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Hobbes Novakoff

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Everything posted by Hobbes Novakoff

  1. Well, actually, it says 2st1 century. - - - Updated - - - Also, that binary is just "1101" repeated over and over.
  2. Yes, but then you wouldn't have any way to signal anger. For example, if every time someone on YouTube dropped an f-bomb, it was replaced with the phrase "sexual intercourse," then youtube would be an even more messed up place than it is already.
  3. Yeah. The joke is funny though, I love xkcd too.
  4. This is the actual cover of the homework planner our school gave us...
  5. Can somebody suggest a cheap-ish build. Obviously this is designed with KSP in mind, so single-core clock speed is king, but I also want to run a few simple/indie games at good frame rates. The most graphics-intensive game I'll be playing is something along the lines of Space Engineers or Rocket League.
  6. Setting up BDA AI battles and trying to build planes, just like always.
  7. I can't donate for reasons similar to others in this thread, but I have let my company know about this, hopefully some of them can donate. My thoughts are with you. My prayers would be too, if I weren't an atheist.
  8. TMobile is penalizing users of unlimited data plans for using too much data. http://bits.blogs.nytimes.com/2015/08/31/t-mobile-says-it-will-ban-abusers-of-unlimited-data-plan/?smprod=nytcore-iphone&smid=nytcore-iphone-share
  9. I'll tell you, the game runs far better fps-wise on windows thanks to DirectX (though this might change with El Capitan and U5).
  10. Not sure if that video is appropriate for the forums...
  11. When I'm actually doing space-program stuff, space plane landings at night. However, overall: Weapons testing.
  12. Can you make the underside of the plane a bit brighter and make the engine exhaust look nicer? - - - Updated - - - Also, make the smoke trail of the plane in the background more pronounced.
  13. Hmm... KME-R&D is interested... Any chance of us being able to weaponize this a bit and release it? (with credit, of course)
  14. I was trying to get a good shot with the plane in the foreground and the plane it was chasing in the back, but I hit F1 a bit too early and ended up making something that almost looks professional.
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