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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Dyno had various options, this one probably too.
  2. Even warlocks flew in 747.
  3. Covered with stuck wrenches and screwdrivers. And a ten of skeletons in spacesuits.
  4. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blood_Drive_(TV_series) Now for rockets.
  5. Double stars and star cluisters (which had appeared from the same dense gas cloud). The former are close to each other from scratch, the latter are swarming in a limited volume.
  6. So, it is a reincarnation of DynaSoar, which had a bomber option by default. As the modern RV shells look being enough perfect, so the obvious coming direction of their progress is low-altitude SLBM trajectory for the Prompt Global Strike. And as we can read in wiki, W93 and Mark 7 are purposed exactly for SLBM. So, the Mark 7 probably uses same technologies as the HTV-2 hypersonic demonstrator and its friends. As the now-modern RV are enough heatproof to survive the deorbit from LEO, Mark 7 will be probably appropriate to reenter at 11 km/s as well, i.e. return from HEO. If so, it makes the Mark 7 + W93 assembly be the ammo for a hypothetical HEO launch platform. If take the LOP-G modules as a base (especially the low-thrust long-term energetical module), it makes LOP-G a perfect base for such HEO missile platform. Also we can see the rather strange dances with Orion (a decade ago they launched something, then an eight-year long pause, then a year of attempts to launch, and now the launch.) While the lunar capabilities of Orion and SLS were doubted on this forum many times, as they are really weak. But the strange perseverance in funding it (and strange jumps between the different lunar base projects), and as well in funding CST-100 (which doesn't have an aim after the ISS deorbit and Crew Dragon flights), makes to think that not the silliest persons who do this see their purpose enough clear just delayed. Of course, their purpose can't be just in delivering tourists for the hypothetical Axiom, Bigelow, or other such things. Crew Dragon is enough for these adult toys. Any LEO and HEO platform would need servicing and support (like Hubble was serviced by Shuttle). So, CST and Orion look perfect support crew ships for LEO and HEO platforms respectively. If so, we'll see orbital missile infrastructure being developed by 2040.
  7. Sine < sin + e. What you are guilty in. Cosine < co- + sin + e. What you are guilty in, together with somebody. Tangent = sine / cosine ratio You own part of guilt compared to you part of the group guilt.
  8. I wish for Morse key in addition to keyboard. (Actually, I have a nicely feeled semi-toy one, but am lazy to attach it as an additional mouse key).
  9. Floor 3260: Demo Critus is arguing with ARIS Total. IT warz.
  10. Floor 3258: A portal to Sanduny, or Sandunovskiye Baths.
  11. Post-boost vehicles of ballistic rockets love the single-chamber-different-nozzles design. (Not all of them, but turbo-pumped and solid fuel ones). *** Also, the anti-tank missiles. Though, their nozzles arre fixed.
  12. And the wolves from Belorussian territory. They ate everything mutated, including mutated wolvlings.
  13. A lunar winter holidays lifehack. You can make a snowman regoman out of regolith, as its sticky nature is similar to wet snow. *** Just Santa will have problems with the pressurized smokepipe, so you must keep the doors open to let him enter.
  14. No need in space plane to test a fuel-cell battery, no need to return it back. Any satellite could do that, or the ISS. Also, 1 t of fuel cells per decade looks too puny for a space program. Space lasers also can pe placed on a sat. And a 227 kg laser looks too lightweight, compared to the typical estimations and known prototypes which usually were from several to tens of tonnes. In case of warhead, you have to return it back to saw and see, and to not leave it in orbit (where it can be explored), and to return it right to the military base. Preferrably you should use a maneuverable craft to evade from others' inspector satellites while it's flying. So, a mini-spaceplane matches these needs perfectly, and so it looks that they are married to each other in sense of purpose and sense. Any other payload is too meaningless for such spaceplane program, any other spacecraft looks poorly appropriate for such payload. But together they make sense, and the increasing in steps flight durations look very close to what they need to test both orbital warhead and orbital warhead platform. Thus, it's with no doubt a test of the orbital craft itself. But there is no purpose for a spaceplane staying in orbit for years, except when it's used as a long-term platform for something what should be secretly kept in orbit and then secretly returned to the Earth. The planned X-37B with (wiki) 1+ t payload could be a laser platform as well. But its payload is several times greater than X-37B's, so can't be tested on it. Rather than that, a single warhead tested on X-37B is what a bomber version of X-37C could carry. (I don't state that the plan will ever go farther than the tests, as most of known space plans usually fruit into something pathetic compared to the original idea.) Not X-37B but its planned ancestor, X-37C. X-37B is a test platform.
  15. Banned for being not banned for two hours.
  16. Granted. You use Ctrl and KeyPad +/- together. I wish for additional funny buttons on the keyboard.
  17. SE: You are among the crew of the USS Eldridge, and hear: "Three... Two... One... Blast!!!" SP: Reading info from the sci-fi movie computer disk drives.
  18. When you start digging artifacts from them right into the real world.
  19. Granted. The grader makes grading faster. I wish for Aladdin's Lamp.
  20. They are still seeking for Coffeelosopher's Stone.
  21. Banned for not inserting the apostrophe. i'll do that.
  22. Great Flood Ninja'd. Coffee Great Flood.
  23. Why? It's the leeward side of the hill, so the hut won't be overturned by wind. Just look at this pair of long vexilla on top. Also, they wisely put it on expandable stilts to have the door enough high. A flood wouldn't flood it even after a strong lunar rain. And moreover, it stands on a high ground, so the lunar water will be flowing down, to the lowland to the right. And look at that small ground ridge behind the hab. It protects the hab from water flowing down from hill. Whoever did it, he knows a lot about proper building. It looks like a good stormproof lunar hab.
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