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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Granted. The Rogue One sequel. Two charred skeletons are sitting around on the glassy coast of the former sea... Two hours later one of them drops his jaw. I wish the SW cookquel.
  2. Deuterium concentration is significantly different. So be many others, depending on their origin.
  3. [snip] @Aerodynamic Kerbal is banned for recidivism. P.S. And for making me start a newp age.
  4. Conclusion: cars significantly decrease the melanoma death rate by giving it not enough time to appear. *** Interesting, is the melanine-rich skin really better protected from the harmful UV, or this is just an armchair science like: "The Africa is full of sun, the Africans are dark-skinned, so the melanine protects them by absorbing UV. It's an adaptive mechanism for sunny climate. For example, the white-skinned Europeans in Africa suffer from UV much more often, it's a medical statistics". But maybe this just means that the white population of Africa is observed more often? Just baby black Africans in a village get UV problems as often but are not observed, and die before getting into any statistics? I mean, when the melanine is in an animal fur, it of course protects from UV, because the hair cells are already separated from the organism, so if they are damaged, nobody cares. But when the melanine is in a cell of skin, this means that it absorbs only the UV which already has broken into the living cell. So, why should a the dark skin be more protective?
  5. Granted. You go to Wal-Mart and share your smartphone Wi-Fi. I wish for better moons around the Earth.
  6. KSP with PipBoy-K000 and FusRoDah engines. Dwemer SAS from Draconic Griffonic Electronics. And extraterrestrial moons, full of clips for Desert Keagle.
  7. In Commonwealth and Japan the Truck Driver should be mirrored.
  8. Banned for not being the next in The Next game thread.
  9. @Aerodynamic Kerbal @TwoCalories @KerballingSmasher @Scarecrow71 are banned, they know, for what.
  10. As the uranium half-life is 4.6 Gy, the uranium ore would be ore of lead.
  11. https://ru-m-wikipedia-org.translate.goog/wiki/Проект_атомной_бомбы_ХФТИ_1940_года?_x_tr_sl=ru&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=ru&_x_tr_pto=wapp The early version of H-Bomb (pure hydrogenic D+T+H, without uranium, fruiting in the cancelled RDS-6t) was on everyones table since <unknown>, but maybe since mid-1930s). They can. The first nuclear reactor had exploded in Germany, Leipzig L-IV, near Leipzig. 1942, 44 years before Chernobyl. *** Related Deutsche Kaptcha: Kernphysikalische Forschungsberichte
  12. https://www-rbc-ru.translate.goog/rbcfreenews/64bd18ec9a79473f4071d36a?_x_tr_sl=ru&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=ru&_x_tr_pto=wapp Soyuz MS-25 with Belarussian female cosmonaut Marina Vasilevskaya is planned on March, 13, 2024.
  13. Banned for accusing Pliny The Elder in lies.
  14. Granted. Every time he feels the Force nearby, he starts scratching and vomiting. I wish for a jar-jar of binks.
  15. Like the people who live at the sea and never swim, because it's trivial, I live in a sunny place and never go tanning intentionally.
  16. They are vampires, so pale and afraid of sun, but still need UV for vitamine D production. So, they invented the coffin-like tanning devices. Also they wear dark glasses to hide their eyes from occasional viewer.
  17. Being scared, the ostrich sticks its head into sand, and gets banned.
  18. Granted. Rey has found a wallet, now she is rich. I wish the Ewoks were eating eucalipt leaves.
  19. if you gaze long into a soup, the soup also gazes into you. Waiter! A big soupburger, please.
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