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Hobbes Novakoff

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Everything posted by Hobbes Novakoff

  1. It seems relatively obvious to me. "Insert other media." Huh. Wonder if it lets me insert other media like, y'know pictures. Say, it does! Who would've thought of that? However, if there was a way to change it to just "insert media," that might make things a little clearer. My two cents there.
  2. That's fair, and I apologize for cherry-picking somewhat. But the claim that "the same [having to use BBCode] is true now on this forum" is simply not true. There are two things that you cannot do on this forum that you could do on the old. Those are 1) Spoiler titles, which I'd hardly say are necessary anyway and 2) embed Sketchfab models, though I believe that Kasper is looking into that currently. I'd hardly say that you have to use BBCode. If there's something big that I've somehow missed, please let me know. But as far as I can tell, the WYSIWYG is just as capable, and in some cases more capable, than BBcode. Huh, I didn't know that! IIRC, the people in the Science Labs forums were grumbling about superscript and subscript not being a thing on the old forum. Weird.
  3. Not in this case. It's a glorified text editor, not a 3D modeling program. I should be able to use a text editor, on any website, without having to google anything. Here's an example: Let's say I'm reviewing something on an online shopping site, "Nozama." I want to post several pictures of the product that I have already uploaded to image-hosting websites. But when I try to post the images, I have to put them in great ugly blocks in the middle of my review. I've seen many other people post albums, but I comb across the interface for fifteen minutes, and I see nothing that looks even remotely like an album. I check every single button on the UI. No luck Frustrated, I give up on writing my review, and tell my story to all of my friends on social media. Too bad, as well. I was going to give their product a five-star rating, accompanied from an in-depth review. I'm frustrated. Nozama loses me and my friends' business, and therefore our money. The company that made the product loses the customers it might have attracted had I posted that review. Everyone else doesn't have as much information about the product. In short, everyone loses. All because the review editing software was impossible to use without looking stuff up. Edit: @n.b.z. I'm glad about that too. But "at least it isn't <insert historical time period here>" isn't a valid defense of anything. Imagine if you called your water utility because what was coming out of the tap smelled like rotten eggs, and they replied "Well, at least you don't have to draw water from a dirty well!"
  4. That's awesome. I know a bunch of people on this forum are xkcd fans. By the way, you should check out the book. It's great. For instance, the preamble of the US Constitution (or as he calls it, the US's Laws of the Land): It's not that. It was well known that Randall plays KSP, as evidenced by this comic (and this one). It's that KSP inspired him to make a New York Times best-seller. Say, where'd your avatar go?
  5. Damage control? What damage am I controlling? What you call "damage control" I call "stating my opinion." Also, personal attacks? Really?
  6. Sure. How about literally every single Spacecraft Exchange thread made by a new member contained the phrase "I don't know how to embed pictures." How about that I had to google how to put a strikethrough in my post. (And yes, google it, because the old forum search was horrid.) How about superscript and subscript were non-existent. How about also having to google how to make a spoiler. The list goes on. Seems like you answered your own question there. It was nigh impossible to make nice-looking posts (especially OPs) in the forums unless you memorized twenty different codes. You can embed an image, you know. Feel free to criticize the new forum, but don't be childish, like with your signature. Thank God the new forum has an option to hide individual signatures.
  7. Most likely not, but everyone else followed the advice and emailed support@kerbalspaceprogram.com. So... Email those people. They can help you.
  8. First off, where is that car? Just Cause 3? Second, I personally prefer the WYSIWYG editor. You can do everything that you can do in BBCode (and in many cases more), but you don't have to memorize five hundred different codes. And finally... besides the editor, none of that is actually SQUAD's fault in any way. Just sayin'.
  9. How does one back up, on their home computer, a bunch of data stored in some server somewhere in a program not designed in any way to do that, then re-import that data into another server in a different place using a completely different piece of software not designed to do that?
