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  1. The Egyptians weren't aware of camels, living in the desert... The Bible depicts volcanic eruptions, while the nearest volcano is in Italy, and to some extent, in Turkish mountains... Noah has built the ark from wooden planks which require mechanic lumberyard (first built n XIV cent. Germany), exactly like the "Christopher Columbus" / "A Dove, Carrying Christ" project ships from 1492. From that exact 1492 AD = 7000 from World Creation, which was the XV century horror, as the last year of world existence (cuz 1 Day = 1000 humans years), so that even the Easter tables weren't continued until it passed. And what a funny coincidence that a half of the Northern star map consists of parts of the former "Navis" / "Ship" (aka Ship of Argo, Columbus Ship, Noah Ship) constellation, later divided into a ten of minor constellations (Carina / Keel, Vela / Sails, Puppis / Stern, Pyxis, Antlia, Columba), representing the 1492 expedition in search of the New World instead of the doomed to sink Old World, of course performed by a fictional epic hero "Christopher Columbus", rather than the whole Catholic Roman Empire, to transfer chosen people to a new land which had to be over there. King Solomon, using a large transparent glass (technology from XV/XVI) to fool the Sabean Queen. A thing, daily usual for a writer from XVI, but absolutely unknown for a person even from XIV, let alone the "ancient" times. The same Solomon, using a special magic worm to make curved holes in stones. The usual building technology from early XVI concrete building, put a gypsum'ed rope into concrete, let them freeze, them just pull out the rope. The so-called Phoenicians, building wooden plank ships (technology of XV) in the MidEastern desert, providing Solomon with them and various wooden plank lumbery. And almost exactly same biographies of Solomon and Suleiman the Magnificent, who lived exactly in the XVI, when all Solomon's technologies were up-to-date and absolutely usual. All of that really makes to believe in reality of Ancient Egypt and its friends.
  2. Interesting fact: while the Bible mentions the camels, the Egyptian furry temples don't depict them.
  3. Granted. Now the forum mods accept all game mods at all. I wish for the SlarSystem.cfg file.
  4. It needs to call a bug and a bear, and roll a triple six. As the centaurs have human throat nd horse kidneys, does it mean they can consume infinite amount of beer?
  5. The soup you are dropping, is plopping and hopping. It's good for the shopping, the chopping, the popping. Waiter! I find this lobster's face strangely familiar.
  6. Necromancy is an art of unbanning the deleted accounts.
  7. Moar oil, moar sugar, moar species! Bakeheavy cookie.
  8. "Am I the first person on all Mars? Or only on this particular Mar?"
  9. Gets greedy. Inserts magiquand / magikwand.
  10. Calling 911 to repair the conservation laws.
  11. A socket connection to another inverse, Connected universe.
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