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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. With or without WWII, a primitive nuclear device would appear and be tested within a decade from the fission discovery. WWII just made this a little faster due to the motivation, but WWII absence would make it easier due to economy. Also, once you have started uranium enrichment for the reactor, you automatically get fissiles for much simpler military needs.
  2. Btw... This pogo stick can be used as a pusher plate. Orion Leaping Tank.
  3. 1. Start building a fortified rocket base on the Moon. 2. Widely report and discuss on TV. 3. Let everyone know that it's almost operational and invulnerable. ....... 9.Start mining the uranium penetrators from the former base crater. 10 PROFIT!!!
  4. No more twits and birds in Twitter. Only X.
  5. Wallace Leaping Tank https://tanks-encyclopedia.com/wallace-leaping-tank/
  6. Banned for just 8% of Linbol System Rebirth.
  7. More trees means more wolves. How many neutrons in the atom of tetritium?
  8. They had excessive 12 000 t of silver. So, they were able to enrich the U in calutrons, instead of centrifuges and various weird early designs. While the USSR was building centrifuges from the very beginning. (Not without help of the pre-WWII German engineers, driven away by pedants.)
  9. It's a project manager comment: "TODO: Remove before release." It was a debug mode feature. Properly designed organisms don't need such ugly workarounds.
  10. Whiskey. A key from the whisdoor or other whislocks.
  11. Granted. They feed you through the pipe in the nose. That's how it works. Why, do you think, they are so desperate attackers? I wish to finish this phrase.
  12. First ungo the previous go. Are the stars of fiction fictious stars?
  13. "over"+"simple" is an oxymoron cheating.
  14. Banned for making me googling. Elphaba is the evil twin of Moaning Myrtle, later became professor McGonnagal, after imprisoning the real professor in the toilet, and brainwashing her so that she forgot her real name Minerva and was thinking that she is Myrtle.
  15. Look better. B and C should be also there, it's an alphabet soup. Btw. Waiter! Where s the "space" character?
  16. They laugh at the Matrix, where people are used as a cheap source of energy. Cats invented the Matrix before it became mainstream.
  17. The Martian also contains nitrogen. By scooping it and converting into ammonia (with hydrogen from water ice), they can produce the ammolox fuel pair, and even hydrazine. As there is a lot of CO2, they can produce N-methylhydrazines as well.
  18. The necessity was in the vulnerability of British Islands as an aircraft carrier, and their expected occupation. It would dramatically decrease the bombing ability, so they started both intercontinental bomber and nuclear bomb.
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