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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. The words "лазерная очистка" give a lot of commercial videos. https://rustan.ru/stanki/lazernye_stanki/lazernaya-ochistka-metalla-ot-rjavchiny https://www.youtube.com/@user-uk7re4jh8r/videos
  2. It is revelatory, that "adrenochrome" caused no questions...
  3. That's because Lucas had written "Han" in the "[ ??? ] shoots. " field.
  4. It's just hard to imagine... Looks so innocent... https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12302933/Former-police-volunteer-claims-revealed-identity-Jack-Ripper.html Probably, the London police could not believe that it's so obvious, that can't be the truth. P.S. Actually, he would be the first suspected for me, once I had read his name/surname.
  5. Banned by Thoth and Snotra for blasphemy.
  6. Floor 3524: The unknown lost fragment of the Bayou Tapestry.
  7. Possible, but needless. The low thrust replaces the ullage motors, lets separate the next stage more softly, as the empty stage is still controlling its attitude, and lets stop the engine at predictable moment of time, before the fuel tank is actually empty.
  8. It looks really discouraging, when the movie fans devalue the individuality of their favorite characters by stating that they are just mindless marionettes in hands of a puppeteer, and have no free will. What next? Saying that Santa visits the homes via the smoke pipes and only once per year, because it's just written in his script?
  9. The last page of the "KSP-1 Modding: Release" subforum with a KSP-1 mod marked as "1.12.*", which I have seen after getting through from page 1, was 85 of 168, Total space occupied by the downloaded mods (including grabbed youtubes and imgurs), is ~150 GB (including ~59 GB of all Kopernicus mods and ~87 GB of others). I expect, it will be ~200 GB when I finish. Total space of the previously downloaded old mod versions ~80 GB (including numerous duplicates), but this is is without other old downloads on other external HDD drives, which are obviously obsolete and not needed anymore. I mean, maybe this info is useful for some sociological purposes, idk. *** To save the mods and save the space, I extract all versions of same mod into one directory, and 7-zip them into one archive. As they mostly consist of same files, the archive is several times smaller than if keep them in their original archives. The latest version of every mod I also store in a separated archive as hot reserve. I don't really need them/all of them, but what if I will need something later? Thus, I pack them instead of removing. Though, I keep only last versions of the planet packs, because unlikely I can ever launch an old KSP release to open and old planet pack version. Except the KittopiaTech planet packs, because they are history. *** Usually I use this great utility to search/remove the duplicates. https://www.nirsoft.net/utils/search_my_files.html
  10. Banned for esoterics. Astrally.
  11. https://pikabu-ru.translate.goog/story/tsifrovoy_intsest_10465398?_x_tr_sl=ru&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=ru&_x_tr_pto=wapp
  12. Banned for banning for the medieval body liquids.
  13. That's what happens when, instead of lessons, the student is sitting and switching between pikabu and topwar.
  14. Banned for cropping the cat image.
  15. Bread. At least it. And monosodium glutamate. Maybe just the latter. As there is monosodium glutamate, is there stereosodium glutamate?
  16. Banned for serving the de Fault family.
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