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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. The Humanoid (1979) https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0080058/ The lost & found part of SW, in every its frame.
  2. The real planetary position calculation is not a real N-body physics. It's a set of empirical formulas and coefficients. https://www.amazon.com/Astronomy-Personal-Computer-Oliver-Montenbruck/dp/3540672214 (With CD-ROM, it contains program sources.) P.S. And actually, it's very simplified. Real calculations include several GB large precalculated tables.
  3. Idk, wiki says this, and wiki never lies. A trick to protect the test cryptocurrency from human cybersquatting. Next time it will be more serious.
  4. The Technological Singularity is scheduled on 2045. It's still on schedule.
  5. The very fact that the governments haven't cancelled it right from the very beginning, makes to think that they know, WHO/WHAT stands behind... And especially at the peak of global warming campaign, when every joule is counted.
  6. Bitcoins. AI has invented them to pay meatbags.
  7. Yes, wiki. "Utopian philosophy of Tsiolkovsky" https://ru-m-wikipedia-org.translate.goog/?_x_tr_sl=ru&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=ru&_x_tr_pto=wapp&_x_tr_hist=true#Утопическая_философия_Циолковского It's far more than anyone usually has read from his ancestry. Actually, it's nothing to read there, as he wasn't an educated person, and his ideas were randomly reflecting extreme ideas of his epoch. Basically, it's just a marginal echo of then-mainstream mysticism and theosophy of Blavatskaya, Rerikh, Gurdzhiev, Vernadskiy, and a bunh of ortodox religious-phylosophic mysticists (unlike Tsiolkovskiyy, sent out from Soviet Russia). In the USSR he was just an officially iconic figure, never studied farther than several basic quotes and portrait.
  8. It was an earlier design, but yes, several failed tests are better than one random success. As a last chance Russia can ask Norway for help. They are good in drakkars. (As the coming ROSS will be in polar LEO, so Scandinavia is the closest place)
  9. Floor 3466: A carpenter 100 gram. You wonder what strange wooded things are performed with this.
  10. Soon to the Moon. Maybe. Since Apollos stopped flying in early 1970s, the Luna park didn't have immediate purpose till now. together don't have a Soyuz rocket, so Russia is going to do this alone. I bet that it absolutely doesn't play a role if this exact instance fails or wins. Its modified 1F platform is what's really important. (I saw that Moon last evening. Nothing special to fly there just for flag.)
  11. I-obviouisly-dk if it's true. But doesn't sound exotically. They say, it's the last conversation, but its source isn't given. https://pikabu.ru/story/transkript_peregovorov_utonuvshego_batiskafa_i_neskolko_fotografiy_10454608?cid=278466113
  12. Banned because how could he visit it, when it's 2% complete?
  13. Floor 3464: A pented car of the car penter.
  14. Unless it's used to ignite the civilians against each other to cause a mass fratricide. The best IT scam of decade, to account for budget funding. While even the talibs themselves didn't plan farther than "let's see, who gives more, what the chief will say, and what will be the machine-gunner mud next morning (he's the chief's nephew)", the American data miners have already counted, which mosquito bites them next minute. The Kabul airport videos kinda tell that something went wrong with the prognosing. The columbining (in wide sense) still isn't being predicted even in the highly controllable urban and military medium. The current events, and the last month very current events (of one small but active military company) also look not very predicted, regardless of the analytics' clever pokerfaces, who "knew about that before".
  15. UC! It works! Let's start broadcasting Das Kapital with SETI antennas, and the comrade E.T. will join us! P.S. There is always a good reason for the human-like aliens: teenager dreams about space chicks, because school girls are too stupid The Precursors. The developed civilisation of mysterious Precursors was hijacking people from this rare habitable planet, and planting them everywhere where they can survive. (Or they cannot, then we get the ruins of the old wise human-like civilisation, which is fine, too). A interesting fact. The very term "precursors" perfectly matches this purpose in any sense of the term.
  16. They have only one pilot. Left cabin: pilot and gunner, right cabin: navigator and gunner-radioman. So, they also had a gunslinger option to decide.
  17. There will never be Half-Life 3. Because there are only two halves. The #3 would be One-Third-Life 3.
  18. What if wash hands with antiseptic on return to home. Something like the classic chlorhexidine, but with your local specifics.
  19. Afair, average lifespan of a cat in wild nature is 5 years, in street 2 years. So, you are definitely not guilty. Just sooner or later some random event becomes fatal in the sequence of prevented dangers. The cats are predators with territorial instinct, so don't treat their communication practices like human ones. As you weren't reacting on that cat's signals too friendly, she was probably puzzled, why her greeting protocol doesn't work on you like it should, but as you were feeding her, she was just considering your communication abilities underdeveloped, and wasn't bothering much.
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