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Everything posted by Liquid5n0w

  1. Here is an idea for an interesting and novel part that would fit perfectly into KSPI, just reading about it makes it sound like high tech magic that would be very cool to see in practice. I'd love to research Magnetoshell Aerocapture in KSP and stick it on a lander for Duna. http://nextbigfuture.com/2016/05/magnetoshell-aerocapture-for-manned.html
  2. It's really not in working state right now, the bugs mean that you should not use the parts as they will me mostly empty when you launch.
  3. Something must be wrong with my install, all of the upgrade prices are the same as .90 for me, and when I change the values in your mod, nothing changes in your game? My game says it's 1.0.2, but I don't believe it now... I just installed the no more grind mod from .90 and it worked, upgraded them without an issue. And I think before I started modding it the costs were from .90, not from 1.0.2 Odd right?
  4. Seems to work for me, but I was super confused why I lost all reactors, but eventually realised that I don't have NF reactors installed because it doesn't support .90. Is there a way to use it in .90?
  5. I just tried with that file and it still seems to not help. I also tried to load the stock tech tree, but I still get particle accelerators and nuclear power, so obviously isn't working. Process for loading another techtree is: 1. delete techmanager file in your save game 2. reload the savegame. I must be doing something wrong. Also the KSPI unofficial for CTT does not look at all like the other files, looks like its missing a header?
  6. I'm really liking how this mod looks! I will definitely start a new save and play with it, especially if you build sounding rockets support into the beginning of the tech tree! Does this work well with the KSPI maintenance version? He seems to have done something different with his tech tree. A couple of mod suggestions: Filter extensions, makes building things so much easier to find parts. Science Containers, really works great Station Science, could definitely use tech tree integration, also has a bunch of little addons Extraplanetary Launchpads, maybe you can build it into the tree. Maybe you could stretch out the tiers of the buildings a bit, make getting the last upgrades happen later then the stock game?
  7. I've been tried to use KSPI with the community tech tree, so that I can use other technologies as the same time, but it seems like multiple things stop working if I do that? Is there a known way to use it with this mod? http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/100385
  8. Uninstall OSRX, install Regolith.
  9. Thanks for the update! Note, CKAN is still showing RC2, which will be causing a bunch of people frustration once EPL is released shortly.
  10. I don't think anyone else has tried to recompile it, so perhaps you could just try to recompile and see what is still broken? I suspect the multiple changes to biomes will cause the biggest issue.
  11. I'm running KER from the CKAN and I'm up to date. I'll try out deleting settings, but it was happening with a totally fresh install of .90 when I deleted and redownloaded it and started a fresh save. That mod is just a MM script that adds the effect to all command parts. I tested it without and still had the same problem. If this keeps up I'll just get another fresh install and find out if I'm crazy.
  12. Think you could add your mod to CKAN for auto updates? Also is AVC compatible with the .version file?
  13. That is not the case. I was using a mod that added the modules for KER and MJ to all command capable parts, so I suspected something broke with it. http://www.curse.com/ksp-mods/kerbal/221500-mechjeb-and-engineer-for-all I tested it with the flight module and still have the same problem, I can see the KER hud things on the top by altitude and I can modify them, but I cannot open any of the flight windows. So this is an isolated problem? Only I am affected?
  14. I use use KER in the VAB and the HUD displays work great, but I can't open any of the specific displays while flying (Orbit, vessel, ETC). Is that a known conflict or something I'm doing wrong?
  15. Think you could add your mod to CKAN? Also why not add a .version file for AVC?
  16. Great mod! Why not add it to CKAN and get the AVC version file in there so people can be kept up to date?
  17. I definitely think you should update and adapt this mod to the new interface, multiple things it does better.
  18. Now that is totally awesome, thank you! Just need to get my new campaign to the point where I could use any of this stuff.
  19. Library is broken with .90, but the monitor works.
  20. So this is no longer needed as MKS/Karbonite now includes EPL support? Is there anything this would do to help?
  21. I installed that and I still can't seem to see Ore on SatScan, but I can see it when I look for it directly with the part turned on. Is there a better way to get rocketparts for EPL? should I just switch from Karbonite to Kethane?
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