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Everything posted by Arch3rAc3

  1. Hey. Ok, before posting it to the bug tracker, could you just clear some things? : Is it happening all the time on all saves, or in a single save/single aircraft file only? Are you sure your trims aren't set? Try resetting the trim inputs. Is it only pitching up the problem? Check if your controller is working properly if so, and, again, try another aircraft in another save (preferably one of the default aircrafts, as this will rule out any flap/building errors that may be pitching your aircraft the other way). And lastly, in the control input indicator (left bottom of the screen), can you see the arrow moving when you pitch up? If not, does it move in any other directions? Check both yaw and roll if they are moving as well. Maybe you checked all of this before creating the thread, but just to be sure I feel like I have to ask. The least we need right now are threads and bug reports flooding the lists when they're actually not a bug/problem with the code/game. Thanks.
  2. This is the problem, the console version is so limited that - as I stated before - you cannot tweak the control scheme without changing the whole preset (from which only 3 presets exist). There's no control customization or anything like that. The only way not to have this fine throttle control with trim problem is if you switch from Radial preset (which I really liked) to Cursor preset. But cursor preset also has a lot of others key conflicts and seems way less intuitive. What still hurts me the most is that after all the testing, nobody noticed that you can't buy parts from R&D in career mode on hard difficulty. Now I 've been stuck for about a week without playing the career mode cause I can't buy any parts for my ship and progress. This has been reported and added to the Bug Tracker 9 days ago, and the progress on the bug fix is still at 10%... You must enter the code at the pause menu if I'm not mistaken.
  3. A quick binding change would fix this. There's a toggle options in the control settings (and also a key combination) to quickly change between Yaw and Roll (so you can use the main stick to Roll or Yaw depending on what you're flying, and having the triggers [like, rudder axis] for the other function). We should have another option like this but for throttle.
  4. Nope, unless you change the preset mode to Cursor instead of Radial. But by doing so, a lot of other things are also going to change, and a couple more problems arise, since many keys are used for two actions at the same time, as the one I mentioned in #4. Oh my, Elite was a pain. Three key combo didn't work (may not work still although you can create these type of combos) and most combinations with the B key would make you ship go boosting everywhere before the action you wanted to happen really happened. Quite frustrating haha. Oh well, these are just the problems I found by trying to build a ship in the start of career mode. Don't even wanna know what I'm yet to see when trying to fly to other planets xD. And then you try flying a plane in career with no kerbal respawn, slowly slowing down on final instead of cutting your throttle all at once (or having to set an specific % of throttle to maintain AOA without stalling or starting to climb) and suddenly the plane goes full spin and deep stall because you also trimmed something in the process. It's more a "What specific type of craft you're flying right now" instead of personal preference I believe. For orbital maneuevers you might want Max/Cut instant throttle, but try landing on Mun for example. Fine control is way more accurate and safer.
  5. Couple of problems found with the control schemes (Edit: just noticed #1 has been added and confirmed on the BugTracker). Can't buy researched parts in R&D building. For harder difficulties, you must pay an entry cost for each part after researching them so they become available. Now for a reason I'm yet to understand, the cursor is available everywhere but on H&D... Since the cursor is not available, after switching to the parts specific window - as in, after you first select a part through the part list window, a new window will pop-up with this part description - you simply can't switch the point of interest to this very window, therefore not being allowed to purchase the part. This would be quickly fixed if you could click on the purchase button, but no cursor available in R&D for no reason at all. Another problem one could quickly notice here is that on the bottom of that same window is the text "Hold <B>: More Info". If you do hold B (circle on PS4), instead of getting more info, you'll go back to the previous screen, since B (circle) is the same button to return in a window, lovely. (Minor, problem but a problem nonetheless, and may show that this happens on different windows as well): in the Tracking Station you can press LB/RB (L1/R1) to scroll between different celestial bodies, but in the controls App it tells you that when you have the cursor active, you can hold LB (L1) for precision mode. The problem is that even in cursor mode, holding LB will scroll to the previous celestial body. There seems to be an unnoticed problem going on with keys being used for multiple functions at the same time. With the Radial preset, for controlling your throttle you must hold LB (L1) and move the D-Pad Up/Down (instead of simply moving the D-Pad Up/Down and leaving LB + D-Pad for Maximum/Minimum instant throttle like it is with cursor settings). Not only the controls scheme is so limited to the point that for you to simply change this you must switch to another preset, which will change a lot more things than only this, you also have the LB (L1) conflicting between two functions again: LB (L1) + Axis movement is used to trim your craft, therefore you just cannot control your throttle and changing you craft attitude without trimming it and making it go all over the place. Like with problem #2, controls conflicting once again: at the VAB or SPH you can click X (Square) on a part to change some of it settings (like on a parachute to change it's deployment altitude). So, although you can use the cursor to change it's settings, you can also change to that window and use the Axis to scroll through the settings. For that, you switch back to non-cursor mode and press LB (L1) + Y (Triangle) (the same way you switch back and forth to the dialogue window during the tutorial). But with cursor mode on, if you press LB + Y you will also toggle between Snap Mode on/off. This is another minor bug, but can get a bit annoying when you have a window open but want to toggle between Snap Modes and it keeps switching windows. Ps.: Using this LB + Y combination in the R&D does not change the focus to the desired window, since by pressing LB (or RB) you will change tabs, scrolling between Technology and Science Archives.
  6. Devs, is there a way to use Radial preset with D-Pad up and down to fine control throttle (having LB/L1 + D-Pad Up/Down for Max/Minimal throttle instead)? I've got used to the Radial preset and liked it better over the other two presets, seems easier to use, but not being able to control my throttle while turning the craft is a pain. Wish there was a way to change some key mappings.
