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Hobbes Novakoff

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Everything posted by Hobbes Novakoff

  1. If I were to embed a video containing NSFW language, but bleeped out (For example, CinemaSins), does that violate the "Family Friendly" policy?
  2. You build amazing stuff, seemingly just for the "Show me your Rep-Worthy Crafts" thread...
  3. I can always count on you to give lots of compliments to KME
  4. Your avatar made me think of a way to make the Hunger Games 100 times better. Think fish.
  5. Yeah. 10 million views. We must spread this cleanse to counteract the disease.
  6. Lol, did you read the description? It's literally just a bunch of tags plus a few paragraphs of the bible. - - - Updated - - - More on topic: BootCamped windows, downloaded Robocraft, aaand... HOLY CRAP. My processor was at 95 degrees. (Laptop Intel Core i7, 3.0 Ghz)
  7. I'll just leave this here... (Note: Depending on your definition of NSFW, may contain NSFW language. It's a CinemaSins Video) www.youtube.com/watch?v=HvwMtWkfkJ8
  8. Well, you're the first person I know who doesn't use Ships, so I guess we're both equally ignorant
  9. If you've downloaded any craft off the forums, also don't forget your "Ships" folder
  10. You're a regular part of the community, and you've given lots of business to KME
  11. Yes! Finally got win10 working on my mac! Now, to download my Steam Library and KSP...
  12. I never liked minecraft all that much. It was just tedious. In other words, I don't find holding the left mouse button and W for fifteen minutes straight entertaining. Also, community. I probably spend more time on the forums than I do ingame
  13. Anyone know if Win10 works with Boot Camp on OS X?
  14. There is no point whatsoever in fixing bugs now just before upgrading to a new engine. That's like performing seismic upgrades on a house just before you rebuild the entire foundation.
  15. If I had a rep point for every thread rehashing this over and over until people realize "Hey, don't we have a mod that handles multiplayer time warp in a perfectly good way?", I would already be in the Light Green Group. To quote my post on another thread:
  16. I've seen it several times. Each time I've taken a screenshot, but I end up wiping all of them each game update or when I end up breaking an install with mods (Which was fairly often, considering I had a habit of misdiagnosing out-of-memory errors as a broken install... derp )
  17. Wait, there's an option to delete all debris? Say what?
  18. That was supposed to be a play on Half Life 3... But screw it, I'm going with your interpretation.
  19. I pronounce Eve as in event, Kerbol like Ker-bowl, and Mün more like Moon though not exactly. Other than that, same as OP.
  20. It's strange how people fret about timewarp and say that this is some sort of insurmountable or game-breaking issue, when we already have not one, but two mods (KMP and DMP) that add multiplayer. In fact, KMP was the mod that turned stock multiplayer from an impossibility into a reachable goal. 0.24 broke ground for multiplayer (under the hood, not gameplay-wise) and there are now several devs working on multiplayer, according to the devnotes. Point is, SQUAD already has a system for timewarp in a multiplayer scenario, and unless someone can come up with one that somehow places no restrictions on player timewarp while somehow allowing them to interact at any time without creating a hopeless bowl of event-bubble spaghetti (This is probably impossible, but hey, that's what everybody said about space travel), that system is KMP's system.
  21. I just started getting back into rockets. (not the KSP kind, I've been into that for over a year). Luckily my city doesn't prohibit it (Or if they do, they don't enforce it; I've never been told to stop launching rockets with the exception of two counselors from a day camp over the hill from where I was launching, who probably didn't have the authority to kick me out of the park anyway). Really, I got back into them when the supermarket 3 blocks down the road started stocking rockets that you can assemble in seconds-slide in the fins, tie the shock cord, pack the parachute, done. Portland is a pretty green city, and there are plenty of places to launch B-class engines, even two-stage rockets, within the city.
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