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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Banned for cloning the commanders.
  2. I did it for you just now. The Kerbals taste like a dusty glass of display.
  3. Floor 4005: Be careful! That thing... from the floor 4004... It's crawling to you!
  4. All this Voyager is, of course, nice. But the most important question is still remaining unclear. Can the aliens, capturing Voyager, hack or send a trojan to the NASA computer, and open a backdoor at the humanity backdoor? It dsappeared, then reappeared. Who knows, where it was, and what it was doing in between.
  5. Floor 4001: A caption: "Still one floor above."
  6. Just suddenly discovered, that a link with blue caption of a renamed user in old posts keeps his original name, but the popup window on the mouse hover shows his current name. (For ethical reasons, didn't try to copy the old link into a new post to watch if it makes possible to address to a user by his old name.)
  7. Fan girls are banned since the air conditioners had replaced the fans.
  8. Floor 3996: a big ape, sitting on the air conditioner intake.
  9. An old Voyager signal had reached the sky dome, reflected, and returned back. Several decades later they will receive it again, reflected by the opposite side of the dome. P.S. And no, it doesn't mean that the dome is 50 l.y. away. Just the light gets slower where the Voyager is flying.
  10. Granted. Now wait for its fixing. I wish for KSP-1.12.7.mm.50.cal.
  11. As Molotov is dead long ago, his appearance would make indelible impression for the rest of their life.
  12. cold fusion reactor + hot supermagnet + Em-drive = ...
  13. Back to the "nse" = "wisdom" word in English. And what do you think?!
  14. It's an ideal soup. All of its ideas are great. Waiter! Are you waiting for tips?
  15. Granted. You open your eyes, and see yourself lying on the sand, in Sinai desert, among strangely looking people in archaic clothes... I wish, you remember the text.
  16. What is soup? What is world? What is all of us? You tell me. W-ater! Water!
  17. Even if burns, nobody cares, just buy another one. Proper boots and aerodynamic cap are required, too.
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