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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Floor 3461: One Scutigera coleoptrata. The last bug standing.
  2. Don't ask, whom what those sausages and bacon were made from. Whatever they it were, the money won't be returned anyway. Try thinking that it was a chicken. After all, if it wasn't, theywouldn't cook it that easily. Understand and forgive them. They just had returned from the first diner, and didn't have a time to wash the blood off.
  3. I mean, there is 400 000 km between these two stations... A safety margin.
  4. So, the orbital station will be Indian-Russian, the lunar base Chinese-Russian? Makes sense. P.S. When I was writing here a couple of years ago that the lunar base will be not a 3d-printed hipster camp with fancy crystal domes, but a trench fortress protected with sandbags, they were thinking, I'm joking. They are always thinking, I'm joking. Who knows, why...
  5. Las-Vegas. From real to unreal. From vice to insanity. This scary thing is 111 m high. Imho, they should call it King Lewis Sphere. I would suggest a huge funhouse mirror mode. P.S. The Las-Vegans, two years later.
  6. Floor 3454: A hotel room secretly photographed by the obscura on the hidden 3453B level.
  7. The wheels are out. So optimistically...
  8. https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Бе-12 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beriev_Be-12
  9. This statue costed $498 at the village market where they came from, and Indiana knew its weight exactly. He just was trying to impress the girl and colleagues, like always.
  10. I didn't want to ban the swamp alligators. I just took a bath after these sweaty hot days.
  11. Granted. You have a dead lizard at the door. Sorry, no better dinos we have. I wish for a pet planet.
  12. Banned in the heat of the night by mosquitos.
  13. Since many centuries had passed, the ancient mechanism got jammed, and Indiana's leap of faith finished at the ravine bottom.
  14. Granted. Now you wish it better didn't, rather than having such sense. Grante, too. You are the imposter in a mongus, whatever it is. I wish digits were letters.
  15. The full moon will tell. Why is the full moon so amusing these days?
  16. I've seen them in vivo. The pilots were disliking them, this was lasting for a while, then it had been dismissed.
  17. https://www.projectrho.com/public_html/rocket/artificialgrav.php As always.
  18. The problem is perfectly solved in the places of the world, where your life and your deadly force is your only property. On the other hand, what if you are a landlord (not a beggar who is leasing a flat to other beggars for a fistful of dollars, but a real, true landlord, like George Washington was) the "others" are your property. Can you use the deadly force to protect them as your property, justifying it as "they are a part of me and others"? What a horrible bourgeous jungle is abroad... In our childhood we only were reading about kids visiting others' gardens and somethimes shot from a gun with a pack of salt. And every time were being shocked that the books for kids propagate such criminal behaviour. (I mean, the someone fence trespassing, not the shooting with salt). Indeed. *** A teacher gives a homework: "Tomorrow every pupil should bring a self-made mousetrap." Next day. "Well, kids, show me your crafts." %name A% puts on the table a wooden plank with a big nail sticking out with sharp end. "Well, %name A%, please explain, how it works." (Emotionally explains with gestures) "The mouse will come, see no cheese on the nail, and will... (starts shaking with head up-down, histerically hitting the nail with chin)" 'WHERE. IS. MY. CHEESE. ???"' "Good, %name A%, now your turn, %name B%". %name B% puts on the table a wooden plank with a razor blade sticking out with sharp edge. "Well, please explain." (Emotionally explains with gestures) "The mouse will come, see no cheese at the razor, and will start shrilly whining (starts shaking with head left-right, occasionally rubbing the razor with throat)" 'They left no cheese for me..."' Good, %name B%, what about you, %name C%"?. %name C% puts on the table two bricks vertically, then puts the third one on top. Then puts a piece of cheese inside. (Emotionally explains with gestures) "The mouse will come, see thecheese, and will say "Wow! What a nice cheese for me!" (widely spreads hands in excitement, and pushes the two bricks, letting the top brick fall down)".
  19. Thread1 [x] Always mark as being read. (Just an idea)
  20. That's because brunettes are always nicer than blondes.
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