILS ON COROLET! 2, YAY FAZ CRYSTAL GROUND SCATTER! 3, Procedural terrain?
  11. Sent mine. The japanese text confused me. My submission was Perseus.
  12. I don't get why everyone's happy with this. The new features will require even more micromanaging and are just another reason to use manned missions.
  13. Does anyone know what part is used for the Venera lander's spherical fairing?
  14. Looks like Annoying Orange grew a face and stuck it on a kerbal.
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