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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. No. Their specific calorific value is pathetic even if compare them to chemical rocket propellants. Chemical explosives are rather poor source of energy, they just release it quickly. TNT provides ~4.2 MJ/kg. The most calorific explosives ~8 MJ/kg. Hydrocarbon fuel ~40 MJ/kg, oxidizer:fuel ratio of rocket engines ~2.5, so in total 12 MJ/kg. Even the best chemical explosives are much weaker than bad rocket fuel. Fissiles are ~17.5 kt/kg ~= 7.4*107 MJ/kg. A whole nuclear charge for Orion would mass about 100..200 kg, including ~4 kg of fissiles, so even then it's ~106 MJ/kg, by orders of magnitude more than any chemistry can provide. Exhaust speed of the chemicals (and thus ISP) does not exceed 10 km/s. Even their detonation speed doesn't. Even shaped charges achieve just 15 km/s speed. While the nuclear Orion jet speed is > 100 km/s. So, a chemical Orion makes no sense at all. While the nuclear Orion is an unique combination of high ISP (and thus efficiency for the same propellant mass) and high thrust (so it can easily lift up from the gravity well of a planet and accelerate to interplanetary speed in less than an hour). This makes it outstanding and the only known realistic project of real crewed space flights.
  2. Being compared to the cooling system and magnetic nozzles, it's even overpowered. Orion nozzle and cooling system are literally consist of nothing. Orion should use uranium, plutonium (4 kg) causes too many problems. Orion needs just several tonnes of weapon-grade uranium to deliver by order of magnitude greater mass than a biggest chemical rocket. Energetically it's very efficient, compared to its alternatives, only the cost of uranium charges limits, and the lower limit of a nuclear charge yield per this cost. The yield may be as low as possible, but still requires ~4 kg of fissiles, so too low yield is too expensive. It doesn't just "put together enough fissiles", it produces a highly developed direct blast of the 3rd generation two-stage device , and the pusher plate is a complex gas- and hydrodynamic system receiving the pulse without damage. And they provide luminosity which would establish equilibrium temperature of any nozzle close to its melting point, thus limiting both the nozzle size from below and the total power (i.r. thrust) from above. So, any other design can provide only low thrust, inappropriate for both ascending or crewed missions. Nuclear plants are a steampunk. They just boil a steam boiler instead of woods, because they are cheaper than forest.
  3. So, all of this is just a planned survival drill. Nothing to worry about, rescue rangers are already in place.
  4. As a pipe is leaking, it's a time for cork and duct tape.
  5. A "bublic per..." wut, did you say? A decade or two of proper TV shows and influencer beauty blogs, and the next generation will be laughing at the old farts' fear of nuclear power, bringing these photos as an evidence of the obvious granny's sclerotic dementia. Especially when a petrol car is a luxury, while the nuke plant at horizon is feeding your Tesla. Fusion is more technically complicated. Chemical explosives are energetically weak, just their blow is quick. TNT is ten times weaker than petrol.
  6. Very often, if you had ever watched them.
  7. Of course. Everyone wants to stay onboard and watch what happens, give advices, stream...
  8. The Kerbals had found it by the side of the road. Humans think that the Kerbals are meter-high. But they aren't aware of the Kerbal meter actual size. Now you have an example for comparison. They are HUGE. How to train hype?
  9. Open the door and the fly at once? *** Now ISS is equipped with sauna. At least something instead of the absent bath.
  10. A more detailed description, but in Russian, and google hangs trying to translate this site. So, serve yourself or watch pictures. https://pikabu.ru/story/naschyot_termoyadernogo_sinteza_na_nif_9755572
  11. It's not a statues. Actually, it's a huge Vernier engine from giant alien starship, The nozzle and the chamber. Why Australia and Antarctics are so similar? Is one of them an evil twin of another one, or they arer just mirrored in hyperspace?
  12. Also AI-generated programs. I've seen them on other forums. And AI-generated posts. An AI subforum with Texts, Art, Music, Soft, Chat subsubforums.
  13. Thanks to the AI hype, millions of people in South Asia now have a good new job. Quickly writing the "AI-generated" texts and googling d-art for "AI-generated" pictures of noname amateur artists.
  14. Its cooling system presumes several (at least two) days of autonomous flight, while the deorbit takes a couple of orbits. So, it's probably enough even passive cooling. Currently it's attached to the station, so unlikely is heated much.
  15. A cooling system can't have no backup or redundancy, and they aren't going to be flying for three days. They are already docked, and need a short deorbit burn. After that they don't need the damaged thing.
  16. Try to ask it for KSP-2 source code and compile.
  17. The Cadian Blood (tm) can provide even better performance.
  18. It's exactly what the Soviet powerplants were doing since early times. A large powerplant is called ТЭЦ/TEC ("heat and power center"). They pump the hot water to warm a nearby city. But you can't concentrate the scattered heat, because you will lose more energy trying to do that. While the heat is concentrated in the turbine at ~1 000 K temperature, you can transform and redirect it. When the temperature is just 400 K, the heat is too scattered to redirect it in any other way than pumping hot water through the pipes to heat something 300 K warm, like houses, farms, fish pools. Because of temperature gradient. As the powerplant efficiency is exactly the difference between the original and final temperature, the hotter is the output, the weaker is the powerplant.
  19. Denmark = 6 mln Iceland = 0.4 mln Switzerland = 8.6 mln Very specific places with 15 mln of EU total 500 mln. +10% of Germany 83 mln = 8 mln. So, it's about 5% of EU population. And unlike 6 mln Denmark, 83 mln Germany (like also France or Britain) doesn't have a 900 mln rich neighbour as a backup UPS. The waste heat is called waste exactly because it's wasted instead of heating the water steam for the turbine. It can't be utilized, it can be only dumped into the water or air. Entropy is merciless. To make hydrogen, you need it as electricity, not as heat. You need it a concentrated, not dissipated form. So, the best thing you can use the waste heat for is farming chickens and fishes. They like the warmth. So, it can reduce the carbon footprint, but for the cost of local warming. At the equator it will cause a permanent local drought, in Artctics it will cause ice melting, methane release, and cold water fauna mass extinction. So, it has its own constrictions, and the steel production will be anyway being reduced, the recycling and economy will rule. Entropy. They can't. You need energy to focus energy. This means that you have to produce more waste heat to manage waste heat. According to wiki, the golden reserve of EU is ~11 000 t and of US ~8 000 t. I hope, it's enough to make golden pellets for frozen tritium (hysterically laughing). A golden capsule of frozen to nearly absolute zero tritium, Karl. It's a real economical breakthrough. Well, the next step is to replace gold with much cheaper tungsten, happily they stopped making the electric spiral lamps to have it enough. As we can see, the pellet shell has to be made of the exactly same materials as a tamper of fusion nuke secondary. High Z, high density. Platinoids, actinoids, tungsten, tantalum... (I forgot, did they find a tritium mine? Or still have to produce it from, say, lithium, in reactors?)
  20. On pikabu forum they mentioned this AI: https://stablediffusionweb.com/#demo Tried it. Looks a little better than crayion for me, but the forum pictures look not worse than MidJourney. Maybe for registered user extended options are available. Upd. If enter names of two people together with "mixed", it actually mixes them into one sometimes. With only names it usually puts them as a pair. Upd.2. For three people it works, too. It's a pity, the image save works, but the image URL return "data:5986735603578..." which is not understood by the KSP forum. Upd.3. It also works for "pferd hund mixed". It also partially understands Russian, but this ability is much more poor.
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