  10. So, I assume you are affiliated with SQUAD? How do you know what was or was not in their control? I'm going to question your metaphor here. First off, SQUAD has been talking about this migration for a while now. They decided on a platform a while ago. I remember seeing hints of a new forum in 2014. The car here does in fact have seats (User accounts), tires (Connections to the Web), a wind shield and roof (Security, unlike vBulletin), lights (search tools, which I think are far better now), an engine (the server isn't a steaming puddle) and it even has some new things like automatic transmission (auto-parsed post and video links), a log of gas mileage (ability to easily see who repped a post), customizable heads-up display (custom subscription feeds), Bluetooth connectivity (A mobile site that actually works), and a digital speedometer (high-resolution avatars). The only issue is that you need to redo your auto insurance (subscription feed.) Just because you don't happen to like the color? Here's the thing. They're still installing everything, including various add-ons. To keep going with the car metaphor, they'll probably be putting in a new stereo (sketchfab embeds) and a dashboard GPS (Themes or some such. Analogy broke down a little there, but analogies are like oceans.)
  11. Like what? I personally can't think of an example.
  12. I agree that it sucks that people's subscriptions got cleared. However, we don't know whose fault that was. Does the person who carried out the move deserve to be fired due to something that was completely beyond their control? That would be like firing the entire devteam because KSP physics can't use multiple cores.
  13. What's so annoying about it? I honestly want to know.
  14. I get CenturyLink Gigabit Internet, so I have about 500 megabits per second both ways. That's actually bottlenecked by my wireless router though. When I connect directly I get about 930 megabits down/up.
  15. That makes much more sense. I think there's a bit of artistic license going on there, to keep the "held together by duct tape" theme going.
  16. 5/10 Do we still need to tell people that?
  17. Erm... Are your posts still there? Do your accounts work? Do you still have rep? Do you still have a signature? Are the forum servers up?
  18. What, you want to go back to an archaic method of formatting that's completely user-unfriendly and requires memorization of thirty different codes? The WYSIWYG editor can do everything BBCode can. There are two things that BBCode can do that this editor can't. Embed sketchfab models (Though Kasper is currently looking into this, so we should see it in a few weeks), and title spoilers. That's it. And the new editor can do far more. Table titles. Indents. Superscript and subscript. Far more font size options. Mentioning people. Links to other parts of the forum are auto-parsed and display the thread title, user, and number of replies. Not to mention, the new editor is far quicker to use and nicer-looking. Why anyone would ever want to use BBCode is completely beyond me. Also, @Endersmens, There is a limit of 25 rep-likes per day that can be given out by each person. This actually means you can give out half as much rep as before, as on Vbulletin you could give out 50 points per day (5 points times 10 reps).
  19. 8/10 Nice mod, and a clean sig.
  20. Tables work, thread links work (and are glorious in my opinion), and videos work too! Thread links and video links are auto-parsed, tables are super easy, and they can have titles! Examples:
  21. Here's something that's bugged me about The Martian. So, about halfway through the movie, one of the hab's airlocks explodes for Reasons, killing Watney's plants and generally causing Bad Things to Happen. Watney fixes the damage with what appears to be plastic sheeting and duct tape. The moment I saw that scene, I went "What? That sheeting is way too weak!" So, I ran the numbers. Judging by this image, the airlock tunnel is about six feet in diameter, or 72 inches. This works out to a radius of 36 inches. If we calculate the area of the sheeting with the equation a = πr2, we find that the sheet is about 4071.5 in2 in area. (For simplicity, I'm not accounting for the bulge visible in many of the scenes.) We can assume that the hab was pressurized to slightly lower than Earth atmospheric pressure. Let's assume it was pressurized to the pressure of an airliner cabin, about 11 pounds per square inch. Now, if we do the math, we find that that sheeting was withstanding about 45 thousand pounds of air pressure. (About 20 thousand kilograms.) In other words, that sheeting was withstanding the force of about nine fully grown Asian elephants standing on it. There is no way that that tarp is withstanding that kind of force. (Note: I am not an engineer. Feel free to correct me.)
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