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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Dust is driven out. Outdustrial Hill
  2. First photos from Luna-25 https://www.interfax.ru/russia/916169 https://iki.cosmos.ru/news/ot-zemli-uleteli-letim-k-lune P.S. So, the rumors are confirmed, the Moon officially exists.
  3. Almost all VA TKS depictions in KSP mods and so include the red support structure on its hatch door, actually never mounted on it in flight. It's just for the rescue team to softly open the jettisonnable hatch door on ground.
  4. Is not, when you are a student in 1980s and are buying and reading the Steel Rat series, because several years earlier you were hunting Deathworld in old magazines, like I was.
  5. Banned for using double extension files: mortal.com.bat
  6. The ban expires. Unbanned Hill.
  7. When looking at the colored bottles in a foodstore, you are trying to identify propellants.
  8. I would say, Ayvazovskiy had painted this in 1851, and the descriptions thoroughly avoid the proton torpedoes (or nuclear-powered missiles), depicted on it. This makes to think that the painter was drawing what he was said to, including the mysterious artifacts to distract the public attention from some real things, using the fake 1812 nuclear war (together with the XIX Global Flood and buried city building storeys) as camouflage. P.S. A funny fact: in Russian "yadro" means both "atomic nucleus" and "cannonball", so "yadernaya" ("nuclear") is a wordplay "cannonball artillery" / "nuclear artillery". As they had no idea about atomic nuclei till 1910s, the wordplay could be constructed not earlier than in mid-XX. (Personally I was joking so in 1970s/1980s school). Related audio: (Btw, on the coming UFO visit topic also.)
  9. Fa-330 rotary kite. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Focke-Achgelis_Fa_330
  10. Granted. Just put on wings and start starfighting. I wish they can use this as a snitch.
  11. He becomes Cook-Cook in this case. Why were they storing so much dynamite on Alderaan?
  12. S-word is filtered. Word Hill
  13. It already has by orders of magnitude more iron than the industrial revolutioners were ever thinking of.
  14. When you are still awaiting for the Krag's PlanetFactory update, because Kopernicus is too young.
  15. Because it means. Waiter! These beans are beaningless.
  16. 10/10 Only humans care. I am a human, because I am not a huwoman.
  17. Granted. The Sun change is rolled back. I wish for backup Universe.
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