  7. All tutorials are default for Radial. I can't see how a simple option "Hold LB/L1 + D-Pad up/down for instant max/zero throttle" is not present.
  8. You hold LB (L1 on PS4 I believe) plus a desired motion (Yaw, Pitch, Roll) to set the trim. The more you pull the movement axis while holding LB/L1 (as in, the farthest away from the center) the more trim will be applied. To clear all trim settings you hold LB/L1 and click on the left analogue button. There is a massive problem with this through, probably what is happening to everyone here. For an unknown reason, devs thought it was cool to have LB/L1 + Up/Down D-Pad for throttle fine control and only D-Pad up/down for instant Full/Zero throttle, instead of the other way around which would be much easier and intuitive. Now the concept of Hands-On-Throttle-And-Stick is non-existant because you can't be both controlling your attitude and fine controlling your throttle at the same time, since if you're holding LB/L1 for throttle, you'll automatically trim the craft since you were at the same time rolling, pitching or yawing, leading to an uncontrollable departure (even getting you aircraft to deep stalls in atmospheric flights). Lovely, no? I've tried enabling and disabling the settings option "Throttle as analogue control" or something like that, but nothing changes, at least not on the tutorial missions. PS.: This can be fixed by changing control mode from Radial to Cursor, be aware, though, that all tutorial missions are default set to Radial.
  9. Having a problem with the throttle and trim. I'm playing the To The Mun 2 landing tutorial, but I can't fine control my throttle while correcting the craft attitude with SAS off. The problem is that for fine tuning the throttle, instead of only using the up and down D-Pad, you now have to hold LB (L1 on PS4?) and tap the D-Pad (although the opposite would make much more sense, I don't want to miss release my LB key and then having my throttle going 100% or 0% directly). But LB/L1 is also the trim hold key, so if I input a pitch up command while holding LB/L1 my craft will trim up, this results in me having the craft spinning out of control over and over again while trying to adjust the throttle. This basically forbids me from flying a craft while fine-tuning throttle, being the total opposite of what a Hands-On-Throttle-And-Stick should allow you to do.
  10. They should at the very minimal give it for free for who bought the game a long time ago. I have KSP for more than a year now, unplayable...
  11. Ace Combat 7 will probably be launched before this mighty "update".
  12. And maybe if we could have Kerbal Engineer on the console versions. That'd be pretty cool.
  13. Not for us console plebs. It will, hopefully, take a few more weeks or a couple of months for the update to come out (assuming it will be in this year as the devs said).
  14. May be a stupid question, but do you think this could come out for consoles anytime in the future after the game is fixed with the Loud and Clear patch incoming? Btw, loved the Elite Dangerous style of the solar map!
  15. Could totally be free/cheaper for console players as a refund for us buying the game +6 months ago and, YET, not being able to play it xD. The same way we console players blindly bought it right after launch and were met with an unplayable game?
  16. Yup, the landing gear is basically stopping me from playing the carrer. It always overstresses for no logical reason and explodes everything... It's so frustating.
  17. I haven't touched this game since one month after it's launch I believe. It's a pity, but I can't do anything. Hopefully we will be able to play it soon, they said the update would be coming early 2017, I just wonder how early early really is, wanted so much to play this game...
  18. Yup, this has gotten seriously frustating already! I been patiently waiting for a whole month after launch, thinking they would have, in the best scenario, gotten it fixed even by the first week since it was a first launch of this game on a console and a few bugs were expected (after all, it passed all those awesome tests prior to launch, didn't it?). But this has gone just too far already. I'm not frustated just because they can't fix the game, but because they launched it as if it were a finished product on the market at it's full price, not taking it out later after noticing it's totally broken and not launching it as a preview/alpha game, where these problems could be acceptable. I would have no problem buying this as a game on preview/alpha like I did with The Long Dark and helping the devs by pointing out bugs and coming up with ideas on the forums, I'd understand the time they would take to update it then. But this is unacceptable for a full game with it's price. I just can't get over it that I wasted money on this months ago and am not able to play it as I would on PC. It's just taking space on my xbox HDD...
  19. Haha, seems like reverse psychology is a go. Be angry I tell you, and angry you are no more xD
  20. And our xbox community can only be [redacted] in general. It's [redacted] how there's so many positive reviews, I believe people barely even played it and rated already, it's awesome...
  21. Whoever is also on the xbox, please give this game a bad rating through the marketplace rating and explain all the problems it's having so people won't be buying this unfinished broken repurposed bovine waste until Squad, Flying Tigers or just anyone manages to fix it.
  22. So they failed to fix the very thing they were supposed to fix with the last patch? This just gets better and better...
  23. Oh, so that's what the update was for. Well, at least they managed to fix something (let's ignore the time to do it).
  24. Ok, after about one month that I haven't played this it gave me hope that KSP got an update, although I came to find out that it wasn't 1.2 for some reason, leaving me very frustated at the time. Anyhow, seems like one of the serious bug I've been experiencing from the past version is still here, that is wheels behaving weirdly when under a medium-heavy weight. So I still can't build basic aircrafts with those basic static landing gears, as it will just clip into the ground and explode or do any other bizarre thing than work properly. It's simple frustating that after quite a few months from buying a game that IS NOT on PREVIEW or Alpha Version I still can't play it. Well, can anyone else confirm this bug is still here? PC players seemed to report that it had been fixed, but I'm still experiencing it here...
  25. Seriously, it just doesn't make any sense to me how this game passed the tests. This should be at least on Preview.
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